5 Interesting Facts About Hypnosis - Alternative View

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5 Interesting Facts About Hypnosis - Alternative View
5 Interesting Facts About Hypnosis - Alternative View

In this article, we're going to cover five interesting things that you probably didn't know. Check if you are already hypnotized!

# 5: Hypnosis has a fairly ancient history

The term "hypnosis" was first adopted in the early 1840s by Scottish surgeon James Braid, but the real practice began long before, hundreds of years ago. In the Vedic culture of India, patients were often immersed in a state of hypnosis, the so-called "temple sleep", in an attempt to cure. Similar beliefs belonged to the ancient Greeks, who put people to sleep in temples for healing. Healing hypnosis was also used in ancient Egypt, according to documents found in a tomb that dates back to 1500 BC.


Source: zengarden.in

# 4: you can hypnotize yourself

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And you don't need to swing the pendulum in front of your face. Self-hypnosis includes self-hypnosis techniques developed in the early twentieth century by the French psychologist Émile Couet. Built on the principle that "everything that your mind occupies is real". In theory, a person is able to believe that the door cannot be opened, even if it is unlocked, despite the fact that his willpower denies this fact. One of the key requirements for self-hypnosis, and indeed for any form of hypnosis, is that the hypnotized person must want it to happen. If you resist, hypnosis simply won't work.


Source: vhijabe.ru

# 3: You Can Hypnotize Pain

Historically, hypnosis has been able to relieve physical pain - hypnotherapy was widely used in the 1800s. Nowadays, hypnosis practitioners can relieve moderate pain, say skin pain, of a local nature - from minor burns and insect bites. However, a more prominent example is hypnosis for childbirth. Working with premises associated with fear of difficulty in childbirth, advocates argue that hypnosis reduces pain. Scientific research dating back to the 1950s and up to the present has shown that there is ample evidence that hypnosis can help reduce pain in humans.


Source: psihogrammatika.ru

# 2: hypnosis is not a sin

In 1847, the Roman Catholic Church decided to draw attention to the fact that hypnosis is associated with the devil, but at the same time clarified that the practice is not "immoral if it does not lead to the unlawful and corrupting." The Christian position varies depending on the type of faith, but most large churches accept hypnosis, at least to some extent, although they do not advertise it. Since the idea of hypnosis is to put a person into an unconscious state, some religious groups fear that the person may also be subjected to "devilish temptation."


Source: pravoslavie.by

# 1: You may have been hypnotized today.

No matter how skeptical you are about it, on average, a person experiences two bouts of suggestion every day. They can happen by accident, when you read a book, have a drink while watching a favorite movie or show, or just watching something "spellbound". This is the same feeling when a little time has passed, but you cannot remember how. Everyone is always walking, but not everyone can remember what happened on the way, unless something happened to you at that moment.


Source: dr-zargo.ru