The Crystal Ball Is A Window To Another Dimension - Alternative View

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The Crystal Ball Is A Window To Another Dimension - Alternative View
The Crystal Ball Is A Window To Another Dimension - Alternative View

Video: The Crystal Ball Is A Window To Another Dimension - Alternative View

Video: The Crystal Ball Is A Window To Another Dimension - Alternative View
Video: What If We Could Open a Portal to a Parallel Universe? 2024, September

"The light refracted in quartz clarifies consciousness, promotes insight, allows you to see the invisible, recognize the unknown, travel to the past and the future," the crystal ball predictors say.

Cobra in the bedroom

Interest in the mysterious properties of balls made of quartz (rock crystal) can be traced throughout the history of mankind starting from ancient times. Even under the pharaohs, it was believed that such balls contained magical power and that the sun's rays, passing through the crystal, became healing. Therefore, in ancient Egypt, crystal balls were applied to wounds.

In the 19th century, Western Europe was engulfed in the craze for crystal balls, in no small part thanks to the clairvoyant abilities of the Englishwoman Neil St. John Montague.

Her abilities were revealed in the earliest childhood. Her father, a general of the colonial troops, served in India, and therefore the girl had no shortage of exotic toys. However, the most beloved was a crystal ball donated by a Hindu nanny. One day Neil, carefully examining the ball, suddenly felt that it began to somehow strangely lose its shape. “In its place,” the girl recalled, “a thick foggy spot appeared. Then I saw my mother's bedroom slowly looming in the middle of this fog, and my gaze for some reason focused on the blue embroidered robe that was lying on the bed. Mother walks over to the bed and reaches out to take the robe. Suddenly, numb with horror, I saw a cobra in the soft folds of silk. When she arched, freezing before the throw, a wild cry escaped from my chest, and I dropped the ball …"

The frightened girl rushed to her mother. To calm her daughter, she called the guard, and the three of them entered the bedroom. “Mother went to the bed, and suddenly the sentry, with a cry, pushed her aside and rushed forward. From the folds of the robe, a cobra emerged rapidly, it arched, and its hood swelled up threateningly.

This case, when the girl saw one of the possible options for the future, literally betrothed her to a crystal ball. She did not part with him all her life, engaged in predictions that amazed her contemporaries with their accuracy. Predicting the fate of a young naval officer somehow, she saw in the ball bloody women in torn clothes. Where and when it was happening, Neil did not understand. And a year later she received a letter. The sailor reported that everything she saw happened in reality: he had to save these women during the Messinian earthquake in Italy. Then, in 1908, the Sicilian city of Messina was literally turned into ruins, 83 thousand people died.

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Psychic detective

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, one of the most famous crystal diviners was the Englishman Phil Barg. Fame was brought to him by a number of intricate cases, which he solved with the help of a crystal egg, and in particular, the case of the disappearance of the London broker Foxwell, who allegedly left on business in America. Not receiving news from him for a long time, Foxwell's wife went to the police. There they could not help her, and she went to the fortuneteller. Barg contemplated the crystal egg for a long time and finally said with sorrow: your husband has not gone anywhere, his body is now floating on the Thames. He will be found on such and such a day in such and such a place. Everything came true with absolute precision.

In the house of the missing Mary Maney, he invited her two sisters to look at the "pictures" in the egg with him. A report of this experiment was published in London newspapers on September 30, 1905. The sisters unanimously assured that terrible pictures appeared in turn in the crystal egg: a criminal attacking Mary; her body falling out of the carriage; traffic light … According to these testimonies, the police quickly not only figured out the place of the tragedy and found a witness - a railway worker, but also found the body of the unfortunate girl.

The then official science (as well as the current one, by the way) was in no hurry to explore the "mysticism". The only thing that its representatives could say about the crystal balls is that the shine of the crystal tires the brain and therefore the person is more easily immersed in a hypnotic state …

Fortuneteller talk show

Having died out in Europe, the fashion for fortune telling by crystal balls flourished in the USA. At the beginning of the 20th century, many magic salons opened here. Most of the "fortune-tellers" were outright charlatans, but there were people who really had the ability to clairvoyance. The most striking example in this regard is provided by Jane Dixon.

Already at the age of five, she showed extraordinary abilities: she predicted future events, gifts that guests would bring, the death of relatives. And at the age of eight, like Neil Montague once, she received a gift that determined her whole future destiny. This memorable event took place at the home of a famous fortune-teller, to whom the girl was brought for consultation about her unusual abilities. She looked at Jane's hand first. “You will become a great fortuneteller. Such lines occur once every thousand years. " Then she handed her a crystal ball: "What do you see in it?" The girl peered into the crystal and suddenly began to describe some unfamiliar places: a wild rocky coast, a raging sea … “You saw my homeland,” said the fortune-teller. "The ball is now yours."

Thanks to the gift, Jane Dixon learned to connect her mind to "sources of information" inaccessible to others. In the 40s she got married and moved to Washington, where people from the highest echelons of power began to turn to her for advice. Jane has consulted President Roosevelt at least twice. During their first meeting in November 1944, the seriously ill Roosevelt asked: "Tell me bluntly, how much time do I have left?" Jane could not shy away from answering: "Six months, sir, maybe even less." Five months after this meeting, on April 12, 1945, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, as predicted by Dixon, passed away.

By that time, Jane Dixon was already so popular that she was sometimes invited to make predictions on television. So, after Stalin's death, the whole world was interested in the change of power in the USSR. And on May 14, 1953, Jane Dixon, during a live TV broadcast, peering into her crystal ball, before the eyes of a multimillion-dollar audience, declared: about two years later, the Soviet Prime Minister Malenkov would be replaced by “a man with an oval face, green eyes and a small beard. The bearded will not rule for long. He will be replaced by a short bald fat man. And even earlier a silvery ball will rise into space, fly around the Earth and, like a dove, sit on the head of the Russian leader. Neither the former US ambassador to the USSR Davis, who participated in the program, nor the Soviet ambassador Zarubin, who met with the fortuneteller the next day, did not believe the prophecies.

But two years later, the predictions began to come true. In 1955, the chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was appointed "bearded" - Nikolai Bulganin, and in 1958 all power was concentrated in his hands - "bald fat man" - Nikita Khrushchev.

The assassination of John F. Kennedy, which took place in 1963, was predicted by Jane Dixon back in 1956, when no one imagined that this young and little-known politician would become the president of the United States. Around the same time, she accurately predicted the future of the popular actor Ronald Reagan, who later became the fortieth president. In 1964, she announced that the Russians would be the first to land a spacecraft on the Moon and that the Berlin Wall would be torn down before 2000, and an attempt on the Pope would take place in Rome …

Jane Dixon died on January 25, 1997, and remained a mystery to scientists.

The crystal ball worked with a tracking video camera

In 1985, psychologists from the University of Georgia decided to deal with the mysterious properties of crystal balls. Having invited about a hundred volunteers, they invited them to gaze intently into the transparent sphere. To the surprise of the organizers, more than half of the subjects attended the visions. They saw in the sphere the faces of familiar and unfamiliar people, images of childhood, memories … Scientists suggested that when gazing into the crystal sphere, a person falls into a state of self-hypnosis, and the images themselves emerge from the subconscious. But numerous examples, at least of the same Jane Dixon, suggest that visions in balls can not always be reduced to deep memory.

Research with a large group of volunteers at several American institutions has revealed another surprising effect: the crystal ball allows for a kind of "freeze-frame". Viewing in the ball any plot from his past, the subject, at the command of the hypnotist, can stop the course of events at any moment and in detail, through a magnifying glass, examine the frozen picture. The experiment involved a woman who became an accidental witness to a traffic accident. She did not remember anything except the color of the car rushing at high speed, but with the help of the “freeze frame” she was able to “stop” the car, examine its license plate and even the driver's appearance. According to these signs, the police quickly found the criminal.

Is quartz a receiver of information from the "subtle world"?

Russian scientists P. Gariaev and G. Tertyshny proposed a hypothesis explaining the amazing properties of quartz crystals. According to them, quartz is able to receive images from the information field of the planet, and possibly from space. For this, the crystal, like a certain receiver, must be tuned to a certain area of this information field, which is achieved by means of a preliminary external action on the crystal lattice. As a result of this effect, the crystal becomes an independent receiver of holograms "from there"; in it, after irradiation of these holograms with coherent waves emanating, in particular, from a person who is near the crystal, the decoded image “appears” - a picture taken from the “subtle world”.

But whatever the secret of quartz crystals is, one thing is clear: crystals, like water, stones, trees, air, light and almost everything in nature, including man himself, have certain informational properties that have yet to be discovered.

Igor Voloznev. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" No. 29 2010