The Man Who Disperses The Clouds - Alternative View

The Man Who Disperses The Clouds - Alternative View
The Man Who Disperses The Clouds - Alternative View

Video: The Man Who Disperses The Clouds - Alternative View

Video: The Man Who Disperses The Clouds - Alternative View
Video: Why Bill Gates Is Funding Solar Geoengineering Research 2024, September

Comparing this person with a wizard may be trivial, but how not to call what he does on stage magic? What force makes people see an apple tree with their own eyes and pluck apples from it, feel their smell and taste? And they drive around Leningrad in a car in reality, and not in a dream, and see the streets of the city, passers-by … How so?

… Once - it was in the Volyn region - an elderly couple came to him. A few days ago, the elderly buried their son, who died in Afghanistan. He was brought in a closed zinc coffin. How not to believe a terrible fact? But something told the mother's heart: the son was alive. They brought a photograph. Looking at her, the "artist" felt a stabbing pain in his head and shoulder. The inspiration was instant. Yes, this guy is really alive, but seriously wounded - in the head and shoulder.

Two months later, the son returned home from the hospital …

Albert Venediktovich Ignatenko is real! member of the All-Union Society of Psychologists under the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences. For a quarter of a century he has been performing on stage. For some, the phenomenon of Ignatenko is charlatanism, for others, magic and sorcery. But no one denies that he is definitely a man of extraordinary possibilities.

Once Albert Venediktovich admitted that as a schoolboy he did not even suspect about his exclusivity. But one day he was at a concert of the then famous artist Adlerov. And he was amazed: he “read” a square of 16 numbers filled by a volunteer from the audience. Youth is arrogant, so after the performance Ignatenko decided to achieve the same results. But he did not know how to do this and tried to memorize everything: numbers, words, street names, house numbers. Before going to bed, lying in bed with my eyes closed, I tried to unwind the "tape" of the past day to the smallest details. I remembered people, conversations, sounds. Refused coffee and chocolate, guessing that the brain is "heavy" from them. He constantly convinced himself: "I can easily, without difficulty, from this day on I can memorize everything at will." And so every day for several years,until he felt that he was really able to remember everything he wanted.

- And then, - says Albert Venediktovich, - I quite accidentally discovered other abilities in myself. A visiting hypnotist performed in our club. I watched how he makes people in a hypnotic trance show the abilities of a musician or an artist, otherwise he will inspire that a person is in a bath. I whisper to my friend: nothing, they say, special here, you can think of something worse. He waved it off … and suddenly jumped into a chair. I don't know how I did it, but I imagined that a flood had begun in the hall …

From that day on, strange things began to happen in Albert's class. Then a classmate, called to the blackboard, was glued to the desk and could not get up. Then one of the teachers for the whole lesson cannot utter a word … The director found out who was disrupting the lessons, called Ignatenko into his office and quite seriously warned: "Another such experiment, and you will fly out of school."

…. 15 portraits of writers are placed on the illuminated stage. On the right in the corner is a rotating blackboard with a hundred colored circles, on the left is a regular chalkboard. Albert Ignatenko is sitting on a chair next to her. A harmonica is attached to his chest on a special bracket. The fingers of the right foot grip the pencil over the sheet of paper, the fingers of the left - on the keys of a musical instrument. He holds chalk in his hand. Wires run from Ignatenko's legs and arms to devices. Silence. But now Albert Venediktovich glances around the gallery of portraits and turns away. Volunteers from the audience begin to work. One of them dictates the text, which Ignatenko immediately writes on the board. The second names two-digit numbers, and the "artist" instantly squares them. The third one rotates the board with multi-colored circles, which Albert Venediktovich immediately calculates. At the same time with a pencilwith the fingers of his right load, he draws, and with his left fingers he picks up a melody on the keys of the instrument, with his hand moves the compass needle at a distance, plays the harmonica, interrupting only to answer questions. At the same time, he also calls from memory any given day of the week for … 10 thousand years, slows down his own pulse, changes body temperature, Zyuyanoe pressure … 13 actions simultaneously! Julius Caesar, as they say, never dreamed of anything like that … Young people line up on the stage. Ignatenko asks everyone the question: "What is your name?" - and brings a microphone to everyone. A serious-looking guy suddenly declares: "Lyudmila Zykina"! And dumbfounded by his own answer, he looks frightened into the hall. They also laugh heartily next to him.plays the harmonica, interrupting only to answer questions. At the same time, he also calls from memory any given day of the week for … 10 thousand years, slows down his own pulse, changes body temperature, Zyuyanoe pressure … 13 actions simultaneously! Julius Caesar, as they say, never dreamed of anything like that … Young people line up on the stage. Ignatenko asks everyone the question: "What is your name?" - and brings a microphone to everyone. A serious-looking guy suddenly declares: "Lyudmila Zykina"! And dumbfounded by his own answer, he looks frightened into the hall. They also laugh heartily next to him.plays the harmonica, interrupting only to answer questions. At the same time, he also calls from memory any given day of the week for … 10 thousand years, slows down his own pulse, changes body temperature, Zyuyanoe pressure … 13 actions simultaneously! Julius Caesar, as they say, never dreamed of anything like that … Young people line up on the stage. Ignatenko asks everyone the question: "What is your name?" - and brings a microphone to everyone. A serious-looking guy suddenly declares: "Lyudmila Zykina"! And dumbfounded by his own answer, he looks frightened into the hall. They also laugh heartily next to him. I never dreamed … Young people are lining up on the stage. Ignatenko asks everyone the question: "What is your name?" - and brings a microphone to everyone. A serious-looking guy suddenly declares: "Lyudmila Zykina"! And dumbfounded by his own answer, he looks frightened into the hall. They also laugh heartily next to him. I never dreamed … Young people are lining up on the stage. Ignatenko asks everyone the question: "What is your name?" - and brings a microphone to everyone. A serious-looking guy suddenly declares: "Lyudmila Zykina"! And dumbfounded by his own answer, he looks frightened into the hall. They also laugh heartily next to him.

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Especially the neighbor is a mustachioed man of about thirty. However, the same question, still smiling, is answered like this:

"Crocodile Gena". The smile disappears from his face, he tries to figure out how he did it?

- What's your name?

- Baba Fenya …

The participants in the experiment no longer laugh. It is difficult to say what feelings took possession of them at this moment. This is not hypnosis, in which a person is not aware of their actions. The participants in Albert Ignatenko's experiments see and hear not only himself, but also themselves, each other, the audience in the hall, and even talk to them.

The science of wordless suggestion is called suggestionology. Scientists have not yet been able to explain the mechanism of the phenomenon, although the fact of transmission of mental information was recognized by authoritative experts as established and experimentally fully proven.

"Suggestion" means "suggestion" (root of a word of Latin origin). But "suggestology" - from English suggest - to offer. That is why Professor G. Lozanov, who headed the Research Institute of Suggestology in Sofia, considers him more suitable for revealing the essence of the science of suggestion, for a person himself, in accordance with his characteristics, chooses the path to improvement.

Research carried out in the laboratory of G. Lozanov showed that in a month with the help of suggestion, a person learns 5-6 thousand foreign words, and children successfully master a 100-hour physics program in 10 days.

Everything that a person sees and hears in his life is imprinted in the form of encoded information in his subconscious, but he cannot, does not know how to claim it. Albert Ignatenko in his experiments, as it were, opens a “suggestive gateway” for a person - a kind of door from consciousness to subconsciousness and, with a mental order, extracts seemingly forgotten facts. No matter how talented a student is, he will never literally remember what he hears in class. But as soon as the student “communicates” with Ignatenko, he will literally convey everything that the teacher once said, word for word. Moreover, as the experiments conducted by Ignatenko have shown, by means of suggestion, he can switch a person to self-control within a minute - and he himself will be able to control his psyche. And if you give him certain exercises for three months after that (two to three minutes twice a day), then the program received through suggestion will be fixed for life.

But that's not all. Ignatenko proved experimentally that there is a so-called post-suggestive suggestion.

In 1986 such an experiment was carried out in the city of Kremenets. A ninth grade student at one of the schools Ignatenko suggested that he would take a ticket at number eight in the foreign language exam. As the teenager himself later said, he walked up to the table with examination tickets, his hand without hesitation reached for one of them - the ticket turned out to be number 8. Similar experiments were carried out repeatedly over the years.

Albert Venediktovich became seriously interested in the nature of his own capabilities when he entered the Nikolaev Pedagogical Institute. Then he began working in the laboratory of psychology, where he soon headed a group on the problems of suggestionology. True, at that time the mysterious phenomena were denied more than they tried to explain. The ice was broken when work began on the study of biofields in Leningrad and Moscow.

Albert Ignatenko is sure that the bioenergetic power of each person is embedded in the genes and is determined by them. You can control your bioenergy, but you need to remember that the balance of energy is the basis for the existence of a living organism. Therefore, after the release of energy, it is necessary to restore it in full. Energy "fuel" can be obtained from food, replenished through physical and mental training. Positive emotions are beneficial. It is very important to learn how to manage your psyche.

“Academician V. Vernadsky guessed: in a living organism, in addition to matter and energy, there is also“something”completely material, connected with life processes *, the so-called“cosmic mind”, - writes in his brochure“Bioenergy and Man”Yu. Krivonosoe. - The guess was confirmed in the work of scientists V. Nalimov, N. Moiseev, A. Medelyanovsky. By "cosmic mind" they mean the energy-informational field of the Earth."

So, the cosmic mind? Albert Ignatenko is convinced that there is nothing fantastic in this. He soon proved that a person can directly contact with near-earth space.

It happened in Kiev on a gloomy autumn day. A fine, tedious rain fell from low dense clouds. Albert Venediktovich was going to go to the House of Culture, where in 15 minutes his performance was to begin.

He left the hotel. A car of Ukrainian television stopped nearby: two days ago he was offered

film one of his experiments. It was about changing … the weather. Albert Venediktovich agreed. But!

now he didn't have a minute to spare. The TV people smiled politely and skeptically. And then Ignatenko sat down

in the car; the experiment began.

They arrived at Oktyabrskaya Square. The rain has stopped, the camera has recorded a dense layer of cloud cover. There were seven minutes left before the start of the performance. Al-ch bert Venediktovich stretched out his hands in front of him, palms up …

What happened next, the staff of the film crew told. A minute later, no more, the dark gray curtain of clouds began to lighten, the clouds were melting right before our eyes … and suddenly the sun shone. The operator turned out to be not nervous and this episode was completely filmed on film. And the director even more than half an hour was struck by a nervous tremor.

Ignatenko still managed to make his speech at the House of Culture.

Then Ignatenko told about another episode:

- In 1981 I worked at the Olympic base in Birtz | tonase, in Lithuania, as a team psychologist in academics? rowing. The weather turned bad. Day it rains, secondly third … Athletes and coaches got nervous. It was then that I first tried to disperse the clouds. And for fifteen days within a radius of five to six kilometers I kept the sunny weather. You can say, with my palms. I imagine that my palm hands radiates energy.

Concentrating efforts, I see shimmering dots rising in the form of a beam to the clouds. I send the beam of energy exactly to the place where the sun should be at the moment. When the beam reaches the clouds, I mentally imagine the reaction taking place there. And gradually I begin to feel heaviness, as if I were holding the core on the weight. Then there is a slight vibration …

Seeing how the psychic Ninel Kulagina moved objects on the table without touching them, at home he immediately tried to repeat the experiment. It took him 40 minutes to get the fan impeller spinning. For the first acceleration of the clouds - almost the same, now - only a few seconds. This is difficult to imagine. But when you think that a person with inconceivable, fantastic abilities is wasting his energy on pop performances, then it becomes somehow uncomfortable. No better application?

- Why the stage, not science? - Ignatenko asks. - I was convinced for a long time that contacts with a suggestionologist raise people's mental strength, give a program, and orient them towards good. I call this lightening. And I attach no less importance to such work than to science. I am worried about natural disasters occurring on Earth - earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, frequent catastrophes … Maybe it will seem strange, but I am sure that any aggressive thought, and even more so an act, harms our biosphere, to some extent they are to blame in natural disasters.

Hearing that from anyone would be delusional. But this is said by Albert Ignatenko - a man to whom the clouds obey …