What Is An Aura? Aura Correction Methods - Alternative View

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What Is An Aura? Aura Correction Methods - Alternative View
What Is An Aura? Aura Correction Methods - Alternative View

Video: What Is An Aura? Aura Correction Methods - Alternative View

Video: What Is An Aura? Aura Correction Methods - Alternative View
Video: AURAS: Practice & Exercises to see them! - HOW TO SEE AURAS - 2024, September

The state of the aura affects the physical and mental health of a person. What is the aura and how to normalize it?

In this article, you will find a description of the various states of the aura based on symmetry, density, uniformity, and size.

Symmetrical aura

A symmetrical aura is an aura that is radiated by the body in all directions at the same distance. I must say that this type of aura is very rare. Basically, this aspect of the aura corresponds to people who are harmonious physically and mentally.

In such people, physically, all organs work normally, so there are no localized energy emissions.

On the psychic level, a symmetrical aura characterizes a person who is calm, reasonable, completely in control of his emotions and thoughts.

Another sign that defines a person with a symmetrical aura is the same activity of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Basically, a symmetrical aura occurs in naturally healthy people, healthy both physically and mentally (in a healthy child, the asymmetry of the aura, in most cases, is either insignificant or not at all), living in harmony with the environment.

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Practicing a certain psychophysical system, for example, yoga, Zen Buddhism¹, various meditative techniques, the development of superpowers, lead to the formation of a symmetrical aura.

Asymmetrical aura

An asymmetric aura is an aura that is emitted by the human body at an unequal distance in different directions.

An asymmetrical aura can be shifted to the left or right, forward or backward. Asymmetry can also be partial.

An energy release, energy intake, or a change in the contours of the aura may correspond to some physical illness or severe mental instability.

The change in the symmetry of the aura can be caused by the following factors:

- various physical or mental illnesses;

- exhaustion;

- stressful condition;

- the impact of the biomagnetic field of the Earth;

- sources of an artificial electromagnetic field.

The general asymmetry of the field in any of the sides may mean a predisposition or the presence of inflammatory processes on this side. Severe scoliosis² can also cause changes in field symmetry. The asymmetry of the field in the head region in healthy people is mainly caused by the different activity of the cerebral hemispheres.

Uniform aura

A uniform aura characterizes a healthy person. If a person has a homogeneous aura, it means that the density of the aura is unchanged from either side. The slight overall asymmetry that occurs is not a highly destabilizing factor.

A homogeneous aura in the physical plane means a good energy saturation of all tissues and organs of a person, in the mental plane - sthenism.

Unfortunately, a homogeneous aura, as well as a symmetrical one, is quite rare. Most often, a homogeneous aura is possessed by people who have either good heredity or who are engaged in various psychophysical methods of self-improvement.

A homogeneous and symmetrical aura most often corresponds to people who live outside cities and large settlements, where the number of destabilizing factors is insignificant.

Inhomogeneous aura

A non-uniform aura is an aura that is non-uniform in density. A decrease in the uniformity of the aura can be caused by various chronic diseases or by the onset of a disease process, when there are no visible signs of the development of the disease yet.

Psychically, a heterogeneous aura characterizes an emotionally unstable person. Like the mental, the physical condition of such people is unstable.

Dense aura

A dense aura usually indicates good energy saturation. There can be several reasons for the increased density of the aura. The first reason is good physical and mental health, increased energy potential.

A dense aura characterizes a person who is confident in himself, and not without reason, much of what he has in mind comes out. This person is a bearer of an active principle, he can have great willpower and great physical strength.

The second variant of a dense aura happens in people who hide the truth of their intentions, they do not have a very powerful field, however, concentration on certain thoughts becomes constant and forms a state of “readiness”, creating a greater field density.

Such people usually have an unpleasant "prickly" field. They are on their own mind. This often characterizes morally unscrupulous people, aggressive, unprincipled. The desire to hide something or to carry some kind of secret can make the field dense.

Loose aura

Loose aura is characterized by inhomogeneity and amorphous structure of the field. It occurs most often in a number of serious illnesses or in the initial period of recovery from an illness.

In the second case, the aura will become denser and denser every day. If the loose aura is constant, then the person is very seriously ill. A loose aura is more characteristic of elderly people suffering from chronic diseases.

Aura size

The aura can be of various sizes. If the magnitude of the normal visible aura is about 2 meters, then the magnitude of the “large” aura can be more than 5 meters.

A large aura most often corresponds to naturally healthy people (in the event that this aura is dense and homogeneous).

There are two types of minor aura. The first type of small aura can mean that a person will soon die, even if he does not show any signs of physical illness, i.e. if he is physically healthy at first glance. This aura tends to fade and diminish over time.

The second type of small aura is the natural type of macaw of a particular person, which is his innate quality. Basically, this speaks of a weak energy potential of a person.

You need to know that the above aspects of the aura are not always stable. In particular, they change when a person's physical condition or conditions of his life change.

Why are some people sympathetic and others disliked?

Here you need to consider compatibility and incompatibility of fields. If, upon contact with the field of a person, unpleasant sensations arise, for example, emotional rejection or an unpleasant tingling sensation, or deterioration of the state, the field is incompatible with this person.

In case of a reverse reaction - improvement of well-being, the appearance of a sensation of pleasant warmth - the fields are compatible.

If no sensation arises, the fields are neutral.

Field compatibility or incompatibility can be either one-way or two-way, i.e. there are options when, upon contact with a person's field, you feel bad, but he is good. It is compatibility or incompatibility one-way.

It is advisable to avoid such contacts, as they lead to a unilateral decrease in the energy potential.

What does a healthy energy field provide?

A healthy strong energy field is a reliable shield against external negative influences. In order to feel good and have a good supply of energy, two interrelated processes are necessary: cleansing the aura and strengthening it with energy and strength.

To cleanse your aura, you can practice the following exercises: Waterfall, Scrubber, and Crystal Stream and Bowl. Performing them regularly improves well-being and energy levels.

Exercise "Waterfall"

It is recommended to do this exercise every day to cleanse shallow energy mud.

1. Just get up and relax.

2. Imagine yourself standing under a waterfall. A river flows under your feet, which is carried away.

3. Feel the waterfall, washing away all negative emotions, distracting thoughts, other people's energies that have gathered during the day.

4. Feel with your head, shoulders, chest and back water splashes hitting your feet and flying into a stream that carries mental mud away.

This exercise should be done slowly, paying attention to each part of the body. It is recommended to do this visualization several times. After the exercise, a feeling of lightness and relaxation will come.

You can imagine "Waterfall" while taking a shower.

Exercise "Scrubber"

You can perform this exercise in conjunction with the "Waterfall".

Putting a small dish with ordinary salt in front of you - all negative energy will go there. Some energies are very heavy and require concentrated effort to remove. It is possible to cleanse a thick crust of mental mud from the body by scraping it off with your hands.

First it is recommended to do the "Waterfall", this exercise cleans away the disordered and relatively new psychic mud, then the "Scrubber", this technique removes the heavy, stale psychic mud.

1. Perform mental “scraping” along the entire body, clearly visualizing how the hands are removing a thick layer of old energy.

2. Feel how mental dirt accumulates on your hands.

3. Dump dirty energy into a dish of salt.

4. Hold your hands at a 90-degree angle to the surface of your body to remove dirt without rubbing it in.

This exercise also needs to use imagination. The psychic scraping movements will help the energy body to remove the psychic dirt. Concentration is very important during execution.

If you are distracted while scraping, then your energy body will not be able to remove the heavy static energy. Moving your hands over your body without concentration will do nothing.

It is recommended to first clean your hands, then your face and hair, then your torso and legs. You can also do the Scrubber under the shower.

Exercise "Crystal Stream and Bowl"

1. The body is relaxed, the eyes are closed.

2. Imagine that a blindingly clear, crystal flow of energy is streaming from above. The stream flows, enveloping the body from head to toe.

3. Mentally focus on a point just above the bridge of the nose ("third eye"). Try to see with this "eye" the flow of energy flowing from above. It enters the head and penetrates every corner of the body, washes every cell.

4. A dazzling, pure radiant flow of energy clears the acupuncture channels and points, through the hands and feet is thrown down.

5. Heavy, dark, cold energy goes down and burns out. All diseases of the soul and body, all troubles and adversities come out and burn out.

6. Imagine that a huge bowl is stretched out over you. She slowly fills with pure, dazzling energy. Now it is already full to the brim. The bowl slowly tilts and an avalanche of crystal purity of energies overturns on you. It becomes easy for you, your head is clear, you breathe freely.

How to strengthen the aura?

After cleansing, the aura must be strengthened.

Try to imagine that your aura expands to a volume that is comfortable for you, becomes symmetrical, homogeneous, dense. Strengthen this feeling with consciousness and reciting the thought form: "My energy field is voluminous, symmetrical, homogeneous, dense, elastic and strong."

You can fill your aura with light - imagine a powerful positive light completely surrounding your body. Say, "This powerful positive light is my psychological shield that protects me at all times."

Mentally it is possible to increase, thicken, make it more dazzling, luminous, sunny, radiant, etc.

How to protect yourself from negative influences?

There are situations when it is necessary to close your energy structure, for example, before a possible negative impact or an act of energy vampirism.

To do this, you need to try to disconnect all centers and subtle structures from this interaction. Faced with such an explicit, emphatically “closed” system, the vampirizing subject often experiences psychological discomfort and embarrassment and may stop his attempts to steal energy.

Another option for avoiding contact and closing the energy is to classify all sorts of information about yourself, your affairs and even about your part of the work, if it is done together with the vampire.

The exercise "Flower in a bud" helps well with this.

Exercise "Flower in a bud"

Before this exercise, you need to purify ("Waterfall", "Scrubber" or "Crystal Stream and Bowl").

The purpose of this exercise is to help focus your energy body. Being psychologically open doesn't mean having an open, free energy body.

To be effective, efficient, the energy body must be focused. This exercise will tune the energy body and allow you to gain control over it.

1. You need to vividly imagine yourself as a flower with many petals in its very bloom.

2. Then gradually, one by one, gently fold the petals back towards the center so that the flower becomes a bud again.

This is a shield that can repel any attempt at any unwanted interference in your inner world!