Gravity Barrier - Alternative View

Gravity Barrier - Alternative View
Gravity Barrier - Alternative View

Video: Gravity Barrier - Alternative View

Video: Gravity Barrier - Alternative View
Video: TRUE Limits Of Humanity – The Final Border We Will Never Cross 2024, September

Why go into space at all? - Tsiolkovsky: geniuses should reproduce as much as possible. Do you disagree? - And yet, the space era began in the Soviet Union. - Einstein's thoughts at the gravity barrier.

Among the universal laws, the law of gravitation is cardinal. It is with him that mankind is facing, making the first independent steps in space. The phenomenon of gravity turns out to be the main obstacle. However, it may seem jokingly that those whom we generally call aliens overcome on their travels.

Gravity is a blessing for everything on Earth and other planets, which would lose their atmospheres, spray what they have, without invisible chains that keep the smallest particles of matter from decay - the contents of atoms, and planetary masses, and entire galaxies. Gravity protects the world from chaos, but it also keeps it in the cage of attraction.

The solution to this phenomenon can only be compared with the solution to the creation of living matter, the spiral underlying all living things, the very DNA that my interlocutor astronomer (remember our dispute at the very beginning of the book?) Considers the rarest phenomenon in the Universe. When a person invades its engineering and seeks to assimilate himself to the Almighty, the eternal wisdom of the world, which is completely unknown to itself, he puts his own existence and the fate of future generations at risk, sometimes fatal. Cloning the human mind without knowing the paths along which the brain understands the web of causes and effects can lead us to a dead end, from where the further path is poorly visible, unless scientists again slyly dub it a "tunnel passage".

It is not for nothing that brilliant minds like Newton, who attempted to reveal the secrets of secrets, realizing the operation of the laws of universal gravitation, sought to philosophically comprehend them.

The question is legitimate: why should people generally strive for space, aim at its exploration, if they have not yet bothered to study their own planet in such a way as to preserve on it what may be irretrievably lost in the near future? We would sit on our planet and do it better.

There is a reason for this. Indeed, what do we know about the Earth? Our Boers barely reach a depth of fifteen kilometers. We have learned that as we go deeper into the earth it gets hotter, but we still cannot extract this heat for heating, feeding energy systems, except for experiments with power plants operating on volcanic steam.

Whether or not there is an "olivine belt", which was possessed by the heroes of "The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin" by A. Tolstoy, supposedly capable of providing earthlings with such a supply of precious metals, before which our current struggle around gold will seem like a pitiful fuss, we do not yet know either. And what is there in the center of the planet - a metal core or a void, a hollow core, like an arch in ancient buildings, which keeps our planet from compression to dangerous limits? (By the way, one of the many theories of the origin of UFOs is precisely based on the assumption that they came to us from underground voids, where the heirs of an extinct, higher than ours, civilization live.) Or how are oil and other types of raw materials for energy formed? Where are we goingwhen we inadvertently let them out into the air due to our laziness and inability to think at least three moves ahead? Questions, questions …

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Only the greatest minds who are able to see the world in its real interconnections are able to answer them. It is possible that Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky figured out something that was still not known to us when he suggested getting out of the cradle, which we had gotten pretty dirty.

His philosophy may be misunderstood not only by the present, but even by future generations. Her premise, which asserts that the development of mankind is mainly due to geniuses, people who are able to see far and clearly understand the essence of tasks that are closed to others, will probably seem acceptable to most. But what about his assertion that man is a cosmic being, in fact, a creature in which the “atom-spirit” plays a decisive role, and therefore he will be more comfortable in outer space, why is it worth remaking earthly life into cosmic? According to Tsiolkovsky, it is necessary to fill the Earth with human material to refusal, for which genius people must make efforts to fertilize the maximum number (up to a thousand) of women. Developing his ideas, Tsiolkovsky arguedthat a person can adapt to existence in space and will eventually be able to go into it without a spacesuit and breathing apparatus.

In conversations with another remarkable scientist - A. Chizhevsky, Tsiolkovsky spoke about the global goals that matter itself develops for itself, the motives of its existence and the role of man in the implementation of these goals. Noting that matter occupies a negligible place in the world's vastness, the scientist came to the conclusion that it “suffers”, nursing its own mind. With the release of people into space, a special, cosmic, stage of the world's development begins. The thinking substance must occupy the largest volumes of space, learn to communicate in a telepathic way, open the so-called radiant period in the life of the Universe and, as a result, convert all of it, including previously not animate matter, into a giant thinking brain. This would mean the development of being into a completely different stage. The transformations of matter, laid down in the periodic table, seemed to be exhausted,and the history of the universe would continue at a qualitatively new level.

This is how Chizhevsky expounded the thoughts of Tsiolkovsky: “The entry into the space era of mankind … is a grandiose event that affects the entire globe. Technically, this is a timid beginning of the dispersal of mankind in the Cosmos, which will take place in a millennium, - said K. Tsiolkovsky. - I think that the cosmic existence of mankind, like everything in the Cosmos, can be subdivided into four main eras:

The era of birth, which humanity will enter in a few tens or hundreds of years and which will last for several billion years (in terms of earthly duration).

The era of becoming. This era will be marked by the dispersal of mankind throughout the Cosmos. The duration of this era is hundreds of billions of years. Communication of people is only telepathic.

The era of the heyday of humanity. Now it is difficult to predict its duration - also, obviously, hundreds of billions of years. Telepatization of the Cosmos. Inclusion of inert matter in telepatization.

The terminal era will take tens of billions of years. During this era, humanity will fully answer the question: "Why?" - and will consider it as good to transform from corpuscular matter into another state. What is the all-telepathic era of the Cosmos - we do not really know anything and can not assume anything”.

(Under the question "why" Tsiolkovsky understood the very purpose of the existence of matter and the Universe.)

Then K. Tsiolkovsky came to the hypothesis of a transition to a "super-ray or super-telepathic state" of a higher level, when "higher-class matter will arise from the rays and a supernova will finally appear, who will be mind as much higher than us as we are higher than inert matter." (Those wishing to get acquainted with the flight of thought of the father of world cosmonautics, we refer to "Conversations with Tsiolkovsky" A. Chizhevsky in his book "Aeroions and Life". M., "Thought", 1999)

All this would seem to be purely fantastic if Tsiolkovsky did not leave us a coherent scheme of spacewalk - both theoretical, with the calculation of the required speeds and trajectories, and practical, with drawings of rockets, the number of their stages and fuel reserves, noting that as fuel liquefied gases are best suited. Note that S. Korolev and V. Glushko, the main creators of missiles, who made the dreams of K. Tsiolkovsky come true, disagreed on the choice of fuel. The former preferred liquefied gases, while Glushko at one time preferred dry fuel. But, heading the work after the death of Korolyov, he also settled on liquefied gases.

In the library of my father, a writer who collected many books about the universe and its structure, including Camille Flammarion's book on thinking worlds, I discovered Tsiolkovsky's pamphlet, published in 1923. In it, the scientist offered to provide readers with their schemes for spacewalks, provided that the interested person pays the cost of the return answer (that is, he simply puts a stamp in the envelope). Tsiolkovsky in those hungry years was in great need, but fearing that his ideas, due to the difficulties experienced by the people and the country, would be unclaimed, he spent the funds he himself needed so that the fruits of his labors would not be lost, but would be for space flight enthusiasts. For this, he often became the object of reproaches from even the closest people. But life proved him right - further research,in particular, on the creation of missiles and the choice of fuel for them, at first it was the groups of enthusiasts who continued.

How did Tsiolkovsky feel about contacts with unearthly civilizations? He touched on this in his work “The Will of the Universe. Unknown Intelligent Forces”, published in Kaluga in 1928. Here is his point of view:

“The mature beings of the Universe have the means to transfer from planet to planet, to interfere with the life of lagging planets, and to communicate with those who are as mature as they are …

Until now, we have not admitted the possibility of participation of other beings in earthly life. We can hardly imagine anything higher than earthly beings in terms of their qualities and technical means. That is why, with such a narrow outlook, we do not allow and do not imagine the possibility of interference of other beings in earthly affairs.

The error is small. It is not in the shortcomings of science, but only in the limited conclusions from it.

The mass of phenomena from this narrow point of view remains inexplicable."

Of course, the validity of Tsiolkovsky's mathematical and structural calculations is not a guarantee that everyone will agree with the scientist's system of views. For example, the reference to the definition of "mature beings" as a guarantee of the safety of alien intervention in earthly affairs requires decoding. What are the criteria for maturity, in what connection will interference in earthly affairs be associated with the ultimate goals of their coming to us, what, finally, are these ultimate goals themselves? It is unlikely that a credit for the benevolence of aliens, even with the most optimistic forecasts, can be unconditional. By the way, we will touch upon this issue in the future in connection with the options for the appearance of aliens in the region of the Earth and the Moon.

What is really important is that the alien "beings", according to Tsiolkovsky, move from planet to planet and interfere with the life of the "lagging planets." If you enroll yourself, a priori, in the category of laggards, then, of course, such an intervention may seem painful and, from our point of view, unfair and dangerous. But let's not rush to conclusions.

Let us continue to consider the issue of the responsibility of scientists who propose to humanity certain discoveries that go beyond ordinary human perception. This is also important in connection with the appearance of UFOs. Indeed, before these aircraft appeared in our skies, their creators probably had to think about what changes their invention, which changes the usual conditions of the isolation of the population within the framework of one planet, will make in the future life of the population of people.

The Second World War, which brought the planet to the brink of disaster, prompted scientists to offer a medicine as a means of curbing the aggressors, which could be more dangerous than the disease itself. Atomic and hydrogen, and then neutron weapons, on the one hand, created the conditions for containing new conflicts, and on the other, gave rise to the potential threat of complete destruction of mankind. The same can be said for chemical and bacteriological weapons.

The actual destruction of the population of two Japanese cities on the orders of US President Truman confirmed the fears of a group of scientists who once proposed to President F. Roosevelt, and before him to British Prime Minister W. Churchill, to create a weapon of extraordinary power. They understood that a state possessing such weapons could stop at nothing in order to achieve its further geopolitical goals, say, after the victory of the allies over Nazi Germany.

It was primarily about the United States, which could put forward claims to world domination, supported by the "atomic" fist. The monopoly on a new type of weapon made it very likely on their part reprisals against those who would oppose their domination. Realizing this, the creators of atomic weapons, even during the war, turned to the president, urging him to share the secrets of the atomic bomb with a Soviet ally. Many were surprised that some scientists who took part in the development of atomic weapons voluntarily transferred atomic secrets to the USSR, risking their lives. The Rosenberg couple were in fact executed.

The fact that the Soviet Union was able to create a similar weapon in the shortest possible time forced the American military to postpone plans for an atomic attack on Russia, and then go with her to a certain, so far, however, a rather shaky compromise. But if this had not happened, the worst case could have taken place, in the consequences of which the military, who made the decision and developed plans for an atomic war against the USSR, were hardly aware.

The inept handling of the atom threatened people with death even without war. This, for example, was evidenced by the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which inflicted wounds that have not healed for many years to the population of Ukraine, Belarus and a number of regions of the Russian Federation. At one time the US nuclear power plant "Threemiles Island" and the UK nuclear installations were on the verge of disaster due to accidents. Mastering the power of the atom required maximum effort so that the new invention would not be disastrous for humanity.

It is in such a "borderline" situation that mankind found itself, having crossed an important line of knowledge and encroaching on the integrity of the basic brick of matter - its atom.

The transition to overcoming the forces of gravity posed even more problems to humanity. Einstein is said to have spent many years developing a "unified field" theory, trying to define the laws that keep gravity in check for all types and clusters of matter, from atomic to stellar. According to him, the creation of the unified field theory was not crowned with success. It is believed that the scientist burned his papers and calculations after this failure.

Let us ask ourselves, however, the question: why was it necessary to destroy the sketches and calculations, even if they turned out to be inaccurate? Or, perhaps, to assume the opposite - the calculations destroyed in the mid-1920s were correct, but their consequences for humanity could seem to the scientist extremely dangerous, even disastrous, since in terms of their knowledge and level of morality, the world community was not yet ready to realize what would mean for him the mastery of a powerful force that holds everything from electrons to galaxies?

This, of course, is only a hypothesis, but if A. Einstein and R. Oppenheimer doubted whether it was worth handing over to the American government the secret of mastering the power of the atom, then in this case the fears could be an order of magnitude greater.

For gravity and its sister antigravity are the main pair of forces that not only make interplanetary flights available, they make space mastery possible. Yes, on Earth, shortly after the Second World War, a recipe was developed to overcome the initial, orbital velocity of a rocket, as well as its exit to space. Flights to the Moon, Mars, Venus, and other planets prove this. But look how this type of movement is still heavy, complicated in comparison with the flight of vehicles, which we do not very respectfully call "saucers"! After all, they are gaining space speeds literally on the move, in a split second. And here we are simply obliged to talk in more detail about the technical and speed features of UFOs.

"UFO. They are already here … ", Lolly Zamoyski