Reincarnation - Cases - Alternative View

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Reincarnation - Cases - Alternative View
Reincarnation - Cases - Alternative View

Video: Reincarnation - Cases - Alternative View

Video: Reincarnation - Cases - Alternative View
Video: Children's Past Lives (Reincarnation Documentary) | Real Stories 2024, June

Reincarnation cases

Reincarnation - literally means "the process of getting back into the flesh", that is, the transmigration of souls from one body to another.

Nowadays, many famous and authoritative scientists are engaged in the problem of reincarnation. There are many cases of reincarnation in the world.

• Producer and filmmaker Fredy Breiter, who created the feature film Audrey Rose, which touches on the theme of reincarnation, said that he was inspired to shoot this film by the experience of his son.

When the child was six years old, the parents moved to a new place of residence. There was a concert grand piano in the house, and then suddenly the parents, who were unpacking things, heard the beautiful blues, but did not pay attention to it, believing that the boy turned on the radio. But what was their surprise when they saw that their son played the piano with exceptional skill, which he had never learned.

This is one of the most amazing examples of music skill recovery from a past life.

• Patient Juan was admitted to a Mexican mental hospital, complaining that he was "overwhelmed by mysterious pictures." Juan saw himself as a priest in a huge temple on some big island. Every day, he placed the dried mummies in large earthenware sarcophagus jugs, which he then took to the altars in the countless small rooms of the temple. At the same time, Juan described what was happening to the smallest detail, right down to blue dresses with blue roses embroidered on them by the priestesses who served him.

On the walls of the rooms where the jugs were placed, in his words, blue birds, fish and dolphins were painted. The case helped to figure everything out. Stevenson in one of the scientific journals came across an article about the legendary Labyrinth on the island of Crete, which turned out to be not a palace, as it was believed for a long time, but a necropolis - a giant city of the dead. The burial ceremony was absolutely the same as the Mexican Juan, who had never heard of the island of Crete, "saw". Moreover, he did not know that the blue and blue colors of the ancient Greeks were a symbol of sorrow, and that birds, fish and dolphins accompanied the souls of the dead to the underworld.

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• 1973 - Lydia Johnson agreed to help her physician husband conduct hypnosis experiments. During one of these sessions, her husband suggested to her that she needed to return to her previous life.

Suddenly Lydia grabbed her head and began to scream heart-rendingly. Johnson immediately interrupted the session, bringing his wife out of a trance, asked her to tell him everything she saw. Lydia told him that she saw a river in which the elderly were forcibly drowned. She felt that they also wanted to drown her, and then felt a blow.

What happened next defies any logical explanation: Lydia began to speak in a low voice in an unknown language (as it was later established, in Swedish), and when asked about her name she invariably answered: "Jensen Jacobi." During repeated sessions, she spoke in detail about “her” life and work on the farm.

After that, Lydia's husband called other specialists, and they wanted to complicate the experiment: they put different objects in front of the woman and began to ask questions about them. “Being Jensen,” Lydia Johnson easily identified a 19th century ship model and named it absolutely accurately in Swedish. In addition, she had no difficulty in identifying two types of wooden utensils that were used in the same century to measure the volume of grain, and many other items that were in use at that time. These experiments showed in favor of the fact that Lydia is perfectly oriented and feels like a Swedish farmer and speaks absolutely at ease in a language that she has never studied in real life.

• 1910, December - Adele Samoa from Palermo gave birth to two twin girls. Adele was happy, although sadness still worried her: in March her 5-year-old daughter Alexandrina died of tuberculosis.

Adele Samoa was a devout Catholic, she prayed earnestly to the Virgin Mary. This method of consolation was not just a tribute to religious traditions, but something more significant. Just a month after the death of Alexandrina, as the deceased daughter came to Adele in a dream with a child in her arms and told her mother that she would soon return. And on the same day, Adele realized that she was pregnant, despite the operation she had undergone a year ago, after which, according to doctors, she could hardly have children.

But Adele's feelings turned out to be correct, and when the twins were born in December, the one that appeared first had moles of the same shape and in the same place where the deceased daughter had. The newborn was named Alexandrina in honor of her departed sister.

At first, Adele's husband was sure that his wife's dream was the result of her sad reflections, and insisted that she put aside all thoughts of possible reincarnation. But time passed, and he was forced to agree that there really is something amazing in all this. Every day, the new Alexandrina became more and more like her first daughter, she loved to play the same games and ate the same dishes as the first, however, she turned out to be left-handed, although her twin sister was not left-handed. But despite all this, the parents finally believed that the girl was the reincarnation of the first daughter only when she was eleven.

One day in the spring of 1921, Adele told her daughters that next week they might go to Montreal. And then Alexandrina said that she had already been there, and described the whole city with incredible accuracy. There, she said, were also those "red priests" that you would not find in Palermo. When her mother asked how she knew all this, the girl was surprised and replied that Adele had taken her there, and that there was also a woman with them, whom she described as "a neighbor with scars on her forehead."

Adele knew for sure that the sisters had never been to Montreal. But many years ago, on that only visit to this city, she went there with her first daughter and a neighbor friend, who at that time was suffering greatly from cysts on her forehead that were very harmful to her beauty. And straining her memory, Adele recalled that that afternoon, in the main square of Montreal, they met Greek priests, dressed in bright red robes, unknown in Italy. The first Alexandrina was very interested in them. After this incident, nothing could dissuade Adele from the fact that the soul of her first daughter had moved into the body of the second.

• The girl, who was born without one foot, remembered herself as a young woman who fell under a train. As a result, her leg was amputated, but she died anyway. This case was confirmed by forensic medical records, and it is far from the only one.

And the boy, who was born with a scar on his head, remembered that he died in a past life from a blow with an ax. This case was confirmed by official evidence.

• 1957 May - Two sisters, Joanna and Jacqueline Pollock, 11 and 6 years old, die in their hometown of Hexham, Northumberland. They were hit by a car that flew onto the sidewalk.

Soon after the tragedy, the girls' father John Pollock came to the inexplicable confidence that their souls should be transferred to the bodies of other children. And when in 1958 his wife Florence said that she was pregnant again, he only confirmed his idea and looked forward to the birth of twin girls. His faith was so strong that he even argued with a gynecologist who examined his wife and claimed that she would give birth to only one child.

A strange paternal instinct won out. On October 4th Mrs. Pollock gave birth to two girls. The physical resemblance of the children was evident. The eldest of the twins, Jenny, had a streak on his forehead in the same place where her late sister Jacqueline was seriously injured when she fell off her bike. She also had a birthmark on her head, in the same place as Jacqueline. Another twin, Gillian, was born completely without moles, which was also strange considering that the two sisters were monozygotic twins, that is, they developed from the same egg.

In the Pollock family, a "memory" somehow happened, which finally convinced the parents to full confidence in reincarnation. When the sisters were only four months old, the family had to move to Whitley Bay, a town a few miles from Hexham. They were able to return to Hexham only three years later, when John Pollock finally got the opportunity to transport his family back. Both husband and wife were simply amazed at how their young children recognized the parks and playgrounds where their older daughters often visited. They even remembered the path their sisters took to school every day.

Obviously, the move contributed to some kind of switching in the minds of the girls, because after a few weeks they began to suffer from terrible night visions. They began to dream, as they said, of the very tragedy that ended their previous lives, and they described its place in every detail. The nightmares lasted for many months until the girls were five years old.

John and Florence Pollock are convinced that their deceased daughters have returned, just as John had anticipated.

• Diana Farouk, a 7-year-old Arab girl from the village of Kfar Rami, unexpectedly spoke Hebrew in her sleep. The child lived with his parents in the village, did not go anywhere. There were no Jews in the village. The village was Muslim, only Jordanian radio was listened to, and television broadcasts were received from Arab countries. It was completely unclear how the girl could master a language she had never heard.

We found out that the girl in a dream tells that her name is Yael bin Yair and that she once lived with her parents in Tel Aviv and died in a car accident. At the request of Diana's parents, the police raised the documents and found that three years ago a girl with that name actually died with her father and mother in an accident … Everything fit. Diana asked her parents to light candles according to Jewish tradition - on Saturdays. She talked about her home in Tel Aviv and her father, El Al.

When Diana was ten years old, she wanted to go in search of traces of her past life. The girl drove to Tel Aviv, found “her” street and “her” house correctly. But other people already lived in this house, who did not know anything about what happened to the previous residents …

Professor John Stevenson of the Department of Psychology at the University of California has collected approximately 1,500 documented evidence that people remember their past lives.

Much information about reincarnation comes from the Druze. Druze - Arabs, adherents of one of the Muslim Shiite sects, founded at the beginning of the XI century, lives mainly in Lebanon and Syria. Their religion is secret, and it is practically impossible for outsiders to penetrate into their beliefs. According to fragmentary information that we know, the Druze belief system includes the belief in reincarnation. The Druze possess the technique of revealing reincarnations and believe that the one who initiates strangers into the secrets of their faith will perish.

Here's one example. In the village of Osafiya, 4-year-old Kheni Saif lived with his parents. Once his parents took him to a wedding, which was attended by guests from another village - Deir Had. Henie suddenly ran up to the guests and began to call many of them by name. Then he began to persuade his parents to go with him "to his home" - to Deir Hud. When his wish was fulfilled, he confidently found “his” house there, and entering it, he greeted the owners, calling them “dad and mom,” and declared that he was their son.

In fact, a child died in this family 5 years ago. Henie rushed to "his" toys and even remembered what and under what circumstances they bought him. He found “his” clothes and said that he would now live here. Everyone reacted to this surprisingly calmly - the Druze know that this happens. We agreed that on weekdays the boy will live with his current parents, and will spend the weekend with the previous ones - in Deir Had. However, as the child grew up, he began to spend more and more time there and now lives practically in Deir Hud.

Why don't we remember our past lives?

According to modern scientists, memory loss during the transition from one life to another is caused by the hormone of the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, oxytocin. This hormone, produced by the pregnant woman's body, increases the frequency of uterine contractions during labor and prevents subsequent bleeding.

In the last stage of pregnancy, maternal oxytocin is passed on to the baby. Based on this, scientists suggest that this natural drug takes away the memory of past lives. Studies have shown that high levels of oxytocin lead to memory loss in experimental animals and to the fact that even trained animals lose the ability to perform well-developed commands.

Analyzing the sources, it is safe to say that reincarnation plays a significant role in each of the world's religions. And this makes us think about the ancient Buddhist truth that the human soul can reach the exit from the wheel of rebirth and death (the wheel of samsara), gaining the highest good either in the impersonal aspect, or, more preferably among Christians, in the personal one.

G. Zheleznyak, A. Kozka