The Joshua Effect - Alternative View

The Joshua Effect - Alternative View
The Joshua Effect - Alternative View

Video: The Joshua Effect - Alternative View

Video: The Joshua Effect - Alternative View
Video: How to use Quantum Physics to Make Your Dreams Your Reality | Suzanne Adams | TEDxUNO 2024, September

You might see this effect on Mercury.

A distinctive feature of this planet is that it is here that a phenomenon is observed where the sun, after a short stop, begins to move in the opposite direction. This unique phenomenon is called the Joshua effect. A logical explanation has been given to this phenomenon. When the planet is near perihelion, for eight days, the speed of the rotational motion of Mercury decreases, while the speed of orbital motion does not change.

Let's take a closer look …


The peculiarities of the combination of the speeds of rotation of the planet around its axis and around the Sun, as well as the strong elongation of its oruit, lead to the fact that the prominent movement of the Sun across the black Mercury sky is not at all the same as on Earth. In this case, the path of the Sun looks different at different longitudes of the planet. Thus, in the regions of the meridians of 0 ° and 180 ° W. early in the morning in the eastern part of the sky above the horizon, an imaginary observer could see a "small" (but 2 times larger than in the Earth's sky), very quickly rising above the horizon Luminary, the speed of which gradually slows down as it approaches the zenith, and it itself becomes brighter and hotter, increasing in size by 1.5 times - this is Mercury in its own way much closer to the Sun.

Having barely passed the zenith point, the Sun freezes, moves back a little for 2-3 Earth days, freezes again, and then begins to go down with an ever increasing speed and noticeably decrease in size - this is Mercury moving away from the Sun, going into the elongated part of its orbit - and with great speed disappears behind the horizon in the west.


The course of the Sun looks quite differently near 90 ° and 270 ° W. Here Luminary writes quite amazing pirouettes - there are three sunrises and three sunsets per day. In the morning, a bright luminous disk of enormous size appears very slowly from the horizon in the east (3 times larger than on the earth's firmament), it rises slightly above the horizon, stops, and then goes down and disappears for a short time behind the horizon. Soon a re-rise follows, after which the Sun begins to slowly creep up through the sky, gradually accelerating its course and at the same time rapidly decreasing in size and dulling. At the zenith, this "small" Sun flies by at high speed, and then slows down, grows in size and slowly disappears behind the evening horizon. Soon after the first sunset, the Sun rises again to a small height, briefly freezes in place,and then again descends to the horizon and sets completely.

Promotional video:

Such "zigzags" of the solar movement occur because on a short segment of the orbit during the passage of perihelion (the minimum distance from the Sun, the angular velocity of Mercury in its orbit around the Sun becomes greater than the angular velocity of its rotation around the axis, which leads to the movement of the Sun in the sky of the planet during a short period of time (about two Earth days) to reverse its usual course. But the stars in the sky of Mercury move three times faster than the Sun. A star that appeared simultaneously with the Sun on the dawn horizon will set in the west even before noon, that is, before the Sun reaches until the zenith, and will have time to rise again in the east, before the sun has set.


Records describing this planet are found in authentic documents dating back to the third millennium BC. This planet is named after the god Mercury, who was the patron saint of merchants.

Mercury, with its smallest orbit, is at its closest to the sun itself. A complete revolution of Mercury around the sun takes 88 days of the Earth. One revolution around its axis near the planet takes 58.65 Earth days. Judging by the latter fact, scientists explain the uneven heating of Mercury itself. Therefore, there is a scatter of sharp temperatures on the planet. For example, if the temperature of the territory located on the sunny side of the planet reaches + 430 º С, then in the night area it is 180 º С. Mercury is considered the only planet in the solar system, which has sharp temperature drops.

The attraction of the planet's magnetic field is much less than the gravity of the earth. The magnetic axis is tilted at an angle of 12 º to the axis of rotation itself.

The atmosphere on the planet itself changes approximately every 200 days. Due to the particles of the solar wind, the atmosphere of Mercury is rather rarefied.

Mercury is a planet that is more often found at a close distance from the Earth, despite the fact that the orbits of Venus and Mars are considered the closest orbits to Earth.

The size of the planet is also unique. Mercury is considered the smallest planet in the solar system. It is much smaller than the large moons of Saturn and Jupiter.

Mercury is considered the smallest planet and the fastest planet in the solar system. The average rotation speed of Mercury is 47.87 km / s, that is, twice the speed of rotation of planet Earth.

The surface of Mercury is very similar to the surface of the Moon. There are many craters on the surface of Mercury, as well as on the surface of the Moon. There is a crater on the planet Mercury called "Plain of Heat". This name was given to the crater for the fact that it is located near one hot longitude. This crater is 1,300 kilometers in diameter.

In addition, there are scarps on the surface of Mercury, which are a kind of jagged slopes. These scarps were formed as a result of the compression of the planet itself during the cooling period, and extend for a large number of meters. These scarps are not observed on the Moon.

Archangel Michael Appears to Joshua. 1652 - 1666 years
Archangel Michael Appears to Joshua. 1652 - 1666 years

Archangel Michael Appears to Joshua. 1652 - 1666 years.

but if you still remember about the name of the effect, then from biblical sources we can learn this:

Jesus Navin (Hebrew יְהוֹשֻׁעַ בֶן-נוּן, Yehoshua bin Nun; in Islam Yusha bin Nun) - the leader of the Jewish people during the conquest of Canaan, the successor of Moses. His activities are detailed in the Book of Joshua.

In the Latin (and then in the Catholic and Protestant) tradition, the name of Joshua is rendered differently than the name of Jesus Christ - Josua instead of Jesus, while in the Greek Orthodox tradition, both are called Jesus (therefore, the name of the first is usually added to the name of the first Nun or the son of Nun, in while in the western tradition it is superfluous). Navin is the possessive of Nav.

In the Orthodox tradition, Joshua is revered as righteous, the memory is commemorated on September 1 according to the Julian calendar.