General Theory Of Space - Alternative View

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General Theory Of Space - Alternative View
General Theory Of Space - Alternative View

Video: General Theory Of Space - Alternative View

Video: General Theory Of Space - Alternative View
Video: Was Einstein "wrong"? | Testing new theories of gravity 2024, September

Modern cosmology claims that the universe was formed as a result of the Big Bang that occurred about 13.7 billion years ago, as a result of which the universe received all the volume of matter that remains unchanged. The theory of the Big Bang and the expansion of the Universe is considered recognized, and such observable phenomena as:

- redshift of spectra of distant galaxies, - microwave relic background, - increase in the duration of type 1A supernova explosions.

This proof is based on Einstein's postulate of the constancy of the speed of light. But, with the increase in the number of observed astronomical phenomena and in order to comply with the observational data with Einstein's postulate, physicists had to invent such physical phenomena as:

- expansion of the Universe, - expansion of Space, - accelerated expansion of Space, Promotional video:

- dark energy, - anti-gravity, - expansion of a wave of light by expanding Space.

The reluctance to blindly believe these inventions and fantasies prompted the creation of this theory.

We will not try to understand what a singularity is and how an infinitely large Universe with an uncountable amount of matter appeared from an infinitely small point. And just try to explain the structure of the Universe using the known physical laws and properties. Let's just change some of the ingrained postulates and dogmas.

To begin with, let's abandon the Big Bang theory with its instantaneous and final appearance of matter. And we will offer a completely different source of the formation of matter, which does not require a fantastic singularity and causeless explosion.

In physics, there is the so-called Casimir effect, which shows how two closely spaced plates are pressed by virtual particles that appear and disappear in Space. Based on the Casimir effect, we propose a theory in which Space is an independent physical entity with its own properties and laws. In which there is a constant fluctuation, as a result of which not virtual, but real elementary particles are born. These particles are constantly forming and disappearing in Space, being vortex bunches. During fluctuations, an infinite number of particles with different properties are born and disappear. And only a few of them remain stable and become known to us particles. The overwhelming majority of the formed particles, which did not receive sufficient torque, merge back with the surrounding Space. But at a moment of sufficient magnitude, the isolated bunch becomes stable and represents the birth of a new real particle.

The entire world we know consists of only four stable particles. Three particles of matter - two quarks and an electron. And one particle representing the entire spectrum of radiation - a photon. And that's it! All other particles are short-lived and do not have a significant effect on the surrounding world.

As is known from physics, a beam consists of individual photons of a corpuscular-wave nature. That is, a photon, being a separate particle, is simultaneously a wave. Physics somehow explains what an individual particle is. But what is a wave in a vacuum, modern science cannot explain. It is claimed that this is a stream of photons, energy. But how the photons line up in a wave and transfer the wave effect from one photon to another remains a mystery to science. But on these riddles, theories are built and recognized that show us how a ray of light contracts and stretches in space. Hubble's law is built on the stretching of the beam in Space, which states about the expansion of the Universe.

Figure: 1
Figure: 1

Figure: 1

Being a vortex bunch of Space, the photon moves pointwise and rectilinearly, and not wavy. The frequency response is obtained from the rotation of the photon as it moves.

Figure: 2
Figure: 2

Figure: 2

One revolution of a photon per unit distance is the wavelength, or its frequency. A photon cannot be represented as a solid particle with clear boundaries and a surface. It is a spinning clot that acquires properties only when it rotates. Without rotation, it merges with Space, ceases to exist.

Depending on the speed of rotation of the photon, we perceive it as a wave of different frequencies. The photon's rotation frequency decreases with time. This means that the photon is not eternal, it has a limit of existence and, upon reaching a critically low frequency, merges with Space.

The frequency of a photon is closely related to its speed. This relationship is inversely proportional. That is, a drop in the frequency of a photon leads to an increase in its speed.

Once emitted, with a specific spectrum, a photon continues its life with a constant and inexorable drop in frequency and an increase in speed. The speed of light is not constant. Einstein is wrong. And there is a lot of evidence for this.

Academician Pavel Cherenkov discovered the blue glow of transparent liquids when they are irradiated with fast charged particles. This effect is clearly visible in the cores of nuclear reactors.

Figure: 3
Figure: 3

Figure: 3

Cherenkov decided that it was caused by electrons knocked out of atoms by gamma radiation. A little later it turned out that these electrons were moving at a speed higher than the speed of light in the medium. It was decided that if a particle flies faster than the speed of light in a medium, then it overtakes its own waves, which form this glow.

Figure: 4
Figure: 4

Figure: 4

In reality, no overtaking of natural waves occurs, and this glow is gamma photons that have broken through the shell of the reactor, but have lowered their frequency to the visible spectrum. That is, the photon lowers its frequency not only from the distance traveled, but also from interaction with an obstacle.

In the ultraviolet range, the glow around the reactor should be an order of magnitude greater.

In this Cherenkov effect, at every modern reactor, we see two confirmation of the theory at once.

The first is the drop in the photon frequency to the visible spectrum. That is, this is a direct confirmation of the aging of light, denied by official science, expressed by a drop in the frequency of a photon.

And the second is the officially confirmed excess of the speed of light. No paradox or violation of the law of conservation of energy occurs in this case. Frequency converts to speed.

From the school physics course, everyone knows the phenomenon of light dispersion. When a beam of white light, passed through a prism, decomposes into individual colors, showing us how frequency and speed are closely related. The high-speed beam does not have time to deflect by the same angle as the lower-speed beam.

Figure: five
Figure: five

Figure: five

Figure: 6
Figure: 6

Figure: 6

Both the Cherenkov effect and the dispersion of light clearly and unambiguously show the inconstancy of the speed of light and a direct relationship between the speed of a photon and its frequency.

The statement that these effects are observed only in the optical medium is controversial, since Space, according to this theory, is also a physical medium.

Visible sunlight, reaching an obstacle, loses its energy, decreasing the frequency. And it is reflected already in the form of a particle with a lower frequency but with a higher speed, which we define as thermal infrared radiation. The daytime increased radio telephone is a consequence of the drop in the frequency of photons from collisions with the atmosphere and the surface of the Earth. As a result of which the photon, passing through the infrared spectrum, becomes a radio wave.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a redshift was discovered in the spectra of galaxies. Edwin Hubble discovered that the red shift of the spectrum increases with increasing distance to the galaxy. To explain this observation, it was suggested that reddening is due to the Doppler effect, which shows how a receding source stretches a light beam, expanding the distance between the wave crests, thereby reducing its frequency.

Hubble suggested that there is a linear relationship between the distances to galaxies and the rates of their removal, that is, the farther from us the galaxy, the faster it moves away. This dependence later became known as the Hubble Law.

Since then, we have been told about redshift as a proven fact of the scattering of galaxies and the expansion of the Universe.

Astronomers continue to find galaxies with increasingly red spectrum. But, if we simply compare the observed redshift with the speed necessary for this according to the Hubble law, then the speed of galaxies in some cases will exceed the speed of light.

To explain this phenomenon, and without destroying their previous theories, physicists had, in addition to the simple scattering of galaxies, to invent a new phenomenon - the expansion of Space. Explaining at the same time that galaxies move in Space at their usual speed, but since Space is also expanding, the mutual speed of recession of galaxies consists of the sum of two speeds - the speed of galaxies plus the speed of expansion of Space. As a result, they were able to explain any speed of flight of galaxies. Even at dozens of light speeds.

We are told that expanding Space stretches the wave of light, thereby lowering its spectrum. But here a lot of questions arise, the main one of which is: Why does the wave stretch in an extended section of Space, and when this very wave hits a compressed section of Space, the wave does not compress, but remains stretched?

There are hundreds of questions, the answers to which can only be the fantasies of theorists.

The image of a ray in the form of a wave line that can stretch or contract in space is completely illiterate. Since, firstly, a single photon cannot stretch in Space and turn into a wave. Secondly, the flux of photons cannot line up in a wave of a strict configuration, setting the frequency of the beam. The frequency of the beam is set by the frequency of each individual photon. Consider dispersion with a prism that helps separate photons with different frequencies.

With whatever speed and in whatever direction the source moves, the photon will always fly strictly with its own speed, depending on its natural frequency. The direction of movement and speed of the source have absolutely no effect on the parameters of the photon. The photon moves exclusively in relation to Space. There is no relativity and no additional frames of reference in the motion of a photon. Einstein's SRT is fundamentally wrong.

There are three reasons for the change in the photon spectrum.

Two of them are the drop in the photon's frequency from the distance traveled and the drop in frequency from the interaction with the obstacle, with an increase in speed in both cases. And the third reason is due to the Doppler frequency shift.

But the Doppler effect can be observed only in one case. And he will show us not with what speed the source is approaching or receding, but with what speed the observer is approaching or receding. In this case, we get a completely unexpected Doppler effect, and the opposite of the Hubble law. Its surprise is that the faster we fly towards the photon, the redder the light will be. Conversely, the faster we move away from the photon, the more blue the spectrum will shift.

The essence of the effect is as follows:

The photon will fly past the observer motionless in space having turned around its axis n times. The observer will see it with a frequency of n.

Now let's assume that the observer starts moving towards the photon. In this case, the photon, flying past the observer, will not have time to turn the same number n times. And for a smaller number of revolutions, depending on the oncoming speed of the observer.

The observer will see the same photon, but with a smaller number of revolutions, with a lower frequency, and the photon spectrum for the observer will be shifted to the red zone. That is, the usual principle of addition of speeds operates. And, the higher the oncoming speed, the lower the photon frequency for the observer.

When the observer moves along the ray, in the direction of the photon, the opposite effect will be observed. A photon will fly past the observer, which in the same time will have time to turn more times. Accordingly, for the observer, the photon frequency will be higher, that is, it will be shifted to the blue side.

Therefore, if we observe the blue shift of Andromeda, then this shows only how fast the Earth is moving away from Andromeda, and not how fast the neighboring galaxy is approaching us. And this is easy to check due to the rotation of the Earth around the Sun, taking into account the speed of rotation of our galaxy.

Reddening or blueing of the light does not at all show the speed of removal or approach of the source, but only shows the speed of the observer's movement towards or away from the movement of photons.

Thus - Hubble's Law is incorrect and Hubble redshift does not exist.

When measuring the redshift value for galaxies located in the plane of the Earth's ecliptic, one can detect semi-annual fluctuations in the frequency shift. This is due to the movement of the observer along with the Earth towards or away from the beam. With this measurement, it is necessary to take into account the daily rotation of the Earth, the rotation around the Sun, as well as the rotation of the solar system around the center of the galaxy.

And instead of the Hubble constant, one should introduce a constant for the decrease in the frequency of the photon and the increase in its speed per unit of distance traveled.

There are several ways to determine distances in deep space.

One of them is based on the inverse square law. This law states that the value of some physical quantity at a particular point is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from that point to the source.

That is, the brightness of a star is inversely proportional to the square of the distance to it.

Figure: 7
Figure: 7

Figure: 7

Supernovae of type 1a were selected, the explosions of which always proceed in the same way with great accuracy and the same brightness.

Knowing the distance to at least one such star, and measuring exactly its brightness, you can create a template by which to calculate the distance to similar stars by the formula:

Distance is inversely proportional to the square root of the star's brightness.

Figure: 8
Figure: 8

Figure: 8

This method is called the standard candlestick method.

The next step for the study was the comparison of different methods for determining the distance.

The idea was to find out at what distance the supernovae are located, and by the shift in the spectrum - how quickly these standard candles move away from us.

Figure: nine
Figure: nine

Figure: nine

It was expected that due to gravitational attraction, with increasing distance, the expansion of the universe would decrease.

But they suddenly discovered that distant supernovae are much fainter than theory predicts.

Figure: ten
Figure: ten

Figure: ten

We decided that the stars are located even further than they should be. Having calculated the parameters of the expansion of the Universe, physicists assumed that this expansion occurs with acceleration. It was to substantiate this acceleration that dark energy and antigravity were invented, supposedly stretching the Universe in breadth.

In addition to the decrease in the brightness of the star with distance, an increase in the flare time was found. And the farther from us the outbreak occurs, the longer it is observed.

This observation served as another plus in the theory of the expansion of the Universe and the Big Bang.

It was said that expanding space expands the beam of light, thereby lengthening it in time.

Now let's look at the ongoing processes from the perspective of this theory.

During a supernova explosion, a stream of photons is emitted into space, lasting about 15 days.

Figure: eleven
Figure: eleven

Figure: eleven

During the entire flare time, the head photons will have time to move away from the source at a distance of 15 light days, when the tail photons will appear and fly in the same direction.

Since the photons lose frequency and increase their speed from the distance traveled, it turns out that in 15 days, the head photons will have time to cover a distance sufficient for a slight decrease in frequency and an equally insignificant increase in speed. Which will be higher than the speed of the newly appeared tail photons.

Let us assume that the flash ended exactly on the 15th day, and a ray flies through space, the length of which is exactly 15 light days. But the head photons at any given time will have a covered distance 15 light days longer than the tail photons.

Figure: 12
Figure: 12

Figure: 12

Therefore, their acceleration will always be greater than the acceleration of the tail, which will also accelerate from the distance traveled. That is, no matter how much the beam flies in space, the head photons will constantly move away from the tail photons, since their distance traveled and acceleration will always be greater, and the beam will constantly lengthen.

Figure: thirteen
Figure: thirteen

Figure: thirteen

And, the further the ray moves away from the source, the longer in space it will become, and the longer the observer will register it. That is why, the further a supernova is located, the longer we observe its glow.

There is no expansion of space

Now for the unnecessary tarnishing of the stars.

This phenomenon occurs due to the stretching of the beam in space, as a result of which a rarefaction of the photon flux occurs. That is, the further the beam moves, the further the photons move away from each other and the less the beam density becomes. This is the reason for the additional drop in the brightness of the star, depending on the lengthening of its luminosity time.

When observing pulsars, an unexpected phenomenon was discovered - at different frequencies, the signal arrives at different times. This once again confirms that the speed of light is not constant and it is directly related to its frequency. The further away the pulsar is, the greater the time difference of the signals should be.

Figure: fourteen
Figure: fourteen

Figure: fourteen

Using this observation, an experiment can be carried out using corner reflectors on the moon. It is necessary to send two signals synchronously to them at different frequencies. According to Einstein's theory, they should return at the same time. And according to this theory, the low-frequency beam should return earlier.

In 1972 and 1973, two American stations were launched into space - Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11. The pioneers completed their task, but continued to travel and transmit information to Earth.

The spacecraft left the solar system and headed into interstellar space.

After processing the telemetry by the frequency shift of the signals, the so-called Pioneers anomaly was discovered - an inexplicable deceleration of the vehicles, as a result of which the signals from the vehicles began to arrive on Earth earlier than expected.

Various explanations have been considered. Among them were: the influence of the solar wind, deceleration by interplanetary dust, interaction with the interplanetary magnetic field and even with dark matter. However, all taken together, they could not give even a hundredth of the observed effect.

The question came up squarely, since it was necessary to choose between existing laws and "new physics", proposing theories and laws that do not fit into the Theory of Relativity.

As a result, an explanation was chosen that suggests that this effect is manifested due to the thermal radiation of the batteries, which create reverse jet thrust.

Figure: fifteen
Figure: fifteen

Figure: fifteen

On this, everyone calmed down and the topic was closed. Einstein's theory survived.

But the most interesting thing in this story is that the value of this inhibition completely coincided with the product of the speed of light and the Hubble constant! Although, according to all the canons, the expansion of the Universe should have started to affect outside our galaxy.

Figure: sixteen
Figure: sixteen

Figure: sixteen

This theory rejects the expansion of space, along with the Hubble constant and claims that this effect shows only one thing - the acceleration of the signal from the distance traveled.

Fig. 17
Fig. 17

Fig. 17

Fig. 18
Fig. 18

Fig. 18

That is, radio signals come to Earth with acceleration. Their speed increases with the distance traveled. And if the calculations are carried out according to Einstein, with his constancy of the speed of light, then these calculations will just show the deceleration of vehicles. Which doesn't really exist. The devices are further away than the calculations show.

And this effect will increase with increasing distance to the vehicles. Which, by the way, is confirmed by observations.

This anomaly fits perfectly into the variability of the speed of light.

The Pioneers are supposed to have another anomaly. This is the lengthening of the signal time. That is, a signal from an apparatus with a duration of 1 second will be received on Earth by a perceptible amount longer.

Figure: 19
Figure: 19

Figure: 19

In this case, the same principle works as for a beam from a supernova.

For any radiation, depending on the distance traveled, the following changes occur:

- Its frequency drops with a shift towards the red zone.

- Its speed is increasing.

- The beam is stretched in space, thereby increasing the reception time.

- Its density decreases.

And such changes occur with absolutely all photons representing the entire spectrum of radiation.

This is a cosmological principle, the Law by which the Universe exists.

In astronomy, there is the so-called Olbers photometric paradox. Which says that if the Universe is infinite, homogeneous and stationary, then in the sky, in whatever direction we look, sooner or later there will be a star.

That is, the entire sky should be completely filled with bright luminous points of stars, and it should shine brighter at night than during the day. And we, for some reason, observe a black sky with individual stars.

Olbers himself suggested that light is absorbed by interstellar dust clouds. However, with the appearance of the first law of thermodynamics, this explanation became controversial, since, by absorbing light, interstellar matter had to heat up and emit light itself.

There is an explanation for this paradox, again based on the finite age of the Universe, asserting that for the 13 billion years that the Universe has existed, there has not been enough time for the formation of such a number of stars that would fill the entire sky with their light.

This explanation is closely related to the Big Bang theory, which puts our Universe at a finite age of 13 billion years.

And this paradox is also used against the supporters of the stationary Universe and in defense of the Big Bang.

In 1948, George Gamow put forward the idea that if the universe was formed as a result of the Big Bang, then there must be residual radiation in it. Moreover, this radiation should have been evenly distributed throughout the universe.

And in 1965, Arno Pensias and Robert Wilson accidentally discovered microwave radiation that was filling space. This background cosmic radiation was later called the "relict background".

Figure: 20
Figure: 20

Figure: 20

Called the greatest astronomy discovery of all time, this microwave radiation has become one of the main evidence for the Big Bang.

In contrast to Gamow, the present theory asserts that the Universe is stationary and unlimited in time and space. There was no big bang and there shouldn't be any traces of such an explosion. Including the relic background.

And the detected microwave radiation is a direct confirmation of the General Theory of Space and is thus the missing photometric Olbers paradox.

Any source at any point in space emits a ray of a certain spectrum. This source can be located much further than the visible universe. And this ray continues its journey regardless of the source.

A ray moving in space constantly loses its frequency. And, if a gamma ray is emitted from the source, then it will be registered by a gamma ray near it. After a certain distance, this ray will lower its frequency and will be observed already in the visible spectrum. Flying further, the beam will surprise astronomers with a strong redshift, who will come up with a theory that its source is rushing in the opposite direction at great speed. Even further, passing into the infrared spectrum, the beam will puzzle astronomers with the superluminal speed of the source. Astronomers will have to think of expanding space to squeeze this beam into their theories. And then, by shifting to the microwave spectrum, it will make theorists believe that it is an echo of the Big Bang. And theorists will have to fantasize about the processes of this explosion with an accuracy of millionths of a second and degrees.

But even this the ray will not stop its journey. Then it will become a radio wave, first a short wave, then a longer one. And he will end his life only when his frequency can no longer hold photons in the form of isolated particles and he will dissolve, merging with space.

And the greatest discovery of astronomy of all time is the greatest folly of astronomy!

In conclusion, let's go over the main arguments of the theory:

- The redshift in the spectra of galaxies is a consequence of the drop in the photon frequency, with a shift towards the red zone. The greater the shift to the red zone, the farther from us the source is and the longer the photon has traveled. As a result, its frequency decreased and its speed increased. There is no connection between redshift and source velocity! The Doppler effect is not involved in this process.

- The observed microwave background is radiation from galaxies outside the Optical Universe, hundreds of billions of light years away. The light from which has lowered its frequency, passing through the visible, red and infrared spectra. And came to us in the form of microwave radiation.

Figure: 21
Figure: 21

Figure: 21

- The lengthening of the supernova explosion time, depending on the distance, is a consequence of the acceleration of photons from the path traveled. The farther from us is the supernova, and the longer the beam travels, the longer the beam becomes, the longer the flash will last. There is no expansion of space.

- Excessive dimming of distant supernovae, found when comparing the two methods for determining the distance, is a consequence of the same stretching of the beam from the distance traveled. When the beam is stretched in space, it is rarefied, the photons move away from each other. Its density decreases. Hence the drop in its brightness. There is no accelerated expansion. Just as there is no dark energy with anti-gravity unknown to science.

Thus, there is not only an accelerated expansion of the Universe, but in general any expansion.

The universe is stationary and unlimited

And the theories supported by official science do not provide an opportunity to see how limitless the Universe is, how small its visible part, which we call the optical Universe, and how limitless the rest of the Mega-Universe is.

V. Minkovsky