Seven Deadly Sins - Alternative View

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Seven Deadly Sins - Alternative View
Seven Deadly Sins - Alternative View

Video: Seven Deadly Sins - Alternative View

Video: Seven Deadly Sins - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Anime Like Nanatsu no Taizai 2024, September

From time immemorial, the seven deadly sins mentioned in the Bible have been the basis of the morality of Christendom. But recently, the number of people willing to live by the rules is decreasing. French culinary experts demand the elimination of gluttony, British scientists stand up for voluptuousness. Does this mean that it is time to revise the moral and ethical dogmas? Let's figure it out.

In fact, what's wrong with a sex drive or a habit of eating delicious food? And the truth is nothing. But only on condition that you know how to control yourself. But when there is no sense of proportion, any of these completely normal qualities can turn into a vice, which sooner or later will lead to very sad results. So let's try to understand why pride, envy, anger, laziness, greed, gluttony and voluptuousness are dangerous.


Of course, it is pride that makes us grow and develop, strive for the best, move mountains and perform heroic deeds. Pride is one of the main reasons that we adhere to certain principles, keep our promises, do not give offense to ourselves and loved ones.

But pride and pride are different things. Nobody likes arrogant persons. After all, such a person looks at others from top to bottom, considers himself the center of the universe. It is very difficult to build some kind of relationship with the navel of the earth, so proud people are often lonely and unhappy.

In addition, proud people are constantly forced to set ever more difficult goals, raise the bar, work from dawn to dusk - and only in order to assert themselves and once again prove their own coolness. In order to amuse pride, a person spins like a squirrel in a wheel, and in the end is simply exhausted. Chronic fatigue, persistent headaches, depression, jumping pressure, heart and digestive problems - isn't it too expensive to pay?

Do you notice such a sin? Ask someone close to you to become your mirror: during the day, let this person copy your gait, your manner of speaking, your every look and gesture - and you will understand how ridiculous you look from the outside.

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Being annoyed that your neighbor has something wonderful, be it an expensive item, a brand new car, a well-paid job, family, or talents, proves that you are unhappy with your own life and, most likely, yourself. Envy destroys from the inside, cultivates complexes, spoils character. A person becomes angry, irritable, often becomes angry or, conversely, depressed. Naturally, you don't get sick for long. Headaches, gastritis, insomnia - did you dream about this, envying a successful colleague?

Live your own life, not adjusting to those around you. Decide what's most important to you. Take an example from your idols, learn from them, and do not complain that you were not given abilities or luck.


This is perhaps the most terrible sin. Both literally and figuratively. An angry person looks intimidating. Blushes, screams, destroys everything that comes to hand. But the worst thing is that he cripples his own life and health.

First, relations with others deteriorate: who wants to deal with a person who is ready to go berserk for any reason? Until you learn to control irritability, there can be no talk of a normal family life, or respect for colleagues. In addition, over time, you run the risk of acquiring a whole bunch of ailments: stomach problems, hypertension, migraines, cardiovascular diseases.

How to be? Don't let the dragon escape? Constantly restrain negative emotions? But this way you can bring yourself to a prolonged depression. Righteous anger must be controlled. The easiest way is when you feel like you're about to explode, count to ten to avoid a ton of relationship problems. But then be sure to let yourself get out. Keep a diary in which you will note all annoying episodes and analyze them. Have therapy discussions - with a close friend, spouse, or even your own reflection in the mirror. Talk about anything that pisses you off.

Go in for sports - running, boxing, or wrestling are great. Listen to your favorite music more often and acquire a hobby. Drawing, embroidery and dancing are great for calming the nervous system.


No matter how pompous it sounds, laziness inevitably leads to degradation, physical and mental stagnation. At first, you don't want to bother yourself with worries on weekends, then you lose the desire to go to work, think, make decisions, feel … Much earlier than it seems, a normal, absolutely healthy person can turn into a vegetable.

Everyone has heard of people who, lying on the couch, blurred to an incredible size and, as a result, could no longer move without assistance. And the disturbed metabolism was not always the fault of their troubles - sometimes the harmless, at first glance, habit of doing nothing led to such disastrous results. Of course, these are extremes. The average sloth gets off with a slight fright. In his companions - cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, obesity, muscle atrophy, apathy, depression.

If you feel that idleness is becoming a habit, take urgent action! Start with daily walks, theaters and movies. When this lifestyle becomes a habit, immediately move on to the next stage: sports, study or work, new hobbies.


Not everyone is able to take off their last shirt and donate all their hard earned money to a charitable foundation. But this is not required. If altruism is alien to you, try not to be overwhelmed by a passion for hoarding. Keep making money, supporting yourself and your family, saving for vacations and rainy days.

There is nothing to worry about as long as you have goals and hobbies that are not related to the acquisition of material wealth, as long as you do not tremble over every penny and convince your acquaintances of your imaginary poverty. Otherwise, you risk soon burning out in the service, losing the love and support of loved ones.

Have you found at least one dangerous symptom? Try to understand what makes you serve the Golden Calf. Are you asserting yourself so much? Do you think that without a weighty wallet and a bunch of attributes of a successful person, you are not interesting to anyone? Well, it means that you need to learn to communicate, try to keep abreast of the events of cultural life, perhaps take care of your appearance. You don't want to turn into a piggy bank and grow old alone, leaving behind a lot of unnecessary things?


Do you like delicious food? To your health! But make sure that your weakness does not develop into a dependence on food. An abundance of fatty, salty, fried foods can knock down a bull. The same applies to the habit of seizing stress, to snacking in between times, excessive attachment to buns, desserts and fast food.

Gluttony is the shortest path to obesity, endocrine and vascular problems, heart disease, digestive system, kidney and liver diseases. And the cases of death from gluttony, by the way, are not so few.

There is no need to deprive yourself of gastronomic pleasures, but remember - everything should be in moderation.


Of course, sex drive is one of the surest signs of health. Excluding situations where sexual desire gets out of control. Constant change of partners, continuous excitement, sick fantasies - what kind of pleasure can we talk about when a person becomes a slave to his passion? Agree, there is nothing romantic about all this.

When sex turns into a fix idea, first of all, you need to find other sources of pleasure. Stop using sex partners as keys to solving your own problems. Understand: a huge number of connections will not make you happier, smarter, more interesting, more desirable. This is more an indicator of weakness and obsession than attractiveness.

In short, whatever you do, remember the words of Paracelsus: “Everything is poison and everything is medicine. It's all about the dose."