Saved By The Light - Alternative View

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Saved By The Light - Alternative View
Saved By The Light - Alternative View

Video: Saved By The Light - Alternative View

Video: Saved By The Light - Alternative View
Video: Dannion Brinkley -- Saved by the Light (1995).avi 2024, September

Every day in the world many people die, and only a few are destined to survive the state of clinical death and return to life. But one in a million is given a unique gift of foresight as a result of an accident. This is the fate of the American Dannion Brinkley.

On September 17, 1975, a thunderstorm raged over Aiken, South Carolina, USA. Dannion Brinkley, a young 25-year-old man, feared such antics of the elements more than anything else. As a child, at night, when summer thunderstorms roared and the room was brightly illuminated by lightning, the great-uncle liked to tell his grandson scary stories about how lightning strikes people and animals.

Grandfather called these strikes "God's artillery": "Remember, if the Lord calls you on the phone, you will turn into a burning bush." Perhaps the grandfather was just joking, but the wild childish imagination did its job, and the fear of dying from lightning became Dannion's phobia. But it has long been known: with us will be what we are most afraid of. According to the law of meanness, the worst thing happened that day. “When the rain started pouring outside the window, I was finishing a conversation with a business partner.

“Tommy, I have to go. Mom always told me not to talk on the phone during a thunderstorm.

She did not speak in vain. The next sound I heard was like a freight train driving into my ear at the speed of light. Electricity pierced every cell in my body. The nails in my boots didn't stick tightly to the nails in the floorboards, so when I was thrown into the air, the boots were left on the floor. I saw the ceiling right in front of my eyes and could not imagine what force could inflict such unbearable pain and hold me in a vice, dangling in the air above my own bed. It happened in a split second, but it seemed to me that an hour had passed."

In fact, a bolt of lightning struck the telephone line, and the receiver literally exploded in Brinkley's hands. The young man received a strong electric shock. Everything that happened to him further, he saw as if from the side.


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Dannion was lucky - he was not alone in the house. Hearing noise from the next room, Sandy's wife rushed in. And I was dumbfounded with horror! Her husband was lying motionless on the floor. Sandy pulled herself together and rushed to her husband to do artificial respiration. It helped, Dannion felt his soul returning to his body. Ten minutes later, Tommy appeared in the house. The comrade had previously served in the navy and knew how to provide first aid. He wrapped a recovered Dannion in a blanket and told Sandy to call an ambulance.

The medical staff arrived quickly. The victim was put on a stretcher and carried to the ambulance. Dannion remembers the rain pouring down his face. In the ambulance on the way to the hospital, Brinkley's heart stopped. The driver drove the ambulance to the hospital with all his might. Doctors and nurses met the car at the door of the hospital and took the patient to the intensive care unit. And while the doctors were trying to breathe life into the lifeless body, the patient himself went on a journey across other worlds.

Crystal city

Dannion's soul flew through the tunnel, where she was met by an angel and escorted to the Crystal City. Brinkley saw the "Temple of Knowledge" and received thirteen visions contained in the so-called "boxes". The angel allowed him to see 117 pictures of the future. According to Brinkley himself, 95 visions have already come true.

In the first box, Dannion saw the aftermath of the war in Southeast Asia, namely Vietnam. The American soldiers returning from this war were completely demoralized. Later, this generation of Americans was called "lost": many of them did not manage to return to normal life, their lot became hippies, drugs and alcohol. The war gave rise to a decadent mood in society, people lost faith in God, turned away from the church, turned their eyes to sects.

In the second box, Brinkley saw the country “getting into monstrous debts. It was portrayed as a room where money disappears much faster than it arrives. " In the third box, Dannion saw the seal of the President of the United States with the initials “R. R.". He dreamed that this “R. R." rides in the form of a cowboy and shoots the "bad guys". Brinkley guessed: the future president is a Hollywood actor with the initials “R. R.".

Several months after his recovery, when Dannion was describing his visions to famed psychiatrist Raymond Moody, author of the acclaimed Life After Death, he suggested that Robert Redford had appeared to him in Crystal City. But he was wrong - the former actor Ronald Reagan came to power. Later, Moody, every time he met Brinkley, laughingly reminded him of his mistake. But the initials were indeed correct!

Scary prophecies

In the fourth and fifth boxes, Dannion saw scenes of bloodshed and feud in the Middle East. He understood it this way: there will never be peace between Israel and the Arab countries surrounding it, moreover, many wars are planned in the region. Ultimately Israel will be isolated, surrounded by hostile states on all sides. The focus of the conflict is Jerusalem itself, or rather, the struggle for disputed territories. Unfortunately, life confirms this vision of Brinkley.

The sixth box terrified Dannion. In the middle of a wooded area on the banks of the river, he saw a massive and gloomy structure of cement. An inexplicable fear seized him. Suddenly the ground shook and the building flew into the air. Brinkley knew it was a nuclear explosion. Some voice told him only two words: "1986" and "wormwood." Years later, when the nuclear reactor at Chernobyl exploded, Dannion understood the meaning of the vision. But then he had no idea that this event would be the beginning of the collapse of a huge country - the USSR. And in September 1975, long before the tragedy, he saw how a black cloud covered a huge territory, and people flee in panic to safety. The seventh box was entirely dedicated to the scene of destruction and disaster. Dannion saw contaminated areas and heard the excited voice of an announcer calling for environmental protection. Later, this "announcer" headed a new country - Russia. Its rise took place on the eve of the new millennium.

In other boxes, pictures of the future of Russia were not encouraging. The Chinese invaded the country, seized the railways, oil fields in Siberia, and divided the country into two parts.

However, for the rest of the world, the outlook was also rather gloomy: the planet was facing a third world war and a grandiose natural disaster. Brinkley saw scenes of chaos and destruction. One picture struck him to the depths of his soul: "a whole army of women in black robes and veils, marching through a European city."

Life after death

Dannion Brinkley was in Crystal City for only 28 minutes. Doctors brought him back to life, but the recovery process took several months. For six days, the patient was paralyzed, could neither move nor feed on his own, lost 30 kg in weight. He recovered completely after two years, but fate was pleased to send him new tests. In 1989, Brinkley underwent open heart surgery. In 1997, while on an airplane flight, he suffered an attack of a brain aneurysm. A new operation followed. Brinkley was hanging by a thread from death, and having recovered, he wrote the book of revelations "Saved by the Light" and devoted himself entirely to caring for seriously ill people. He works in hospices, organizes the recruitment of volunteers, and does a lot of community work.