The Saving Power Of Prayers - Alternative View

The Saving Power Of Prayers - Alternative View
The Saving Power Of Prayers - Alternative View

Video: The Saving Power Of Prayers - Alternative View

Video: The Saving Power Of Prayers - Alternative View
Video: POWER Of PRAYER -A Powerful Reminder About The Power Of Prayer - Inspirational & Motivational Video 2024, October

Prayers can also save you from the evil influence of dark forces and restore health. About what power they have, and the conversation will go below.

Several years ago, a study was conducted on the effect of prayer on the effectiveness of fertilization and conception in women. The results of this experiment are truly unique. It turned out that women who were prayed for managed to get pregnant in 50% of cases, and those who were deprived of spiritual support - only in 26%. This experiment involved 199 women. Moreover, they were all treated for infertility.

The computer randomly assigned mothers-to-be into “prayer” (100 women) and “non-prayer” (99) groups. Moreover, neither the women themselves, nor the service personnel were informed about the studies conducted.

In this experiment, "volunteers" prayed for the subjects - Christians in the United States, Canada and Australia, knowingly not familiar with future women in labor.

In turn, the worshipers were divided into three groups. Participants were first given photographs of women and invited to pray for the blessing of their womb. The second group prayed that the Lord would hear the first prayer. And the third group prayed for the success of the first two. It is this method of prayer that is considered the most effective.

All three groups started their noble cause 5 days after the first hormonal treatment and continued it for exactly three weeks.

The experiment showed that women who were encouraged by prayer were not only more likely to become pregnant, but also felt better. In the age group from 30 to 39 years, those for whom they prayed conceived in 51% of cases, against 23% of those for whom prayers were not offered.

This study in itself is, of course, interesting. However, it did not reveal something unexpected and completely unknown. The fact is that people have known for a long time about the beneficial effect of prayers on health, as well as on some events in everyday life.

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True, scientists began to study the truly effect of prayers on the human body only a few decades ago. And during the very first experiments, many interesting patterns were established.

For example, doctors at a hospital in the American city of Durham asked several Christian monks, sisters and priests to pray for the health of 700 patients suffering from heart and nervous diseases. During the experiment, doctors carefully recorded the state of health of the patients. The result was astounding: 500 patients improved their health significantly.

It is not even necessary that the prayer be purposeful or accompanied by a request for the bestowal of health. It turns out that even being in church during a service has a beneficial effect on the body: blood pressure normalizes, blood counts improve, and immunity is strengthened.

The healing effect of prayers is most likely due to the fact that often the cause of illnesses is constantly reminiscent of negative life circumstances and grievances that are rooted in a person's consciousness. But during prayer, all misfortunes move to the background, and sometimes they are completely forgotten. And then a person gets not only moral, but also physical recovery.

But prayer can not only bring many processes in the human body to a normal state, but also restore the damaged psyche. Indeed, psychiatrists are aware of many cases when after prayer the condition of people with mental disorders significantly improved. Moreover, some patients were completely cured of diseases that were considered incurable.

The great Russian psychiatrist V. M. Bekhterev, while visiting the patients, gave the following recommendations to the attending physicians: “Let this one take the prescribed medications, but it is better for this one to go to the priest and confess well and partake of the Holy Mysteries. This will be the best mental medicine for him, he will recover from his illness faster."

In the laboratory of psychophysiology of the St. V. M. Ankylosing spondylitis, scientists tried to find out how prayer affects the brain. These studies were supervised by Valery Borisovich Slezin, Doctor of Biological Sciences. It turned out that during deep prayer, amazing processes take place in the cerebral cortex: the speed of electrical impulses decreases until only slow delta rhythms with a frequency of 2-3 Hz remain. Such a state of consciousness in an adult occurs only during the so-called "slow" sleep, and during wakefulness - only in children aged 3 to 4 months. That is, during prayer, the rhythm of the brain approaches an infantile state.

During sincere prayer, the cerebral cortex is practically turned off, and the information is perceived by a person directly, without preliminary analysis.

Once in an interview about the amazing phenomenon of V. B. Slezin said the following: “Only three states of the brain were known to science: wakefulness, REM and Slow sleep. It turns out that there is no symmetry: sleep has two states, and wakefulness has only one. Having discovered a new phenomenon, I called it "the fourth functional state of the brain." Now it became known "slow", or prayerful, vigilance … The most important conclusion that we made: the fourth state of the brain is as necessary for a person as the other three. The absence of one of them disrupts the harmonious development of a person, leads to illness and degradation."

And yet, there is no generally accepted theory about the mechanisms of the positive influence of prayer on a person. But this does not mean at all that there is no need to pray. Indeed, in modern medicine, the healing effect of many drugs has not yet been explained. For example, anesthetics or colchicine. But nevertheless, they are still widely used.

From the point of view of Orthodoxy, prayer is a connecting link between man and God. “To pray means to be in that special inner state when the spiritual principle in a person comes into a mysterious and direct contact with God and the otherworldly invisible world,” wrote Alexander Men. During prayer, invisible channels are opened through which the divine energy of love from the sphere of the spirit flows into the human body, exerting a beneficial effect on its organs.

Apparently, a certain healing effect of prayer should be associated with the fact that it very effectively kills pathogenic microorganisms. And not only in the human body, but also in the water. So, when the prayer "Our Father" or some other was read over water samples from various natural sources, and then these samples were crossed with the sign of the cross, the number of pathogenic microbes decreased many times, sometimes tens of times.

Along the way, it should be noted that bell ringing also has healing power. In its ultrasonic range, microbes and viruses of different pathogenicity die: influenza, jaundice, cholera, typhoid bacillus and many others. Apparently, it was not for nothing that in Russia during the plague epidemics the bell was constantly ringing.

Bernatsky Anatoly