The Media Suggested The Colonization Of Venus By Aliens - Alternative View

The Media Suggested The Colonization Of Venus By Aliens - Alternative View
The Media Suggested The Colonization Of Venus By Aliens - Alternative View

Video: The Media Suggested The Colonization Of Venus By Aliens - Alternative View

Video: The Media Suggested The Colonization Of Venus By Aliens - Alternative View
Video: "Intelligent Life on Other Planets: What are the Odds?" 2024, September

Venus is one of the Earth's closest neighbors in the solar system, but we know very little about it - some Pluto, located much further away, has been studied much better than Venus. The mystery surrounding the second planet forces ufologists to work out the most incredible theories.

Some experts in the field of the paranormal suggest that entire cities exist on the surface of Venus, erected by aliens from other worlds.

Well, or not aliens, but the indigenous inhabitants of Venus. Which existed sometime in the past, when Venus did not yet have such an uninhabitable atmosphere.

“Maybe the Venusians didn’t go anywhere, but adapted to life in the terrible conditions that exist on Venus at the moment. We do not know, because Venus is very difficult to study - the planet is shrouded in a stunningly dense atmosphere through which nothing can be seen,”the ToDay News Ufa information resource quotes experts.

The assumption of the existence of cities on the surface of Venus is based on photographs that NASA's Magellan research station sent to Earth three decades ago.

Kolesnikov Andrey