UFO Over Parokhonsk - Alternative View

UFO Over Parokhonsk - Alternative View
UFO Over Parokhonsk - Alternative View

Video: UFO Over Parokhonsk - Alternative View

Video: UFO Over Parokhonsk - Alternative View
Video: Government’s UFO Report Reveals Many Unexplained Objects 2024, June

The Pinsk Polesie region has long attracted our attention with the increased density of reports of UFO sightings. Observations from the Ivanovo, Pinsk and Stolin districts collected in the Ufokom archive are highlighted by a clear cluster on the ufological map of Belarus. In April of this year, we supplemented this general picture with fresh data received from the residents of the agricultural town of Parokhonsk, located in the Pinsk region.

Parokhonsk is a fairly large agro-town dynamically developing thanks to the economy of Parokhonskoye OJSC. This enterprise covers seven settlements (Parokhonsk, Selishche, Vylazy, Molodelchitsy, Bereztsy, Ostrovichi, Osnitsa), includes five dairy complexes and five farms, breeds cattle, produces milk, mixed feed, rapeseed oil and seeds. Its staff, including the watchmen, is quite large. Among them (and not only) there were eyewitnesses.

The reason for the departure to the site of a small group (V. Gaiduchik, D. Borodachenkov, N. Semenyuk and N. Klimovich, correspondent of the portal "My Pinsk") was a recent case of observation that took place on the evening of March 26, 2016. On that day, at about 21.30, three milkmaids were returning to Parokhonsk from the evening milking at the dairy complex located near the village of Selishche. Thus, there were four people in the vehicle: Nina M., Galina Kh., Alesya P. and the driver Yevgeniy V. (all four were interviewed). Once on the section of the road that runs past MTK-1 to the local cemetery (on the southeastern outskirts of Parokhonsk), the passengers noticed something strange.

Galina Kh.:

- I was sitting in the front. In the first seat behind the driver. Well, in the mirror it just … such a red light. Once - no one noticed. I think maybe it's so simple that. Then the second time - the milkmaid had already noticed that she was sitting on the side. And I say to the driver: what is it? And he: I don't know. And blinked a third time.

By Alesya P.:

- I just saw that there was lighting in front of the bus. I thought there was something with the headlights. Well, I think the chauffeur understood, well, what am I going to say. Until your partner said: what do you have there, says, blinking in front? And he looked - there is such lighting behind the bus. Well, it was beautiful, scary. But the fact is that it didn't go.

Reconstruction of the events of March 26

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The flashes were red and so powerful that they illuminated the bus itself, and the road, and the entire surrounding area. The source of the flashes was located a hundred meters behind on the road - in the area of the turn that they had just passed. The driver even suggested that a motorcycle could be driving behind him, and just in case he pressed closer to the side of the road. But there are no red headlights, and the rear lights cannot shine so powerfully. Then the road went a little to the right, and the mysterious light source disappeared from sight. Having dropped off one milkmaid in that part of the village, everyone set off on their way back. Having entered the same section of the road, exactly ahead in the area of the turn against the background of the forest, they saw a bright red light.

Nina M.:

- When we were returning back, we drove onto the road, to that one near the cemetery, and ahead … You understand how something … How to tell you … Well, the wood is burning, and the light is red. It was big, big, big, but the closer they got, it disappeared. We thought that something was standing there, but when we arrived there was nothing.

Reconstruction of the events of March 26: on the way back


Thus, it was not possible to see the mysterious luminous object from a closer distance. The light went out smoothly by the time the eyewitnesses approached the turn. Separately, it should be emphasized that the red ball was observed not in the sky, but low above the ground - at the level of the road, which, coupled with its small size, caused associations with a car headlight. Both at the beginning of the observation and at the end, this light source was in the same place - at the end of the road, in the area of the turn, or behind it, where there is a small wasteland and behind it a forest. This section of the road itself is quite deaf: agricultural complexes stretch on one side, and a forest on the other. On the indicated vacant lot and along the road there are power lines of low power - 380 V. And no lighting,which in the conditions of the dark time of the day increased the spectacularity of unusual light phenomena.

There were also other indirect witnesses to this incident. Someone Alexander, a resident of Parokhonsk, reported that at about the same time, in the direction to the described place of events from the center of the agro-town, he observed multi-colored flashes in the sky (red, green, blue and other shades). I even thought that someone set off fireworks. The second witness is an elderly woman living in the village of Molodelchitsy (about 9 km to the south-south-east from Parokhonsk), also at that time towards Parokhonsk observed several flashes in the sky (about five), similar to lightning from lightning. She even called her daughter, who lives in Parokhonsk, asking what was going on there.

The scale of light phenomena (flashes) accompanying the described events was impressive. To be honest, when conducting a visit to the scene, the version with thunderstorm activity and ball lightning was primarily considered. All this was very reminiscent of the case of observation on December 2, 2015 in Bobruisk, which was recently investigated at Ufokom, where flashes in the sky and the appearance of a small luminous ball also appeared. But, unlike the Bobruisk case, the events in Parokhonsk could not be associated with thunderstorms. Both the eyewitnesses interviewed and the weather archive data from the nearest weather station in Pinsk (26 km) showed that that day (as well as the day before and later) there were no thunderstorms or even precipitation. If we consider the meteorological situation in the European region as a whole, then the events of March 26 fall into a period of calm before the powerful storm "Katy",which hit the UK on March 27, and its echoes only reached Eastern Europe on March 31 - April 1. The Earth's magnetosphere on March 26, according to the Tesis resource, was also calm, although Center Phobos (with reference to IZMIRAN) transmitted a forecast with a possible magnetic storm this weekend, timed to coincide with the appearance of a giant trans-equatorial hole in the Sun. Moreover, according to the British Geological Survey, this day had the lowest value of the Aa index (Aa = 5).timed to coincide with the appearance of a giant trans-equatorial hole on the Sun. Moreover, according to the British Geological Survey, this day had the lowest value of the Aa index (Aa = 5).timed to coincide with the appearance of a giant trans-equatorial hole on the Sun. Moreover, according to the British Geological Survey, this day had the lowest value of the Aa index (Aa = 5).

Reconnaissance at the scene (photo by N. Klimovich)


As it turned out, this was not the only case of observing unusual luminous formations in this area of the terrain. Let us present the collected data in reverse chronological order.

The previous sighting we know took place around the end of January - beginning of February 2016 and very close to the site of the March incident. The eyewitness is Nadezhda K., a watchman who was on duty that evening at the grain tank located near KDO-1:

- I work as a watchman for the grain-flow. Well, there are towers … Something like that lit up behind the towers. And this was in winter. I think: lightning, not lightning? What? But, I think, it cannot be, in winter so that lightning. Well, it lit up, flickered, flickered … some kind of lighting. Then a second time. And I think: I'll go and take a look. We have lanterns on the territory there. I left the laboratory. And there we have towers, and from behind the towers a ball appeared like … a fireball. As if he swam like this, you see, he kind of swam … Not that lightning in the sky, but he swam and flew away like that. And that's all I saw. And I went to my establishment to look for … I went: everywhere everything is quiet, peaceful, nowhere is there anything. Here's a ball, a fireball I saw.

In the course of additional inquiries, it was possible to clarify that this happened at about the beginning of the eleventh or twelfth hour in the evening. The weather that day was excellent: the sky was clear, no precipitation, there was no snow at all, even on the ground. The sphere was orange in color, rather large - visually larger than the visible solar disk (maybe even "twice as large"). Its glow did not interrupt the light of artificial lighting in the protected area. Judging by the eyewitness account, it can be assumed that his appearance, as in the first case, was preceded by flashes, the reflections of which were noticed when the eyewitness was inside the room. The ball appeared from the southern side - from the forest side, swam out from behind the "barrels", turned around and flew back in the same direction from which it arrived.

The next observation took place about two years ago, in the fall. The place of observation is the so-called "airfield" located to the southwest of Parokhonsk. Eyewitness - Vasily Sh., Watchman:

- It was already getting dark, not that it was so dark. In general, I went out to do a detour. There is a spot like this. In the direction of somewhere Selishch. Here to our territory. The object was flying so orange. Well, like a ball. But small … like football, handball. The speed was low. There were no identifying items, nothing there, like, say, blinking - the plane was flying, was not there. And so it flew by, that's how we have an "airfield" here, as we call it, and hovered over the forest. But there were already two such spots. He approached them and stopped. It was literally twenty minutes they were hanging out like that somewhere. I didn't pay attention so specifically. Well, so I look around the territory - they hang, hang, and then they disappeared. But the fact is that there were no such bright flashes, no sound, nothing.

The ball was orange, maybe a quarter of the moon, maybe smaller. He flew slowly, smoothly and soundlessly, approximately from west to east. I stopped over a forest area between agricultural complexes near the village of Selishche and ag. Parokhonsk, where two absolutely identical objects were already hanging motionless in the sky. The moment of disappearance of the entire group was not noticed by the eyewitness who was walking around his territory.

Another observation is dated at about the same time - about two years ago, in the fall, around 20.00 - 20.30. The eyewitness is Sergei S., who at that moment was several kilometers east of Parokhonsk (somewhere between the villages of Dubovka and Bereztsy):

- I went hunting in the evening. It was autumn, it was already a bit dark. And behind Parokhonskoe there is something like a ball, something incomprehensible. It, you know, was neither pink, nor white, nor yellow … it was such an incomprehensible color. How pink it is, how it shimmers. I immediately thought that the moon, and then I think - no. Unclear. It was kind of flat. The moon is round, but it is as if flat, as if oval. But it did not fly, but as if stood still. I drove for about three or four minutes, and then everything - the forest, I already did not see it. I thought that as soon as I arrive in Parokhonsk, I will see. And when he arrived, he was not visible.

The object was pinkish in color, shimmery, in apparent size approximately corresponded to the lunar disk, was slightly flattened vertically. It was located low above the horizon, just below and to the left of the local "tower" - approximately in the direction of KDO-1. According to an eyewitness, the weather was clear that day, the sky was clear.

We managed to date the next case exactly - that day a wedding took place in Parokhonsk. It was August 12, 2012. Eyewitness - Vasily G., one of the guards of the MTK-1 complex. During his watch, when it was already dark (eleven o'clock, maybe early twelve o'clock), he noticed that a bright red luminous object was hanging in the sky towards the "Parokhon crossing". Twenty seconds later, he set off and moved to the grain tank near KDO-1, where it hovered for three or four minutes, and then withdrew in a westerly direction - towards Brest. All this took place in complete silence. The shape of the object was non-standard. It was not possible to obtain an accurate description from an eyewitness; he only compared it with an "umbrella". It flew, according to an eyewitness, at a low altitude - about 500 meters, and its apparent dimensions were slightly larger than the solar disk. In the same year,but only in the fall, Vasily G. again observed the same object during his watch on MTK-1 - at about the same time of day. It looked exactly the same, only it flew at a much higher altitude (according to subjective estimates - about 6000-7000 m) and was visually much smaller in its angular dimensions. Arriving from the side, the object above the complex made a sharp turn at an angle of almost 90 degrees and withdrew in a southerly direction.

As for the observation on August 12, 2012, we managed to get in touch with the people who were holding the wedding that day in Parokhonsk. As it turned out, then there were two weddings, and at the second of them, at the end of the event, red “sky lanterns” were launched. It can be assumed that the observed objects in the form of "umbrellas" could be these very "Chinese lanterns", which are known to the population of Parokhonsk and are periodically launched during the corresponding celebrations.

Another case refers to more ancient times - to the 1980s. Eyewitness Nikolai V.:

- I came home from work, washed, ate … It was getting dark already, it was not visible. I went out onto the balcony, I looked - from the side where our tower stands, such a red flame … and it goes low, that is, it flies. I say to my wife: go and look, something is flying, a UFO, probably. And here in the direction of Parokhonsk is heading. So it goes here quietly, quietly, not high. I thought it was an airplane. And then - no, I see, it goes low. And so it floats here from the tower to us. Then it began to disappear, disappear, and that's all. We went out - you can't see him. We don't know where it went.

The object was point, but bright, red, perfectly distinguishable in the conditions of darkness. Was observed in an easterly direction (towards the "tower", a cemetery), according to the subjective impressions of an eyewitness, it was moving strictly towards it - approximately in a westerly direction to Pinsk.

So, we have a number of observations of mysterious luminous objects of red, orange, pinkish color. Light flashes preceded the appearance of some of them. The places or directions of their observation are tied to the southeastern outskirts of Parokhonsk and the adjacent forest area. Additionally, it should be noted that in cases of UFO sightings by watchmen, the latter did not note any interruptions in the operation of electrical equipment and lighting at protected facilities, as well as any unusual behavior of animals at livestock farms.

Of all this general picture, in which some regularity can be traced, one case of UFO sightings, recorded by us from another resident of Parokhonsk, who wished to remain anonymous, stands out. It happened on the evening of April 11, 2015 - just "at the all-night vigil before Easter." There were three eyewitnesses: the narrator himself, his wife and an acquaintance. It was about ten in the evening, it was already dark. The weather was excellent, the sky was starry. We stopped at the cemetery, put on the lamps and went home by car. Driving along one of the streets of the village, suddenly, on the right side in the northern direction (where the Bobrik river goes), they noticed a very bright star, from which an equally bright ray was beaming straight down. They thought that maybe the fishing supervision was catching poachers on the river. They stopped, turned off the engine, got out of the car - silence, no sound,only this star with a ray stands in one place. The helicopter version was dropped. They drove up to the house, left, lit a cigarette - two minutes passed - and once, everything disappeared.

Thus, it turns out that the inhabitants of Parokhonsk quite often observe unidentified flying objects in their area. We know that in this settlement there are still eyewitnesses of UFOs who, out of fear of ridicule from fellow villagers or troubles at work, refused to tell about their observations. Let's hope that over time, the observation statistics for these places will still be replenished with new messages. In the meantime, it remains only to think about the question: what is flying in the sky over Parokhonsk and is there a reasonable explanation for this?

Victor Gaiduchik