Blessing Through The Curse - Alternative View

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Blessing Through The Curse - Alternative View
Blessing Through The Curse - Alternative View

Video: Blessing Through The Curse - Alternative View

Video: Blessing Through The Curse - Alternative View
Video: Another TABG Update ( Curses and Blessings ) 2024, June


If you are having difficulties in life, be sure to read this real story to the end. She will help you gain strength and understand that no pain is in vain.

This is a story about a woman who decided to turn her tragedy into a blessing. She's not complaining. She glorifies all the difficulties in life, seeing them as opportunities to take shelter of the Lord and do something for His glory.

A member of our community attended an International Women's Day event in a large auditorium at a school near our hospital. And the main storyteller there was a woman of sixty-three, who was wearing a simple sari. When she spoke, everyone cried. This auditorium included industrialists, entrepreneurs, professors, etc. Do you want to hear what she talked about?

She was born in a very poor village in the state of Maharashtra. When she was 6 years old, she had a very ardent desire to go to school in order to get an education, although no one in her family had such an education. From the desperate situation they were in, her parents told her that she should graze buffalo instead of school.

And this little, thin girl of six was forced to take a stick in her hands and graze huge buffaloes. She had to lead them through bushes and thickets so that they went into the water up to their necks and cooled their bodies. And while all these buffaloes were resting in the water, she ran to school. When she was late for class, the teacher beat her with a stick. But she stayed in these lessons. Sometimes these buffaloes already left the river and began to trample on other people's fields. Then the neighbors, whose fields were trampled by buffaloes, beat her with sticks. She said that these were the happiest days of her childhood.

When she was 9 years old, she was forced to marry. Her husband was 32 years old. By the time she turned 19, she already had three sons, and a fourth child was in the womb. At that time, there was a criminal living in this village who exploited the women of the village forcing them to work very hard. This young girl, whose name was Sindhutai, complained about him to the district authorities, and they stopped his criminal activities. This man harbored a grudge against her. He came to her husband and slandered her: “Your wife is cheating on you all the time. She had sex with many men, including me. The child she is carrying is not yours, but mine. If you do not destroy this woman and the child in her womb, then I will have to deal with you. It was a lie, but her husband believed it. In a rage, he began to beat his wife in the stomach untiluntil she passed out.

Thinking that she was dead, he dragged her body to Goshala, where all the cows and bulls lived. He wanted people to think that she fell under the hooves of cows and bulls and died. And while she was lying there unconscious, one mother cow came up to her and began to protect her, not letting anyone close. And if any cows or bulls tried to approach, she drove them away with her horns.

Promotional video:

When her husband's relatives approached to check whether they died or not, the cow also protected her from them. So, under the protection of a cow, Sindhutai gave birth to a girl. She crawled up and found some kind of stone to cut the umbilical cord. The Sindhutai hugged the cow and promised, "Just as you protected me when I needed help, I will protect others when they need help."

She took her little girl home to her parents. But since they adhered to very ancient, outdated traditions in her house, they did not allow their daughter, whom they had married, to return to her father's house. Thus, as a teenager, she found herself homeless, on the street, with a tiny girl in her arms, separated from her three sons. Every night she went to sleep in the crematorium - on the river bank, under the open sky. If someone approached her, she pretended to be crazy so that people would think that some kind of perfume had moved into her and did not touch her.

Some people had a custom: they poured wheat flour around the corpses of their relatives. She said that sometimes she had to collect this wheat flour, mix it with water, prepare dough for the chapatis, which she made on the coals of the fires on which the corpses were burned. Her life was so terrible that she constantly began to think about how to commit suicide. And one day, around midnight, she decided to give up her life. With the baby in her arms, she went to the railway.

Holding the girl to her chest, she wanted to throw herself under the wheels of an oncoming train so that her daughter would not have to face the cruelty of this world, just like her. And at that moment she heard the groans of a man. Her heart sank with compassion. Approaching the railway platform, she saw an old man who was suffering, dying of hunger and thirst. After begging people for alms, she gave it to him. She believed that the voice of her Lord speaks through this person that she has a purpose in life - to help people. She remembered the cow and her promise to her. Now I have a meaning in my life.

Later, she sat alone under a tree with a child in her arms and wondered: "I am in such a desperate situation, how can I help anyone in such a state?" At that moment, right above her head, she saw a branch of a tree that was almost completely cut off. Only a small thread connected it to the tree. At the same time, this branch gave her a shadow. And she realized that this was the answer that came to her: no matter what position we are in, we can still continue to serve.

She found little orphans abandoned in the street. These were the very children whom the whole society turned away from, as if they did not exist. Children who had no opportunity in life. And she became their mother just as the cow became her mother. There, on a railway platform, she sang bhajans and begged for alms. She protected these orphans. Some time later, people noticed this and presented her with a small building, which she turned into an orphanage. Soon after, she became known among the people as the mother of all orphans.

She told the people in the audience that as a result, she became the mother of 1,050 children, whom she loved as her own. By that time she had 242 sons-in-law, 42 daughters-in-law and about 1,500 grandchildren. She gave each of these children an education she never had. Many of them became doctors, lawyers, businessmen.

All three of her sons left their father to live with her in an orphanage. Two sons defended their doctoral dissertations, describing the life of their own mother. And the daughter, who was born under a cow, became a doctor and worked in an orphanage. She has received 270 awards and prizes and has been invited to perform in 15 countries.

But then she told about the biggest achievement in her life. One day a helpless 80-year-old man approached her house. He was dressed in rags, starving and everyone in this world turned their backs on him. She peered into his face and recognized him. Long ago, he was her husband. The same man who tried to kill her and kicked her out of the house. She told him, “When you kicked me out of the house to kill you, you were dressed in good clothes, and I was wearing rags. Now you are in tatters, and I am in good clothes. At that time I was helpless and starving, now you have taken my place, and I eat well."

He asked her forgiveness. She forgave. She said, “Actually, I'm grateful to you. If you had not done this to me, I would have lived with you in this crazy and cruel house. But thanks to you, I am a mother to thousands of children. " Thus, the curse turned into a blessing. "You can live in an orphanage and become one of my children." He was already very old by that time and he had no chances to survive. She brought him home and told the other children that thanks to him she became their mother: "You must show special love for him."

And when guests came to them, she presented her ex-husband as the eldest of her sons. “Sometimes he plays pranks and does stupid things, but I still love him,” she said. She always told people that God gave me this life to show and prove to others that there is hope in any situation. Whatever happens to us in life, we always have the opportunity to serve others. "Half of the road in my life was covered with thorns and thorns, but I made friends with them, and my life became wonderful."

The story told by Radhanatha Swami