Triumph Of Will - Alternative View

Triumph Of Will - Alternative View
Triumph Of Will - Alternative View

Video: Triumph Of Will - Alternative View

Video: Triumph Of Will - Alternative View
Video: Early Muslim Expansion - Arab Conquest of Iran and Egypt 2024, September

The triumph of man's indomitable will is sung in all heroic epics of all peoples. The exploits of the heroes of Ancient Greece, sung by Homer, are still in use today as one of the means of neuro-linguistic programming of an ardent, ardent youth. True, the number of heroes as role models has grown considerably, not only by the Nibelungs, Vikings, Ilya Muromets: a myriad of masterpieces of mass culture have appeared like "agent 007", the terminator, who wield not swords and clubs, but more often a Kalashnikov assault rifle and a grenade launcher.

And let the motivation of the goal of many ancient epic characters, like modern legendary film images, be utilitarian, often mercantile, impressive, awakens the will of viewers and readers with crushing manners to solve all associated problems in the most cardinal way, mainly with a battle ax, a well-aimed shot - the process itself is important, sung in all frets: "Swords are damask, arrows are sharp and Varangians / They inflict death without a miss on the enemy!" The fact that enemies most often turn out to be everyone who does not want to voluntarily give up their property, other assets, including women and children, is a purely secondary circumstance that does not in the least overshadow the shining heroic halo. Strong, courageous, handsome, longing for feats - half of the hero has already taken place! Purposes - according to historical circumstances, they will be selected, so to speak, determined on the ground. Further, it is only a matter of will and fearlessness in overcoming all conceivable obstacles and enemies.

And if all these active heroes have not uprooted humanity so far, but only destroy individual countries and civilizations, it is only because for each successful heroic hero, there is an opposing hero quite quickly, and they quite effectively extinguish each other.

Unlike epic and fairy-tale heroes acting alone, real historical triumphants like Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, created world empires on the ruins of the states they had crushed by means of powerful numerous armies made up of the most diverse human herd, ready to go against anyone in the name of the impending plunder of the vanquished … The organizational and military genius of the historic ambitious, their ability to bridle and circumambulate their own palace camarilla on the basis of knowledge of the psychology of the crowd and the ability to manipulate various social groups through this as an indispensable component of impressive success, required an indomitable will to achieve a goal. Judging by the fact that there were not so many successful historical victors, we can conclude thatthat among the gifted, talented, versatile statesmen, only a few were fully endowed with the will. Somewhat more strong-willed, but without sufficient personal rationality and its consequences: to foresee, plan, organize, seek out reliable associates and assistants. Therefore, they quickly burned up in the fire, most often they themselves unleashed a struggle.

Triumph of will - triumph of strife: you can endlessly marvel at the ability of an Indian yogi to drink concentrated hydrochloric acid, or stand a truck on your chest lying on broken bottle glass, but other incarnations of the efforts of the titans of will - grandiose world projects implemented by the will of many millions consolidated by the great man - are shaking the imagination of mankind people. The launch of mechanisms, technologies, methods of building the wills of all people of the nation, many nations for the implementation of conscious new concepts of the development of societies, civilization, redrawing the world map of states in spite of everything and everyone is a unique phenomenon in the history of mankind. Almost always associated with blood, universal destruction: inert, conservative humanity voluntarily does not want to radically change, rebuild, change the principles and technologies of sharing profits,give up privileges, from their worldview, religious ideas, etc.

The obligatory objective prerequisites for the emergence and the beginning of the successful activity of the coming triumphs of will is the presence of sufficiently populated states, within which and between which there are strong tensions in relations: the greats of this world have only the creative and destructive capabilities of people at their disposal. Now, however, politicians have acquired the means of destruction in the form of weapons of mass destruction, comparable in some ways in power to the natural forces that the Creator operates with. This only strengthened some seekers of impressive triumphs of will in the arrogant self-sufficient idea of their godhood.

But before he can get to the highest office of the state, which makes it possible to dispose of its human, industrial and other other resources, the future triumphant must always show many far from heroic and by no means outstanding personal qualities. The fact is that in any society at all times, no matter how bad the situation may be, there is always a grouping of people who feel good and which determines who is allowed to enter the highest office of the state. The task here is always, oh, how difficult: it is necessary to let someone from “our own” go ahead, but only one who cannot encroach on the privileges and rights of the “holders of the throne”. The most reliable way, proven many times over thousands of years, is to appoint a weak-willed, mediocre, dependent pharaoh, king, and emperor. Moreover, there can be two or three near-unit groups,between which there is also a fight for life for "their" heir to the throne. The most talented, complete, plausible about such a classic situation is in the novel by Boleslav Prus "Pharaoh": before a great, great empire could take place, it was necessary to simply survive in the serious wars of the court camarillas, repeatedly risking their lives to death. Well, having passed to the throne, one must still be able to subordinate to his will the closest circle of various nobles, dignitaries, in the process of which a palace coup may well happen. As was the case, for example, with the reformer emperor Paul I and with many before and after him, killed by the hands of those who, in their opinion, recklessly allowed them to go to the thrones is plausible about such a classic situation - in the novel by Boleslav Prus "Pharaoh": before the great, great empire took place, it was necessary to simply survive in the serious wars of the court camarillas, risking their lives to death many times over. Well, having passed to the throne, one must still be able to subordinate to his will the closest circle of various nobles, dignitaries, in the process of which a palace coup may well happen. As was the case, for example, with the reformer emperor Paul I and with many before and after him, who were killed by the hands of those who, in their opinion, had rashly allowed them before the is plausible about such a classic situation - in the novel by Boleslav Prus "Pharaoh": before the great, great empire took place, it was necessary to simply survive in the serious wars of the court camarillas, risking their lives to death many times over. Well, having passed to the throne, one must still be able to subordinate to his will the closest circle of various nobles, dignitaries, in the process of which a palace coup may well happen. As was the case, for example, with the reformer emperor Paul I and with many before and after him, who were killed by the hands of those who, in their opinion, had rashly allowed them before the thrones.dignitaries, in the process of which a palace coup may well happen. As was the case, for example, with the reformer emperor Paul I and with many before and after him, who were killed by the hands of those who, in their opinion, had rashly allowed them before the thrones.dignitaries, in the process of which a palace coup may well happen. As was the case, for example, with the reformer emperor Paul I and with many before and after him, who were killed by the hands of those who, in their opinion, had rashly allowed them before the thrones.

One of the greatest triumphants of modern history, Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, before becoming the General Secretary of the CPSU (b), and then the successor of V. I. Lenin as head of state, had to convincingly establish himself among the members of the Politburo as a hopeless mediocrity, willingly performing the will of the wiser and more educated senior comrades - the closest associates of the leader of the world proletariat. The role of a friendly, unambitious simpleton was successful, the accession took place despite Lenin's warnings. The fate of IV Stalin's arrogant guardians is known, typical: useless heart-rending pleas and oaths of loyalty before the inevitable executions. Another upcoming triumphant of the same large caliber A. Hitler for many years was quite content with the role of the party's orator of the second or third plan,without showing a hint of other claims. In the world he willingly asceticised in the salons of overripe society ladies in the roles of a pleaser, a charming entertainer-storyteller for the time being, until the masters of life noticed qualities suitable for a large-scale puppet. The comrades-in-arms and many of the financial and industrial magnates, who made Schicklgruber's party the winner in the elections and elevated the newly-minted leader to the post of chancellor, were also tragically mistaken. Well, when those who doubted the divine qualities of these leaders did not survive, and the most important period began - the beginning of the triumph of their great will: the formation of hordes of groveling admirers of the leaders into combat structures to control their own society and to develop new living spaces inhabited temporarily or by the class of "parasites working people ", or" subhumans "from inferior races. Further - the next, the main stage of triumph: the implementation of plans for world expansion, relying on sources of funding for those who benefited from world wars. The victors themselves least of all resembled epic heroes: they did not grab a sword or a pistol for any reason, fights, especially duels, were not practiced under any guise. But they knew how to subtly intrigue, cunning, masterly deceive, instantly give a tear from dangerous places, etc. There were also especially valuable qualities - an iron determination not to reckon with any human losses among their own, to be infinitely, cruelly merciless to the "enemies of the Reich", personal enemies. The scale of the will created in history by various triumphants directly depended on the quantity, quality and power of various "cascades of strengthening" the will of the leader. The famous gangster Al Capone had several hundred "triggers" under his arms,able to more or less control the gambling business of several American cities. The President of the United States has at his disposal land, naval, air-tactical armed forces, potentially capable of wiping out entire civilizations from the face of the earth (and being wiped out from his turn) by his order.

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Considering that the existing social technologies, the mechanisms for filling the main positions of the states of the world have fundamentally practically not changed at all since the times of Ancient Egypt, Babylon, nothing has fundamentally changed in another main thing: the quality of human material, embodied in most of the current contenders for the triumph of will, remains almost always guaranteed to be critically low for its time and place. But in other cases, if the priests of Egypt or the close boyars in Russia did not manage to tame, tame the heir, and then prevent him from reigning, the overseers had to pay in full measure - position, property, freedom, life. But this did not happen often in the ancient and Middle Ages, and therefore there were not so many triumphants in history. For the common good:the creators of great empires have always waged endless devastating, ruinous, destructive wars with endless robberies, the turning of entire ethnic groups into slaves, etc. There was also a flourishing of arts, crafts, sciences, but the price of such gains was always monstrous. And the positive assessments of such deeds by historians-descendants have always been flawed: they did not have personal suffering from the endured misfortune, killed relatives, children. To neglect this most important component of the price of what a historical person has done just because it didn’t affect you - to demonstrate complete moral deafness and blindness in relation to the main value of any society that is the same for all at all times: the exclusive intrinsic value of the life of any person, any living being. And from the standpoint of this criterion, practically all "great conquests" are essentially a continuous mortal unforgivable sin. The reward for which is by no means laurels, not bronze, not chronicles and epics - only eternal fiery hell. To judge history and its personalities is meaningless, meaningless. To praise the “greats” in it is a fight against God, a prudent villainy that was required to justify any filthiness of modern politicians. That is why all monuments to human personalities are evidence of complete rejection, denial of them by those who erected the greatest commandment to people: "Do not make yourself an idol!"required to justify any filthiness of modern politicians. That is why all monuments to human personalities are evidence of complete rejection, denial of them by those who erected the greatest commandment to people: "Do not create an idol for yourself!"required to justify any filthiness of modern politicians. That is why all monuments to human personalities are evidence of complete rejection, denial of them by those who erected the greatest commandment to people: "Do not create an idol for yourself!"

Famous stories, the triumphant of the will took place as such thanks to another important personal quality: schizophrenic suspicion, complete distrust of his closest associates. Ivan the Terrible executed such a number of his "fellow" boyars, which could not have perished in any way in all the wars he waged. Peter I and JV Stalin, who reasonably believed the denunciation much more than the crafty assurances and oaths of loyalty of their comrades-in-arms, did not lag far behind him. In addition, from the age of execution of confidants of the crowned persons, they sharply added agility to the rest, temporarily not yet convicted of treason to the nobles. That only increased the overall contribution to the prosperity of the empire.

Another obligatory quality of established historical figures was that they singled out, brought closer and relied in their activities exclusively on capable, decisive, selfless people from all social groups, and not only on hereditary nobility, which at all times "works" mainly only in the name of their clan and family interests.

In the modern world, it has become very unprofitable to create and preserve empires in their traditional historical understanding. The great colonial empire under the scepter of the English crown was the last in this row. Military power and colonial administration as the basis of overwhelming imperial domination and domination in the modern world have been supplanted by the power of banking capital, the technological power of transcontinental corporations and the various bribery and buyout of local political regimes that accompany their activities. New technologies, mechanisms of world domination made it possible to look at the ancient and old history of mankind from different positions. On closer examination of the motivations that guided the great, it turned out that the will of the creators and disseminators of worldview positions was invisibly, but inevitably and imperiously dominated over the triumphants of the will.the inferences that substantiated and stimulated the desire for world domination among the throne-holders. The world is really ruled by ideas - ideas about a certain order of things in human practice. The ideas are quite specific and different, between which there is a war for the heads and wills of the tsars, other promoters of the political elite.

Ensuring the dominance of certain notions and ideas in the heads of constantly changing generations of ruling, dominating in the conditions of continuous cruel world ideological confrontations, is an even more difficult, exhausting, long-term occupation that requires the highest training, education (in fact, endless) than the creation and preservation of world empires.

For example, one of the currently successfully implemented worldview concepts contains the following imperatives: “Do not give your brother neither silver, nor bread, nor anything else that can be given for growth; Give it to a foreigner in growth, so that your Lord, your God, will bless you in everything that is done by your hands on the land into which you are going, in order to possess it”(Deuteronomy, 23: 19,20). "And you will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you" (Deuteronomy 28:12). "Then the sons of foreigners will build your walls and their kings will serve you … And your gates will be opened, they will not be closed, day or night, so that the wealth of the nations may be brought to you and their kings may be brought" (Isaiah 60:10, 12).

In order for this most viable of all things worldview concept of organizing meaningful community activity to live and work, titanic organizational efforts of the most varied nature, continuous over the centuries, are required, building in times the most complex socio-technological "production line":

a) It is necessary to organize in a constantly changing world a stable, working without interruptions reproduction in generations of carriers and implementers in the heads of co-religionists of this concept, which requires serious continuous funding, providing this estate with the means for comfortable life and activities.

b) It is necessary to create, protect and ensure the sustainable functioning of the world system of supporting institutions of usury - banks. Provide favorable financial legislation everywhere to guarantee repayment of loans, credits and interest due thereon. Ensure the guaranteed family inheritance of the worldwide bases of usury, the preservation of all banking pools in the overwhelming property of co-religionists.

c) Ensure everywhere, in all host countries with the help of serious funding for the procedure for election to senior government positions, or the inheritance of such positions that are understandable and familiar with the aim of subsequent rational sustainable manipulation of the politicians of the leading countries of the world. First of all, in order to guarantee the repayment of government loans from countries with unstable political regimes.

A lot of technologies for managing the institutions of official power are being recruited "by little things", which, however, add up to a complicated, but very harmonious working system, which operates completely imperceptibly not because they are very conspiratorial - they just do not talk about it themselves and do not let them talk superfluous to others: “In such social conditions, it is possible to identify a scheme of anonymous remote control of various kinds of nominal leaders bypassing the consciousness of both each of them and the majority of society. At the same time, few people really understand where and how the decisions that they put into practice are developed and approved "(" Principles of personnel policy: the state, "anti-state", public initiative ". St. Petersburg, 1999, p. 18) …

The "will to victory" of the Old Testament conceptualists in realizing their global task ("… the sons of foreigners will build your walls and their kings will serve you …") overwhelmingly dominates and will always dominate over various political "triumphants of the will" for quite understandable reasons and grounds:

1. Unlike the processes of implementing various political programs that do not allow stopping, interruptions (management of specific social processes is always continuous, like managing, for example, a moving car), the embodiment of the will of the carriers of the concept can be suspended, in some part postponed for one -two generations without any prejudice to conceptual goals. In short, time does not weigh on the conceptualists.

2. If politicians have the main resource - people gathered in the army, police structures, special services, in numerous departments, which constantly need all new means of life support (food, clothing, heat and light in dwellings, transport, etc.), then the main resources of conceptualists are money, gold, information, knowledge. Those who do not ask for food on their own can painlessly lie down without spoiling or diminishing.

3. The current public politicians are forced to announce their goals, social programs and then convincingly lie with the help of the media about the alleged positive results of their “fruitful” management practice, to wage an information war with the opposition, exposing the lies of current politicians. Conceptualists don't need to explain anything to anyone - they don't owe anything to anyone, and therefore they can work on their own mistakes calmly, sensibly, judiciously, really correcting real processes, changing approaches, tools, etc.

4. Political will is always personified, its implementation is associated with intense emotional experiences, accompanied by a boil of passions, mental anguish, suffering, violent delight, despair, causing either tides or breakdowns. Moreover, each of an arbitrarily large number of participants in the political process. That in itself breeds errors, confuses processes, destroys, destroys many of the results already obtained.

Conceptualists are much calmer, due to the absence of the dictate of the real-time regime, there is always the opportunity to look for more suitable ways using the well-known technology: "Normal heroes always go around!"

Sadly in all this, however, the overwhelming superiority of conceptual will over others is by no means: several strongly opposing concepts are simultaneously implemented in the world at once with approximately the same intention - to see foreign kings as their own servants.

They practically do not have a struggle of worldviews as such (a sluggish dive does not count) for a simple reason: the poorly educated population of the world is not allowed to seriously understand any of the worldview teachings, the confrontations are mainly in the sphere of world money, which are used as the main resource in all spheres and forms of continuous world geopolitical war.

In the aforementioned novel by Prus, a similar trend is noted: the treasury of the Labyrinth regularly absorbed the share of the spoils due to the caste of priests from each military campaign of the pharaohs. But no one ever could take anything from this treasury, which greatly irritated and provoked the secular rulers of Ancient Egypt. Even the high priests were not allowed to the Labyrinth (according to the legend of the novel, they could go to the Labyrinth, but after that they were subject to mandatory murder).

By whom, how, for what the priesthood treasures were used - there is not a hint in history. But it is indisputable that they were used and worked: there is convincing historical evidence that the priestly class of Ancient Egypt possessed extensive knowledge of a cosmic nature, skillfully collecting and analyzing information, on the basis of which it would be possible to foresee future events and influence their course. If there is, of course, funds for this, first of all - financial. Which are also needed for the dissemination of the very worldview concept through schools, universities, literature, journalism, educators of monarchs, etc.

So any viable concept must begin with the creation of its treasury - the Labyrinth, worries about filling it up - whether it be the armies of the pharaohs or the banking houses of the Rothschilds, saving them from countless marauders with the highest social statuses.

To unite even these initial links into a living chain working for centuries, a will is needed that is immeasurably greater than any, however outstanding, great monarchical, military leader, or other political. It is even difficult to imagine the ways and technologies of its embodiment in human personalities without the intervention of Providence.

But on the other hand, once it has taken place, such a council will, on the basis of a stable reproduction technology that implements its structure, becomes a factor constantly present in the world of human communities, in contrast to the spontaneously emerging and inevitably disappearing heterogeneous triumphants of a single or group will. By virtue of this circumstance, even the socially destructive will of the implementers of the concept is doomed to overwhelming success in a long historical perspective, at least on a regional scale.

The danger for civilization lies only in the fact that in the confrontation of incompatible concepts, where victory is always achieved without regard to costs, destruction, at any cost, long before the final victory of any one concept, the entire human civilization may well be destroyed. As it seems, it has already happened on Mars, and now, according to the same cycle, the planet Earth is developing: the contours of future civilizational wars for areas where there is still fresh water, energy sources, where grain and livestock production is still possible.

Folk Chinese wisdom predicts misfortunes for peoples who have overly active, ambitious rulers: they will have to fight a lot, many will have to die, become crippled, famine, epidemics, and other social cataclysms are possible.

Europeans don't even need to look far for examples - just remember Napoleon, Bismarck. These triumphants of will not only crushed aliens and their societies in endless wars, but also inevitably induced reciprocal aggression, militarization in neighboring countries, the formation of a spirit of militarism in them, the coming to power of their own “siloviki”, previously unclaimed, remained in oblivion.

The fate of the triumphants of the will, whose aspirations were aimed at prevailing, expanding the zones of their domination in the world and were, if successful, associated with obtaining military booty, was not easy, but their activities received the support of a significant part of the elite, always ready to plunder. Those of historical personalities who tried to realize their important intrasocial goals inevitably entered into an irreconcilable conflict with their own elite in all its guises and were either destroyed by it, or were forced to actively exterminate its sizeable groups, being subjected in generations to various vilifications and slander, as it was in Russian history with Ivan the Terrible, Peter I, Stalin. There have been and will be good reasons for this: in intra-social battles, the division of people into different camps always occurs mainly only by a set of random factors,circumstances - in every camp there are both the right and the guilty, and the righteously killed, and the unjust. The tragedy of the civil war in Russia is the most convincing and multidimensional illustration of this.

The history of Wielicz human deeds convincingly testifies: in overwhelming cases, the will was directed exclusively towards the realization of unreasonably ambitious, selfish personal or corporate goals. And almost never - for the realization of common human reasonable interests in the interpretation of the prophets.

When it happens occasionally that strong-willed leaders appear, striving for worthy goals, at least in the human understanding, the consolidation of the efforts of the majority of society is so irresistible, powerful that no, even the combined attempts of outside and internal oppositionists are able to overcome this impulse. The most impressive example is the revolution, civil war, foreign intervention in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

But since a strong-willed leader with an intelligent head and conscience is a unique phenomenon that is not reproduced in the next generation, and the conceptual community is not given to political leaders to create or reproduce, even the most impressive successes of the most worthy social transformations, without being supported by the efforts of carriers reproduced in generations any concept are inevitably dragged on by the marsh duckweed of parasitic elites. Emerging as inevitably as putrefactive bacteria in any long-term storage product. The technologies of the triumph of will, provided only by the resources of the family, clan, corporation and in the name of their goals, are practically the same. But even with a more concentrated, strong will and better equipped brains than politicians and statesmen, corporate results will, of course, always be less impressive and lasting.less visible to society. And, of course, they will not have significant social consequences for a variety of reasons, the main among which will be the fierce competition of various owners of similar wills, "extinguishing" each other, a tangible, costly eternal oppression of "regulatory bodies", the ubiquitous arrogant bureaucracy, toughly claiming their in terms of position, a hefty piece of someone else's success, etc. The visible material embodiment of the triumph of such "wills" is the entire subculture of those who have succeeded in Russia and around the world: lush mansions of the Moscow region, the coasts of Spain, Italy, France, the California coast of the USA, expensive hotels, restaurants, yachts, skyscrapers of corporations, banks. It is precisely the entire material embodiment of the aspirations of all sorts of those who have succeeded around the world in the most cruel way that it itself drags the whole herd of triumphants through life, forever and ever,discovering wills, painfully chasing them with his iron staff in this life-long marathon, destroying the habitat of the modern world with a technogenic civilization.

The human material of which this generation of will triumphants and their camarillas consists almost without exception, is always only the worst of what is in humanity, with minor differences and rare exceptions that do not affect this breed as a whole.

But in the world, many invisible triumphs of people's wills are constantly taking place without any significant resources - only their own head, heart and hands. The spectrum of human aspirations, motivations (both by default and by declaration) includes, of course, the entire palette of human values. The preferences in this series are statistically distributed very unevenly: the stable, overwhelming part of the volitional aspirations of such people is focused on the same values as in the entire dominant human breed everywhere, representing an inexhaustible source of a great multitude of human vanity aspiring to the fair. In all types of human life: from athletes, dancers, humorist couplets to various “gentlemen of fortune”, successful lawyers, composers, police officers, commanders of nuclear submarines, astronauts, etc. The choice of a field for homeless ambitious in most cases is determined by arbitrary circumstances that depend not on social choice, but only on where at the right time a person with certain inclinations and considerable volitional qualities turned out to be. In consolation to those who reproach their fate for their ill-will, it should be said that the free choice of the type of career among wealthy people is wrong in no fewer cases. True, for other reasons: young people rarely really know what they want and what they really can, and what this or that kind of life activity is connected with. And the lack of personal life experience does not allow us to appreciate the wisdom and experience of elders who are trying to sincerely help in the main choice of life.depending not on social choice, but only on where a person with certain inclinations and hefty volitional qualities turned out to be at the right time. In consolation to those who reproach their fate for their ill-will, it should be said that the free choice of the type of career among wealthy people is wrong in no fewer cases. True, for other reasons: young people rarely really know what they want and what they really can, and what this or that kind of life activity is connected with. And the lack of personal life experience does not allow us to appreciate the wisdom and experience of elders who are trying to sincerely help in the main choice of life.depending not on social choice, but only on where a person with certain inclinations and hefty volitional qualities turned out to be at the right time. In consolation to those who reproach their fate for unfavorableness, it should be said that the free choice of the type of career for wealthy people is wrong in no fewer cases. True, for other reasons: young people rarely really know what they want and what they really can, and what this or that kind of life activity is connected with. And the lack of personal life experience does not allow us to appreciate the wisdom and experience of elders who are trying to sincerely help in the main life choice.that the free choice of the type of career among wealthy people is wrong in no fewer cases. True, for other reasons: young people rarely really know what they want and what they really can, and what this or that kind of life activity is connected with. And the lack of personal life experience does not allow us to appreciate the wisdom and experience of elders who are trying to sincerely help in the main choice of life.that the free choice of the type of career among wealthy people is wrong in no fewer cases. True, for other reasons: young people rarely really know what they want and what they really can, and what this or that kind of life activity is connected with. And the lack of personal life experience does not allow us to appreciate the wisdom and experience of elders who are trying to sincerely help in the main choice of life.

The most aggressive and strong-willed, oriented towards personal enrichment from among the rootless, are concentrated in the structures of organized crime. Their triumph of will comes quickly, and is rewarded with sums of money that are inconceivable for an ordinary person, which is quite enough for a “luxurious life” in the traditional sense of “a man of the people”. What makes professional crime the same eternal trade as professional sports, buffoonery, law enforcement, bodyguarding of noble persons, prostitution, officialdom, etc.

The triumph of the will of a few truly gifted, talented rootless, constituting at least 9/10 of all talents in human communities, is realized through the overcoming of various hardships, obstacles in the form of obtaining appropriate professional knowledge, skills, skills in scientific, literary, musical activities, painting, transforming into scientific discoveries, inventions, literary, artistic, musical works. And that's all. As a rule, the matter does not come to Nobel and other prizes: there are no necessary significant social connections, and the creators are often robbed by countless codeles of pseudo-scientific, near-cultural bugs. But it is just this kind of triumph of individual human will that gives at least some meaning and value to the entire human civilization.

Only those who have decided to fight for social justice, a more perfect reorganization of the world have no practical chances for the triumph of will: a civilization that keeps the Lord's commandments like ancient books in the dark damp corners of the archive and has practically not used them for several centuries, does not need new ones either. religious teachers. No matter how much they preach, neither the media nor the intellectual community will ever support them. And without this, everything reasonable is hopelessly drowning in the hubbub and cackle of modern mass cultures. Well, if, with God's help, it is still possible to force oneself to listen to one of the ascetics, they will slander, slander, put in jail, or kill in the gateway. And then - into the usual sleepless maelstrom of lewdness and endless consumerism.

Huge historical gaps between rare really impressive triumphants of national will are densely filled with imitators of all kinds of "greatness" of heterogeneous pygmies - extras, by chance and circumstances, elevated to the Olympics of power, fame, etc.

Thanks to the innumerable camarillas of courtiers, near-throne saints, imitation of greatness, like theatrical scenery, exists only for a short period of the life of the participants in the next political performance and disappear like bursting soap bubbles shortly before the finale of the next historical “play”. But in the same place, new "decorators" immediately begin to build new myths - decorations with the stubbornness of maniacs, without looking back at the ugly scraps of the old "decorations": mediocrity, extras of history can never create anything other than dummies of greatness. This, probably, is their "great historical mission" - to fill in the long pause between historical cataclysms. It is so evident in the human race that it is written that short periods of great upheavals were repeated in short pauses of even more cruel tragedies. But the repetition of historical events in the form of various farces breaks down into many episodes and stretches over many decades, and even centuries. There is only one difference from the stage farce: the actors always remember that they are participants in the game, politicians - never, unshakably believing that it is they who are making the true story.

God would be with them, with all these triumphs of the will, if not for one very significant circumstance among others: the triumphants of the will of others are very often realized at the expense of someone's lives, destinies. So, an ambitious coach in the name of setting an Olympic record can ruin the health of an athlete with excessive training, powerful doping. The company commander can put half of his soldiers under the enemy's machine guns in the name of fulfilling the order and possible rewarding and promotion in position and rank. The same thing, but with much greater losses, are being done by other commanders of divisions and armies. The triumphs of the will of many politicians cost many millions of killed and maimed fellow citizens, destroyed cities, industries.

Triumphs of the will of the implementers of concepts invisible to the world - economic crises, destroyed industries, economies of many countries, degradation and disappearance of entire ethnic groups. The upcoming triumph of globalists, if destined to take place, can turn into the disappearance of 5 billion people for humanity. Mainly, through all kinds of encouragement of the lowest consumer addictions, physiological pleasures, first of all - to alcohol, drugs, sexual perversion, indiscriminate choice of food and drinks. And this is no longer just another horror story for adults - an acute shortage of energy resources, a reduction in cultivated areas, forests, fresh water reserves, dangerous atmospheric pollution, etc., harshly put before the rulers the inevitable question of a "planned" radical reduction of the planet's population. An alternative to the "planning" of the conceptualists is a new world war with the use of all types of weapons of mass destruction with all the ensuing consequences. This is the cumulative result of the triumph of all the cumulative wills of human civilization.

Most likely, only those who have enough personal reason and will to assimilate and use a simple truth in the formulation of Russian conceptualists will be able to protect themselves from the genocide of the current triumphant conceptualists: “Every person, to the extent of his understanding, works for himself, and to the extent of misunderstanding for those who who understands more than him!"

And if we add to the high level of our own understanding of events a complete rejection of alcohol, smoking, discrimination in nutrition and adherence to the rules of social hygiene in relations with other people, the cumulative triumph of many of our little wills may well triumph over the will of unwanted conceptualists of the world.