The World Is Under Attack From "Gladio - B"? - Alternative View

The World Is Under Attack From "Gladio - B"? - Alternative View
The World Is Under Attack From "Gladio - B"? - Alternative View

Video: The World Is Under Attack From "Gladio - B"? - Alternative View

Video: The World Is Under Attack From
Video: Operation Gladio Part 1: Communist Takeover Near Trieste! 2024, June

All this could really be called conspiracy theories, ignored, or even ridiculed … If not … If it were not for the fact that in this case it would be necessary to dismiss too obvious facts and write off those things that neither the first nor the second can be in any way.

In the mid-60s, the NATO leadership came to the conclusion that the activities of local communist parties were a great danger to the interests of the alliance in Europe. Especially in countries where anti-fascist resistance was active during the Second World War - Italy, Greece, France - and in which the left-wing forces were so popular that they began to claim power.

In order to coordinate preventive actions, a secret operations department was created in NATO, which was headed by the ex-head of the Abwehr Reinhard Gehlen, who until 1944 oversaw the pro-German forces in occupied eastern Europe - Vlasov, Bandera, Ustasha and other national collaborators. And Gehlen used his new project on the basis of the old agents - neo-Nazi groups.

The operation against the communists in Europe was called Operation Gladio, and information about it and specific trials against its participants began after its end, when the investigation into the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II and the long-term campaign to denigrate the employee of the Bulgarian Embassy Sergey Antonov came to a standstill … But from under the numerous pieces of evidence, the ears of a completely non-Bulgarian KGB began to grow.

In the same way, forged evidence leading to the communist parties, the Soviet special services and the special services of the countries of the socialist camp can be observed in other high-profile processes - the kidnapping and murder of Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro and, in general, the activities of the Red Brigades, which turned out to be a trick created from the discrediting the communists.

And also many other episodes, such as the murder of the Bulgarian dissident writer Grigory Markov, who died as a result of ricin poisoning from an injection of a special device mounted in an umbrella at a crowded London bus stop.

Even the assassination of President Kennedy draws numerous threads to Moscow, which later turned out to be fiction.

And now, many years after Gladio, already in the middle of the 2000s, a translator from the US State Department Sibel Edmonds makes a strange statement about the Gladio-B operation being prepared in the bowels of the American special services, aimed at another reformatting of the world order.

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This time the Middle East, the Balkans, and Eastern Europe - that is, the zone that in the past belonged to the zone of Soviet influence. And now, in the East, an Islamic State suddenly appears, and neo-Nazis are actualizing in the post-Soviet space. And again, as once in Western Europe, there is a lot of terror.

Operation Gladio fulfilled its objectives: nullified the influence of the left and made former collaborators legitimate in European politics. By the way, the founder of the NATO Covert Operations Department, Reinhard Gehlen, an obvious Nazi and a war criminal, created and headed the German intelligence service BND.

So, in Ukraine and Eastern Europe today the same tasks are being solved - decommunization, de-Sovietization, etc. This is done openly, accompanied by statements by politicians of the first echelon. And the means are very similar - political terror, mass protests with the use of violence and false flag operations.

It's just not accepted to talk about it - the fear of being caught in conspiracy theories and journalistic unprofessionalism is too great.

Alexander Necropny