Purgatory - Alternative View

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Purgatory - Alternative View
Purgatory - Alternative View

Video: Purgatory - Alternative View

Video: Purgatory - Alternative View
Video: 10. Purgatory I, II 2024, September

Three days after death, the “soul”, together with the body of desires and the body of the mental (thoughts), enters purgatory and will be there until the body of desires decays.

If a dying person could leave behind all his desires, the desire body would fall away from him very quickly, freeing him to go to the heavenly world, but this usually does not happen.

Most people, especially if they die in their prime, have many connections and interests in mortality. In fact, often their desires are even amplified by a very intense urge to return. That very strongly binds them to the world of desires and brings them indescribable torment, since the absence of a physical body does not give them the opportunity to realize their desires.

Imagine a rich and greedy person collecting material wealth and suddenly found himself on the other side of life. His relatives open his safe filled with money, he sees it and cannot physically prevent them from spending his savings. Although he did not spend a penny and beggarly in order to save this money. He will suffer acutely, his sufferings will be all the more terrible because they will be purely mental, because the dense body dulls the suffering to some extent. In the Desire World, however, this suffering completely dominates, and the soul suffers until it learns that money can also be a curse. So he gradually tries on his fate and, finally, frees himself from his desire body and is ready to move on. Having learned this lesson for future reincarnation, so as not only not to make such a mistake in the future,but also to correct, and not to allow actions that can offend someone or humiliate.

This is wisdom, do not accumulate material wealth, but accumulate spiritual wealth.

Old and decrepit people, like those who are weakened by a long illness and tired of life, move on very quickly.

It is especially difficult to die for people who are "torn out" of their bodies due to an accident, being in the prime of physical health and strength, being involved in various ways in the activities of physical life; people who are kept in touch with wife, family, relatives, friends, business aspirations and the search for pleasure.

A suicide who tried to escape from life and found that he was also alive, as before, is in the most pitiful situation. He can observe those he may have dishonored by his actions, and worst of all, he experiences an inexpressible sense of emptiness.

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When a person dies a natural death, even in the midst of life, the activity of the prototype ceases and the desire body adapts to occupy its entire form, but in the case of suicide, this terrible feeling of emptiness remains until the very time when death was supposed to occur in the natural course of events. While a person experiences desires associated with earthly life, he must remain in his body of desires, and since the progress of an individual requires a transition to higher Layers, then being in the World of Desires must necessarily become a purifying one, leading to cleansing him of the desires that bind him and burden him.

Consider this situation, after death a drunkard loves alcohol as well as during life. The dense body protests in vain in various ways, but the drunkard's desire body thirsts for booze and forces the body to take alcohol so that the desire body can experience the sensation of pleasure that is the result of increased vibrations. This desire remains even after the death of the gross body, but the drunkard has neither a mouth to drink nor a stomach to contain physical fluid in his body. He goes to taverns, where he introduces his desire body into the dense bodies of drunkards in order to receive at least part of their sensations, but they are too weak to satisfy him. O sometimes fits into a bottle of vodka, but this does not give him anything, because the bottle does not contain those vapors that are produced by the human digestive organs. It doesn't have any effect on him,and he is like a man in an open boat in the ocean: "Water, water all around, but not a drop to quench his thirst." As a result, he suffers terribly. Over time, however, he learns of the futility of the urge to drink, which the drunkard cannot get. Like many of our desires in earthly life, all desires in the Desire World die due to the inability to satisfy them. When the alcoholic has cleansed himself of this habit, he is ready to leave this state of "purgatory" and ascend to the heavenly world. When the alcoholic has cleansed himself of this habit, he is ready to leave this state of "purgatory" and ascend to the heavenly world. When the alcoholic has cleansed himself of this habit, he is ready to leave this state of "purgatory" and ascend to the heavenly world.

Thus, it proves that it is not a "vengeful God" who creates purgatory or hell for us, but our own bad habits and deeds.

What matters to a drunkard does not matter to a stingy rich man.

This is the law, symbolized in the scythe of the reaper - Death, the law of cause and effect: "What a man sows, he reaps."


The World of Desires is complex, it consists of 7 layers that can be grouped into three main layers: Higher Desires, Feeling, Lower desires. The World of Desires extends and intertwines throughout the entire Universe. The world of desires, acting in a lively dense body, makes it move in one direction or another. Without the World of Desires, all living forms capable of moving would be devoid of incentive motives for action. These motives are given by cosmic forces operating in the Desire World, and without this activity breaking through every thread of the animated body, prompting it to act in one direction or another, there would be no experience or moral growth.

Living forms rise to a higher level only as a result of moral growth. This is the World of Desires - constantly changing light and color - in which the forces of the animal and the person are intertwined with the forces of countless Hierarchies of spiritual Essences that do not appear in our Physical World, but are as active in the World of Desires as we are here