The Mystery Of The Giant Hexagon On Saturn - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Giant Hexagon On Saturn - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Giant Hexagon On Saturn - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Giant Hexagon On Saturn - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Giant Hexagon On Saturn - Alternative View
Video: The Mystery of Saturn’s Giant Hexagonal Storm May Soon Be Solved 2024, October

The giant hexagon discovered on Saturn back in the 80s of the last century by the Voyager satellite has not yet found a scientific explanation. Recently, the Cassini apparatus confirmed the presence of a mysterious atmospheric phenomenon on the planet, transmitting clear photographs of a geometrically correct hexagonal structure to Earth.

The mysterious hexagon is located in the region of the north pole of Saturn, it has truly gigantic dimensions - each of its sides is 13,800 km, and the diameter is 25,000 km. The hexagon can accommodate four Earth-sized planets.

At the center of the hexagon is a massive hurricane that is 50 times more powerful than any hurricane that has ever raged on Earth. It is noticed that the color of the mysterious figure changes from blue to golden, which further confuses scientists. There is no such phenomenon on any other planet in our solar system. The phenomenon continues to exist for a long period of time, which allows us to speak about its stability. Scientists have not yet been able to explain the nature of the strange formation with clear geometric shapes.