Love Came With Remorse - Alternative View

Love Came With Remorse - Alternative View
Love Came With Remorse - Alternative View

Video: Love Came With Remorse - Alternative View

Video: Love Came With Remorse - Alternative View
Video: Nightwish - While Your Lips Are Still Red (OFFICIAL VIDEO) 2024, June

“I was 13 years old when my mom and dad took a girl from the orphanage. Since I was the only one in the family, and now there is a competitor for parental love, I really disliked the girl. Although she showed truly kindred feelings to me. But that made me hate her even more.

Once at the dacha I decided to take a walk to the lake, it was located not far from our house.

Arriving on the shore, I saw someone swimming, but the movements of the hands were not at all synchronous and smooth, but on the contrary, sharp and looking for something to grab onto.

When I realized that my sister was drowning, I felt happy. I imagined how she would disappear from my life, how everything would be the same.

The last wave of her hands - and the girl went under the water. Only now I realized that I had lost my sister, I had lost a loved one. I felt bitter and scared.

Going home and looking into my mother's happy eyes, I could not resist. He turned away and cried softly.

A child's voice came from the back room. I decided I was going crazy. Entering the room, I couldn't believe my eyes - my father was playing with Rita! Running up to her, I hugged her, hugged her and was, it seems, the happiest in the world! My parents were surprised a lot, because I didn't even want to talk to her before. After this incident, there was complete harmony in the family.

I do not know who drowned, or whether he drowned at all. I asked the residents of the village, no one confirmed what they saw. Apparently it was a vision for me only."

Promotional video:

Alexey Tokarev, Irkutsk