Who Hunts For The Skulls Of The Greats - Alternative View

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Who Hunts For The Skulls Of The Greats - Alternative View
Who Hunts For The Skulls Of The Greats - Alternative View

Video: Who Hunts For The Skulls Of The Greats - Alternative View

Video: Who Hunts For The Skulls Of The Greats - Alternative View
Video: Juice WRLD - Righteous (Official Video) 2024, September

The grave diggers grabbed the heads of Shakespeare and Mozart. And not only them

A very curious message came from England. On May 3, the world celebrates the 400th anniversary of the great playwright William Shakespeare. In preparation for the anniversary, scientists conducted a GPR scan of the grave of the classic in the Church of the Holy Trinity in his homeland, in the city of Stratford-upon-Avon. The device has detected a strange irregularity in the head area. In short, the skull is missing. By a mystical coincidence, the author of "Hamlet". In this play there is a silent character - the skull of poor Yorick, the court jester. He is held in the hands of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, and he is delivering the famous monologue. As if anticipating such a turn, Shakespeare himself asked for a warning on the gravestone:

Friend, for God's sake, don't swarm

Remains taken by this land;

Untouched is blessed for centuries, And cursed - who touched my ashes.

Isn't that why the archaeologists of Staffordshire University under the leadership of Kevin Colls did not open the grave this spring, but used georadar.

As you can see, even the curse did not help. The ashes were disturbed. By the way, the sad discovery of archaeologists only confirmed the legend, popular in the past centuries, that the playwright's skull was stolen already in 1794.

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Alas, the tragic fate of Shakespeare's ashes was shared by many remains of other great people of the past. Joseph Haydn died in Vienna in 1809. The famous composer was hastily buried the next day without honors. Since the city was captured by Napoleon. In 1820, Prince Esterhazy decided to adequately reburial Haydn in the crypt. When they opened the coffin, instead of a head they saw only a wig!

Prince Esterhazy was beside himself when the head of his court composer Haydn was stolen


Photo: wikipedia.org

The great Mozart lies decapitated in the grave. And the genius of the German Enlightenment, poet and playwright Friedrich Schiller, who died in 1805, was replaced by a skull in a coffin by marauders. Rumors about this blasphemy went back to the 19th century. In 2007, DNA experts from the Universities of Jena and Innsbruck proved that Schiller really has a "fake" head. There is talk of a similar sacrilege with the remains of Goethe, Petrarch, Beethoven …


Russia, too, was not spared by this terrible attack.

The author of Dead Souls, Nikolai Gogol, died in 1852. He was buried in Moscow at the cemetery of the Danilov Monastery. The atheist Bolsheviks set up a reception center for street children in the monastery, the monks were dispersed, and the necropolis was liquidated. The communists treated the classics of literature who ridiculed the landowners in a divine way. It was decided to transfer the ashes to the Novodevichy cemetery. The grave of Nikolai Vasilyevich was opened on May 31, 1931. This is how a member of the funeral commission, writer Vladimir Lidin, described this event: “… The work dragged on. It was already dusk, when the grave was finally opened. the corners and handles and the partially surviving bluish-lilac braid were intact. This is what Gogol's ashes were like: there was no skull in the coffin, and Gogol's remains began from the cervical vertebrae:the entire skeleton was enclosed in a well-preserved tobacco-colored frock coat; even underwear with bone buttons survived under the frock coat; they had shoes on their feet … The shoes were on very high heels, about 4-5 centimeters, which gives an unconditional reason to assume that Gogol was not tall. When and under what circumstances Gogol's skull disappeared remains a mystery. At the beginning of the opening of the grave, at a shallow depth, much higher than the crypt with a walled-up coffin, a skull was discovered, but archaeologists recognized it as belonging to a young man … "When and under what circumstances Gogol's skull disappeared remains a mystery. At the beginning of the opening of the grave, at a shallow depth, much higher than the crypt with a walled-up coffin, a skull was discovered, but archaeologists recognized it as belonging to a young man … "When and under what circumstances Gogol's skull disappeared remains a mystery. At the beginning of the opening of the grave, at a shallow depth, much higher than the crypt with a walled-up coffin, a skull was discovered, but archaeologists recognized it as belonging to a young man …"

After the revolution, the remains of Gogol were decided to be reburied


Photo: wikipedia.org

It seems that Stalin ordered to hide the story of the loss. But rumors quickly spread throughout Moscow. Besides Lidin, there were other writers at the autopsy. (Lidin's memoirs "The Transfer of the Ashes of N. V. Gogol" were published only in 1991 in the "Russian Archive".) The shocked Mikhail Bulgakov seemed to reflect this in "The Master and Margarita" with a story about the loss of Berlioz's head from the coffin. And already in our time, the director V. Lonskoy shot the film "The Head of the Classic". Like a banker looking for this chapter in the 21st century. I'm ready to pay big money for it.

It has long been rumored that not all is well with Pushkin's grave in the Svyatogorsk monastery. It seems that in the 50s, when the restoration of the necropolis damaged by the Nazis began, they found … two extraneous skulls in the grave. Male and female. According to one version, the head of Alexander Sergeevich himself was stolen.

Pushkin has a documentary poem on the topic. He handed it over to his lyceum friend the poet Anton Delvig along with…. the skull of his ancestor.

Take this skull, Delvig, he

It belongs to you by right.

Dress it up, baron, In a decent setting.

Make the coffin

Into the amusement bowl

Consecrate with boiling wine, Yes, wash down your ear and porridge.

The skeleton of Delvig's ancestor was stolen from the church crypt of Riga for study by a medical student, poet Nikolai Yazykov. Pushkin got the skull of Baron Delvig from his friend Wolfe, who kept tobacco in it (!).

Yazykov himself, who had stolen the skeleton of the baron, was buried in the Danilov Monastery next to Gogol. Their ashes were transferred together in 1931 to Novodevichy. But the poet's head was in place, the same eyewitness writer Lidin stated.


The scale of the grim disaster is impossible to assess. Everything is covered with earth. Grave. And only the transfer of the remains, as in the case of Haydn, Gogol, makes it possible to detect the loss. But reburials happen very, very rarely. As well as research with a georadar type of anniversary Shakespeare.

Who are these blasphemers, what is their goal? After all, there is a strict taboo - not to disturb the dead.

They talk about a certain secret society, which has set itself the goal of collecting in one place the skulls of all the most significant people in the history of mankind. Since they supposedly contain a gene responsible for superpowers. People inherited it from a civilization that existed before the flood. Carriers of this gene live among us to this day.

The tale of the gene of superpowers lurking in the skulls of the greats is an echo of the phrenology pseudoscience fashionable in the 19th century. Studying the connection between human genius and the structure of the surface of his skull. Phrenology was created by the Austrian anatomist Franz Josef Gall. He even painted areas on his head responsible for certain talents, including music. Gall wrote: "The lump of musician genius can be easily found on the bony skull a little back and outward from the outer corner of the eye." Was it not on Haydn's head stolen from the coffin that he studied this lump?

So the skulls of great, and even ordinary people, who disappeared in Europe in the first half of the 19th century, are attributed to the tricks of phrenologists. They defiled many graves for the triumph of their pseudoscience, which was later debunked. When the enraged prince Esterhazy saw a wig in the coffin instead of Haydn's head, he pulled the local followers of Gall to answer. They gave out the skull. But the doctors determined that it belongs to a twenty-year-old man. And Haydn died at 77. Then the phrenologists gave the older skull. Haydn was solemnly reburied with him. Later it turned out that the pseudoscientists had tricked the prince, given a fake. And the real head of the great composer secretly passed from hand to hand until it got into the Vienna Society of Friends of Music. And only in 1954 Haydn's skull and skeleton were solemnly reunited, finally, in the grave.

In Shakespeare's Hamlet, the scene with poor Yorick's skull is one of the key


Photo: Ekaterina Tsvetkova / kp.ru


Other blasphemers are collectors. The skull of the same Mozart ten years later was dug up by the gravedigger Josef Rothmeier and given to the engraver Jacob Hirtl. In 1902, the relic was donated to the Mozart Foundation in Salzburg. In 2005, medical experts from the University of Innsbruck decided to verify the authenticity of the exhibit. The well-preserved female skeletons of Mozart's 16-year-old cousin Jeannette and maternal grandmother Efrosina Pertle were exhumed. Alas, the DNA didn't match. Either the skull is fake, or the skeletons turned out to be unrelated. Mozart himself was buried in a common grave with the poor. She was lost.

In the Gogol case, they sin against the famous Moscow merchant, philanthropist and collector A. A. Bakhrushin. Lidin wrote in his memoirs "Transfer of the ashes of N. V. Gogol": "In 1909, when the restoration of the grave was carried out during the installation of the monument to Gogol on Prechistensky Boulevard in Moscow, Bakhrushin allegedly persuaded the monks of the Danilov Monastery to get Gogol's skull for him." They say that in his collection there were four dozen such grave exhibits. But Bakhrushin could not shed light on the secret of Gogol. He died two years before the reburial of the classic. The eerie collection is gone. And in Moscow, the State Central Theater Museum named after A. A. Bakhrushin, founded back in 1894, still operates with one and a half million exhibits.


The desecration of graves is also attributed to adherents of secret societies, orders - Masonic and purely satanic. Fortunately, since ancient times, Masons have used coffins and skulls in their terrible rituals. Under Alexander I, "Vilensky Governor-General Rimsky-Korsakov ordered the destruction of Masonic property so that" there would be no memory of it. " In pursuance of this order on April 25. 1823 candlesticks, stars, dead heads and other ritual objects were burned in Vilna in the presence of the police”.

The conspiracy theorists also attribute two strangers skulls in the grave of Pushkin to the Masonic rite "The Head of the Dead". Alexander Sergeevich was also a member of the "Ovid" box in his youth. Then he parted with the "brothers-masons".

And at Yale University, where the elite of the United States study, the Order of the Skull and Bones has been operating since 1833. Among its founders was the father of the future president, William Taft. Presidents Bush - father and son - also went through the burial rituals of the Order, as did the current Secretary of State Kerry, many other politicians, ministers, businessmen of the States. But the Clinton couple, who also studied at Yale, were not accepted into the Masonic lodge.

A sensational story is connected with this lodge. It seems that in 1917, the father and grandfather of future US presidents, Prescott Bush, with several Yale classmates plundered the grave of the famous Apache leader Jeronimo, who fought with the pale-faced for many years and died in captivity. Students stole the skull and tibia of the Apache to perform the dark rituals of their native Masonic lodge. The remains are allegedly still kept at the Order's headquarters at Yale. In 2007, the German magazine Spiegel reported that physician Harlene Geronimo, the great-grandson of an Indian chief, wrote to President Bush, Jr., demanding the return of his ancestor's remains. He cited the results of a DNA test as proof. “I am firmly convinced that this is my great-grandfather's skull!” Harlene Geronimo told ABC News. He wanted to return the remains to where the leader was born. For his soul to end its wanderings and finally move oninto another world.

There was no response from the White House.

Prescott Bush and fellow students were indeed in Fort Sill, where the Apache leader was buried. There they were prepared to be sent to the front during the First World War. Consequently, he had the opportunity to steal the skull. But the author of the book on the secret society "Skull and Bones" Ron Rosenbaum believes that the students themselves did not rob the grave: “They willingly bragged about it, but, most likely, the locals just twisted them around their fingers. They suggested, "Hey, would you like to buy Geronimo's skull?" They turned out to be simpletons and agreed."

In 2012, pastor Oleksandr Turchinov published the mystical novel The Coming, where he described the upcoming bloody events in Ukraine. However, he himself prepared them, after the coup he became one of the leaders of the country. The novel features a cruel sect called Children of Lucifer. Here is one of her cases: "- The heads and hearts of the victims were not found at the crime scene," the major minted dryly, without emotion."

In December 2012, just a week before the highly publicized presentation of the novel, a similar crime took place in Kharkov. Judge Vladimir Trofimov, wife Irina, son Sergei and his girlfriend Marina Zueva were killed in their apartment. All bodies were decapitated, no heads were found at the scene. This drama brought more attention to the pastor's book.

I believe that the fashionable version of the connection between Berlioz's head in The Master and Margarita and the decapitated corpse of Gogol is far-fetched. Mikhail Bulgakov was a famous mystic. Woland-Lucifer also appears in his other works. He also knew about the satanic, pagan custom of drinking wine from a cup made of a skull. How Woland drank from Berlioz's skull at the ball. The great Kiev prince Svyatoslav, who defeated the Khazar Kaganate, died later in a battle with the Pechenegs. As the "Tale of Bygone Years" says: "And smoking attacked him, the prince of Pechenezh, and they killed Svyatoslav, and took his head, and made a cup from the skull, bound him, and drank from it."

There is nothing accidental in Bulgakov's novel. The severed head of the atheist Berlioz is the antithesis of the biblical story of John the Baptist. He was beheaded at the request of the Jewish queen Herodias and her daughter Salome. And the head was served on a platter to these ladies. In memory of this tragedy, a church holiday was established - the Beheading of the head of John the Baptist. Where does the surname Berlioz, strange for a Muscovite, come from? The French composer Hector Berlioz was considered an enemy of the Freemasons. It seems that this is how they took revenge on him in the novel about Woland.

Well, Golgotha - a tombstone from the grave of Gogol in the Danilov Monastery - now stands on Bulgakov's grave on Novodevichy.


Parody of the monastery ossuary of the saints

Yuri VOROBYEVSKY, author of books on mysticism, occultism, secret societies:

“Such abductions have been known since ancient times. The list can begin with the theft of the head of the great 14th century Italian poet Francesco Petrarca and continue with 21st century cases.

For example, in 2009, in broad daylight, the skull of the famous pirate Klaus Stertebeker was stolen from the Hamburg History Museum. He was executed along with 73 "gentlemen of fortune" in 1401, and his head was nailed to a post in front of the harbor gate. According to legend, before the execution, the pirate asked the burgomaster of Hamburg to pardon his comrades, past whom he could walk without a head. The body passed 11 convicts, then the worried executioner tripped him. The burgomaster did not fulfill his promises and executed all the pirates.

At first, the police blamed members of the Hell's Angels biker gang. But the perpetrators turned out to be a couple of petty crooks. They wanted to sell the relic. But before they could, the police returned the skull to the museum.

On the morning of July 13, 2015, the director of the Southwestern Cemetery near Berlin discovered that the family crypt of the cult silent film director Friedrich Murnau, who was filming pictures about Satan, ghosts, and vampires, had been opened. Worldwide fame was brought to him in 1922 by the film “Nosferatu. Symphony of Horror”. The director's skull disappeared from the crypt. Since the remains of Frederick's brothers were not disturbed, and wax from a candle remained on the lid of the coffin, the police attributed the crime to an eerie rite of Satanists.

In pagan antiquity, a dead head was considered a repository of fortitude and was often used in witchcraft. It was called "teraphim". She allegedly revealed the secrets of the future to the owner. However, in the Old Testament "it is written that" theraphim say empty words. " Apparently, such a "teraphim" was the relic "head of Baphomet" of the Templar Order, destroyed in the XIV century for Satanism. The eerie rituals of members of the Skull and Bones overseas order, when the future tycoons of world politics and business obediently lie down in a coffin with bones, go back to the ancient mysteries of Hecate, the goddess of the night, hell. Her forty-six-meter idol, known as the Statue of Liberty, is a symbol of America. The emblem of the order, in addition to the "Adam's head" with the crossed tibia, is Hecate's night companion - an owl, a bird of secret wisdom and night hunting …

It is known that Masonic ideas about the world were formed under the influence of Kabbalism. Kabbalah, which has absorbed the specific knowledge of Eastern mystical cults, asserts that cutting off the head does not allow the soul of a slain enemy to incarnate into a new body. This means that the one who is beheaded is finally defeated. So three murderers of the first Mason Hiram, the chief architect of the Temple of King Solomon, were beheaded. So cutting off the heads of those who are the enemy in the eyes of the Freemasons is an archetypal act. Since the time of the satanic cults of the ancient Sumerians, the tradition of killing the king with the beheading is also known. By magic rules, his spiritual power passed to the murderers! This tradition was continued in 1793 by the French revolutionaries, who sent King Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette to the guillotine.

There is a stable version that the Bolsheviks also cut off the heads of Nicholas II and the Empress in the Ipatiev House in 1918. French General Janin wrote about this in 1933. His testimony is very valuable because he was the de facto leader of all the Entente forces in Siberia and the Urals, and was investigating the murder of the Romanovs. The execution of the Russian Orthodox tsar had a sacred, magical meaning - to end the Empire forever. Even the place for the execution of the sentence was chosen symbolic - the so-called Ipatiev House. Three centuries before that, the dynasty began with the rite of calling Mikhail Romanov to the kingdom in the Ipatiev Monastery. In the 70s, the writer Geliy Ryabov was actively looking for the royal remains near Sverdlovsk. He described in detail how he was summoned to the Lubyanka to see Andropov. He scolded for an unauthorized search and showed three cans of liquid. They contain the heads of the sovereign, empress and heir. Andropov instructed Helius to put them in the burial place of the murdered Romanovs he found. At the end of the text, catching up with fear, Ryabov explains: "The imagination was playing." But the reader believed it. And they do not joke with such things.

According to another version, the Bolsheviks did not hold the heads of the royal martyrs in the Kremlin for a long time. At the end of 1918, Dzerzhinsky, on the instructions of Sverlov, delivered them to Europe. The sponsor of the October Revolution, the banker Jacob Schiff.

The most famous cases of "Soviet decapitations" are the severing of the heads of the murdered ataman AI Dutov (she was kidnapped) and the prominent revolutionary G. S. Khrustalev-Nosar; famous Basmach Yuldash and Tushegun Lama …

The human head is also assigned a special role in Orthodoxy. According to legend, drops of the Holy Blood shed by the Savior fell on the head of Adam, who was buried by King Solomon at Calvary. This became a sign of atonement for original sin. Christian symbolism of the head carries the idea of sacrifice. It has nothing to do with the pagan idea of "mystical vampirism" associated with the possession of the skull.

On Mount Athos, according to ancient tradition, the body of a monk is buried for only three years. Then the remains are dug up and the skulls are placed in a special ossuary. It is believed that the color of the head indicates the monk's righteousness. In fact, when the mask of flesh decays, which can depict anything, the skull remains, which turns out to be the real face of a person. The heads of the holy martyrs, truncated by the persecutors of the faith, enjoy special reverence for Orthodox Christians.

It turns out that the freemasons who collect skull collections are parodying the monastery ossuary, where the heads of the saints are kept. Yes, the devil is the monkey of God.