TOP 10 Most Plausible UFO Sightings - Alternative View

TOP 10 Most Plausible UFO Sightings - Alternative View
TOP 10 Most Plausible UFO Sightings - Alternative View

Video: TOP 10 Most Plausible UFO Sightings - Alternative View

Video: TOP 10 Most Plausible UFO Sightings - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, October

Experts have compiled the TOP 10 most plausible UFO sightings. These obscure objects in the sky are identified by ufologists with almost 100% guarantee as alien, reports Daily Entertainment.


Pilot Kenneth Arnold's sightings in June 1947 were among those that kicked off the "UFO era." An incomprehensible object was captured in the photo. According to the pilot, the UFO moved across the sky like a saucer on water. It was from this time that practically all such objects were called “flying saucers”.

A month after that, the media reported that another UFO had crashed near a ranch in Roswell, New Mexico. At the beginning, the Air Force confirmed this information, and after that it was reported that it was the wreckage of a balloon.


Barney and Betty Hill, while returning from Canada, noticed a strange light in the sky near the city of Woodstock. The couple even stopped the car to examine the amazing object. After that, Barney and Betty reported that they were abducted by aliens. Medical research showed that the couple could really survive this situation - they even confirmed this information under hypnosis. Although many other people reported the abduction afterwards, it was this story that received the most resonance.

In 1965, on December 5, in Roswell, locals saw a fireball fall to the ground. The police officers who arrived at the scene almost immediately left the territory, since the US intelligence services promptly reacted to the message. According to eyewitnesses, the object measuring 3.5 meters was covered with a tarpaulin, and then quietly taken out of the territory by a truck.


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Another incident took place over Tehran in Iran. Then Air Force forces were raised to investigate the incident. When one of the F-4 pilots approached the territory, his plane began to show incorrect data, the electronics "junk", as well as the communication systems. It was only when the pilot changed course that the aircraft began to operate normally. Then a second plane arrived and was able to view the UFO with glowing lights. After that, the alien object released a smaller unit and the pilot flew away, as he feared for his safety.

In December 1980, an unknown object was sighted near the US and British Air Force Base at Woodbridge. Then on the 27th, the military arrived in the Rendlesham forest, as they received reports of strange lights in the area. As the servicemen later reported, they saw a saucer-shaped object hovering a few meters from the ground, as well as aliens.


A unique triangular UFO was captured in the Hudson Valley. According to reports, the ships flew soundless in the sky, some of them the size of a city. Dozens of motorists who at that moment passed nearby became eyewitnesses.

Another case of contact with aliens turned out to be even tragic. Boeing 747 pilot Kenyu Terauti, during a flight from Paris to Tokyo, told the dispatchers that they were accompanied by UFOs during the flight over Alaska. This "chase" lasted for an hour. Then the dispatchers could not fix the object on the radar, and Terauti's team was treated for a long time from the shock that had survived.

In Belgium, at one time, triangular UFOs were too often noticed by locals. The police drew up many reports on this fact. One incident even prompted the military to launch two F-16 fighter jets to intercept the vessel, but the operation failed.


On March 13, 1997, hundreds of people saw UFOs in the sky over Phoenix, Arizona. It was huge and featured in photos and videos. Some were even able to see windows on the object and the silhouettes of aliens in them.

Author: Ekaterina Kuznetsova