Our Whole World Is Built On Lies - Alternative View

Our Whole World Is Built On Lies - Alternative View
Our Whole World Is Built On Lies - Alternative View

What human quality was born with the first people and was successfully passed on to his descendants? Of course this is a lie. In ancient times, a word of honor was enough to conclude a simple barter deal. The concept of a "deal" did not yet exist, but there has always been a full-fledged exchange. A valuable sign or word of honor was considered more than sufficient. It is not known for certain who was the first to deceive another person, but this certainly took place. Thus, humanity has discovered an almost limitless potential for lies.

In the future, the lie only improved and developed us. It turned out that by saying something that is the opposite of our real thoughts - we train our brain. Since ancient times, professional liars have always found a way out of the most desperate situations, and some have even done a lie with their work. Primitive shamans - pagans and wise men knew the truth perfectly well. They have always been smarter people than everyone else in the tribe. Lying quickly became both a weapon and a tool. Since then, nothing has changed.

Is it possible to fully exist without deception? No, this is impossible - such an answer will be given by any random person met on the street. Everyone is deeply convinced that small and harmless lies are necessary. Humanity prefers not to notice that a small lie gives rise to a big deception, and a big deception gives rise to a general truth.

Fascist Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels once said that any lie will inevitably become true if repeated often enough. Joseph was not the first person with such views, but only he got the opportunity to develop his methods of mass control of people's minds and the worst thing that he did. No matter how terrible the consequences of German propaganda were, the effectiveness of methods of convincing people in the reality of delusional and marginal ideas cannot be questioned. This was noticed by Western leaders and a new era began. The era of great lies.

The world has changed a lot. Of course, man has always lied. However, in the past, conscience and honor were not in last place. It was unfair to slander a person not only shameful, but also life-threatening. And not only for the life of the liar himself, but also for the lives of his family members. How did it happen that bright and just ideals gave way to virtuoso lies? Historical research shows that the outbreak of lies came in the middle of the last century. The level of global lies grew gradually and systemically. There is no doubt that this was artificially provoked.

Since the earliest times, only politicians have been the worst liars. This is the dirtiest and most deceitful profession that has ever existed. Politics is impossible without lies, as well as public administration. This was the case until the last century. What changed? Everything has changed, and above all the political science approach to its own population. It sounds incredible, but it was the world wars that showed that good money and a brilliant career can be made on lies and blood. In addition, by spreading radio and television broadcasting, you can convince people of anything. Make money with minimal effort and practically out of thin air. Thus began the construction of the human empire of lies.

Starting small, we built a worldwide kingdom of lies. The lie began to be presented as tactical cunning and even as one of the movable forces of evolution. The secret world government decided that the best way to hide from the world was to fill it with initially flawed theories about secret societies. To push the number of theories to the limit and convince people that all this is a lie. In practice, at a subconscious level, a person begins to consider any information that does not fit into the usual world order as incorrect. Meanwhile, one of the alleged stories is at least half true. The success was visible to the naked eye. The time has come for a new stage.

News agencies from all over the world are constantly giving out tons of conflicting information. An information vacuum was created from lies, which reliably hid and still hides reliable information. Members of the secret world government, politicians, scandalous stars and other odious personalities do not even worry that the truth may come to the surface. They understand perfectly well that this is impossible in a world where the pure truth sounds more incredible than the most blatant lie.

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Almost half a century has passed since the Americans visited the moon, but so far no one has been able to confirm this fact. Was there a landing or not? The reality is that it is much easier to believe that there was a landing. The theory that the entire expedition was filmed in Hollywood is laughed at, but what if it's true? Pure logic and pragmatic thinking suggests that there was no moon landing. We have the illusion of choice, but the truth is we don't. We are not trying to comprehend and logically comprehend the information. Each person, by default, considers the most incredible, but at the same time logical version - false.

At the present time, lies are everywhere and it is impossible to get rid of them. Politicians are increasingly blurring the boundaries of what is permitted. A clear and well-known history is unexpectedly rewritten to please geopolitics. Advertisements lie literally in every word. TV shows, films and even cartoons have long been filled with lies. A person is born in a lie and is lied to from the very first day. The child is kept in the dark for as long as possible. But this, too, is a lie. In schools, children are lied to that they have a bright future. At universities, students are deceived into demanding a degree. The world is built on lies, but this path is wrong.

For ordinary people and for society, any lie is dangerous, but for those who consider themselves superior to other people, a lie is money. As long as ordinary people are satisfied with the omnipresent lie, the world will not change. Unknown representatives of the financial elites will constantly exaggerate their capital, but ordinary people will only be cogs in the mechanism of universal lies.