Forest Spirit Of Malaysia - Alternative View

Forest Spirit Of Malaysia - Alternative View
Forest Spirit Of Malaysia - Alternative View

Video: Forest Spirit Of Malaysia - Alternative View

Video: Forest Spirit Of Malaysia - Alternative View
Video: Pontianak: The Vengeful, Violent Vampiric Ghost of Southeast Asia | Monstrum 2024, September

Information about mysterious creatures resembling people, but covered with wool, comes from Malaysia. Villagers in southern Malacca often talk about their encounters with the giant great ape. In 1990, the newspaper "Soviet Youth" published an article by Mikhail Tsyganov "Orang tua chungkak is a good guy!", Which provided very interesting facts about meetings with a relict hominoid in this country. Here is just one snippet of this article:

“That evening in late October, two logging workers in the Malaysian state of Johor were doing normal work when they suddenly heard noise in the bushes. They were not new to the jungle, and therefore, without much fear, resorted to the means tested in such situations: armed with sticks, they began to knock on tree trunks to drive away the animal hidden there. The noise in the thickets continued. Ah Hong and his partner Atan returned to work, but then the bushes parted and a huge, monkey-like creature with angry red eyes appeared …"

It is not hard to guess that the workers did not look at him, but rushed to run as fast as they could. When the head of the forestry operations Lim Chen Wu saw them, he immediately believed in the story told. It was the first time in his life that Wu had seen such frightened people. And it is difficult to imagine that the workers, who were experienced hunters and knew the jungle and its inhabitants like the back of their hand, could take some of the known animals for such a creature.

A special search party was equipped, which found strange tracks 32 cm long and 19 cm wide at the meeting place with the monster. Department employees spent the night in the jungle, at night they heard unusual sounds, one of them shone a flashlight into the bushes and noticed there “something big ". In the morning, in that place, they found "huge footprints similar to human feet."

This event could not fail to interest local journalists. They managed to find people who have repeatedly seen traces of a mysterious creature. Sarip Sibo, 63, from the village of Sungei Mok, said: “I have seen his tracks more than once. The jungle was my playground, because I was born and raised in these places. And I can say with all confidence that neither bears nor monkeys leave them."

The locals have several names for the strange inhabitant of the jungle - Hantu Jarang Gigi, Mavar and Orang Tua Chungkak. The creature is supposedly immortal, has supernatural powers, can instantly disappear and appear.

A member of Johor's Animal Welfare Department, commenting on the entire story, said: "According to reports, this is either an unknown species of orangutan or a 'Mavar' - a semi-legendary ape-like creature. He is a vegetarian and lives in trees. Judging by the fact that he is only noticed in October-November, it is at this time that the path of his annual migrations passes through areas inhabited by people."

Three fishermen in November 2005 told scientists that they saw a whole family of wild forest people. Their tracks were half a meter long! The zoologists who arrived from the city carefully examined the tracks, and from the broken branches they estimated the growth of creatures unknown to science and concluded that it could reach three meters. Although locals believe that this is actually the forest spirit of Hantu Yarang Jiji from ancient legends, journalists all over the world have already told all about the same Yeti, but this time Malaysian.

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In hot pursuit, the authorities organized an expedition that combed the Endau-Rompin National Park, but found no signs of such creatures living in this place. And yet, the members of the expedition managed to record a lot of eyewitness accounts from the surrounding villages who allegedly saw this hominoid. In 2006, the authorities of Johor state expected an influx of foreign hunters for Bigfoot and even prepared 500 permits to survey the jungle for his search, but none of them were filled out. The number of tourists has not increased due to reports of local Yeti.

Why did the world community of "snowmen" not pay attention to the message about the Malaysian Yeti? The explanation is most likely simple. Firstly, each of the researchers already has a favorite search area, usually in his own country: why fly from the USA to Malaysia, if you can just as well look for an American Bigfoot. Secondly, reports of relict hominoids from Malaysia are quite rare and are not supported by any comments from reputable scientists. Thirdly, such messages can generally appear from scratch, since their main goal is to attract as many travelers to the country as possible. Well, be that as it may, it remains to wait for new messages from this country. Ironically, evidence of the forest yeti may well be found where no one expects it …