Soul - Its Nature And Purpose - Alternative View

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Soul - Its Nature And Purpose - Alternative View
Soul - Its Nature And Purpose - Alternative View

Video: Soul - Its Nature And Purpose - Alternative View

Video: Soul - Its Nature And Purpose - Alternative View
Video: Soul Piano Essentials Lesson, Groove & Chord Progression 2024, September

The existence of the human soul

People are biologically arranged in such a way that their brain perceives the surrounding reality with the help of the senses they have, they do not question and consider only the visible, tangible and perceived part of it as real. But can there be another, non-material part of the Universe, other dimensions, where there is intelligent life and the physical laws familiar to us do not work? And does there exist in the world around us physically some substance connecting both worlds, capable of existing on both sides of being?

Of course, we are talking about the human soul, the existence of which so far no one has been able to both prove and disprove. Let's try to understand what the soul is, what is its nature, what is its purpose and essence.

The soul is a matter of faith

Let us immediately note that even the scientific world, which for the most part adheres to the materialistic point of view, admits multivariance of measurements and the existence of other forms of life. If you think that all the talk about the existence of the soul is just delirium of the enacted imagination, then remember that everything in this world is relative! Many times the most incredible assumptions have been confirmed.

Many people, striving for realistically achievable momentary good, strive to follow the logic of the well-known sayings: “We must live here and now”, “Live for today”, which have already become the life credo of the majority, not only convinced atheists, but also those who only admit existence God, who believe that, apart from the material, there is still something else in the World.

They are trying with all their might to take more than necessary, little or not at all thinking about what will happen next, after the physical death of a person and proudly call themselves realists, confident in the correctness of their vision of the world, which essentially boils down to blind faith in His Majesty Chance … Any other faith for them is just delirium of the weak-minded, but you ask them: "Why is there no soul and God?" In response, you can hear: "Because I cannot see it!" In this regard, we will give such an interesting case:

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They say that once Stalin asked the scientist-surgeon, Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea Valentin Voino-Yasenetsky (Luka):

"Does the famous physician believe in the existence of the soul?"

“I believe,” said the surgeon.

"Did you find it in the human body during the operation?" …


"So how can you believe that the soul exists?"

"Do you believe that a person has a conscience?" - asked a counter question Voino-Yasenetsky.

Stalin was silent for a while, and then answered: "I believe."

And then the famous doctor said: "I did not find any conscience in the bodies of the patients being operated on either."

Atheists can be understood, they are so comfortable, simple, and most importantly understandable and pleasant to live like this, a kind of impunity, according to the principle “no thief has been caught” and will not have to answer for anything, because for this there are the necessary connections and money, “and after us, even a flood. " They want to have a "bird in their hands" (temporal earthly paradise), and "pie in the sky" (heavenly eternal paradise) is just an inconvenient myth for them. They prefer to consider themselves the gods of life, why do they need some mythical Supreme Reason.

It is possible to argue with such a category of people on metaphysical topics forever and … to no avail. Atheists are children of the system who have absorbed materialistic views with "mother's milk", which can only be changed with the help of irrefutable facts, miracles or extraordinary circumstances (for example, clinical death).

The values of believers in God are not in this life, but in life after death. For the sake of justice, let us note that most of them are far from being angels, who are inflamed with pure, unselfish love for God and do not expect to receive anything in return for their love. They are simple people who strive to get their main benefit, but only at the end of their earthly life and in an infinite equivalent. The logic of their actions is dictated by the choice in favor of the eternal bliss promised by the Lord and the normal fear of losing this “heavenly bonus”.

As we can see, each person has his own life strategy, but what “place” does he choose first of all? The answer is obvious - mind. And that's okay. Reason in a dangerous material world must play a decisive role, otherwise a person simply may not survive. And any rational being strives for the good and wants to secure its existence. It all boils down to the fact that some choose a short-term life with an obvious outcome, while others have relied on the Absolute - the immortality of the soul.

Although, by and large, if people believe in God and do not commit evil, only because of the fear of punishment in another world, then this is essentially self-interest, and the choice based on fear is far from the choice that is made with the soul. At first glance, the choice seems to be the same, but the reasons that prompted this choice are radically different.

Summing up the introductory part, we can say that there is no point in persuading someone in matters of faith. But it is possible and necessary to speculate on eternal topics, operating not only with conjectures emanating from religious beliefs, but also with assumptions that rely on real technologies.

The essence of the human soul is information

So, most likely, no one will deny the obvious fact that a person is a biological carrier of an indefinite amount of information, an unknown percentage of which falls on his consciousness and personality. In other words, the personal "I" can be expressed as information, which is the core of our essence. The origin, formation and evolution of this “I” occurs in synthesis with some other substance that does not originate from our being, which is supposedly of an energy-informational nature.

“Everything replaces the brain,” you might say. No, not all! The human brain is only a biocomputer located in the cranium, a "logical machine" that excludes everything that cannot be sensed or is of an irrational nature. The human brain is undoubtedly a powerful tool, but we should not forget that it gives us only reason, makes it possible to think rationally and logically, but here are some feelings … it is doubtful that the brain is capable of autonomously producing a reckless state of love, hate or a desire to save someone else's life, at their own cost, etc.

It is not his physical body that makes a man a man, but something else. Perhaps this is something like a program code that makes some kind of subconscious correction, and as a result, we become aware of ourselves and become intelligent, in the full sense of the word, living beings who are endowed with emotions, freedom, the desire to create? It is possible to call this code differently, in religion this mysterious substance is called simply - the soul.

So what is the human soul? What is its essence? From various sources, including the Bible, it follows that the soul is the essence of man. The definition of a person is understood not as a biological, but as his moral, informational (spiritual) essence. The body is the mortal shell, the seat of the soul. The soul, in turn, is an information channel that connects this world and the higher one, the one from where we get love, creative energy and where our consciousness goes after death.

Or, the soul is an installed "package" of higher feelings and laws that make us human, not biorobots with a cold mind, a kind of storage of vital energy, the Word and Light of God, everything that can be attributed to the concepts of the divine category. The soul is a navigator that indicates the highest path of development. Perhaps the soul is both a navigator and a storehouse and a bridge between realities at the same time.

This suggests a rough analogy with a computer operating system and a set of other system subroutines, as well as the electricity needed to operate a computer. Without a soul and a divine spirit, a person is like a "dead" computer without any digital data and power supply.

Science cannot yet understand the structure of the soul and separate it into a matrix separate from the body. It is not even clear where the soul is in us. But despite the lack of scientific knowledge, it is foolish in theory to deny its existence, as well as the potential in the future to learn to “pack” the human “I” into a “file”.

Of course, there may be many skeptics who will consider the analogy between a human and a computer incorrect or categorically define all of the above as nonsense. Just in case, "militant atheists" would like to say that everything stated can be taken as a fantasy that has a right to exist. It is no more delusional than any scientific hypothesis about the random origin of the universe, which does not come close to understanding the truth. In science in general, versions on this issue often change.

Taking for the truth the idea that the soul is the essence of information, and the human body is its bearer, let us ask the question: “Is it possible for the soul to move outside the body and the existence of a mechanism hidden in us that ensures this transaction, the activation of which is programmed and occurs, for example, with a complete shutdown or destruction of the brain? The question is essentially rhetorical. The answer is obvious - of course yes! Such biotechnology is likely.

There are many confirmations of a conscious "out of body" to the Astral, people who have been in critical condition. People who have experienced clinical death talked about maintaining their consciousness and traveling through a dark tunnel, at the end of which there was light. The explanation of this phenomenon by hallucinations, allegedly due to the intoxication of the body with medicines and the so-called tubular vision, does not stand up to criticism.

It is doubtful that as a result of intoxication, the "dead" will experience the same "visual effect" (to see themselves from the side), tell how the operation took place or what other people who were at a considerable distance did, for example, from the operating room where the operation took place, view my life is like a movie, meeting with deceased relatives, and cases when from birth blind people described what they were essentially unable to describe (for example, try to explain to a person who is blind from birth what red is!) …

So why, then, are atheists so categorical in denying the soul and its transfer after death to another world or dimension? Is intelligent life possible only in one form familiar to us? Or maybe we are the creation of the highest immortal race that exists outside of time and matter, and we are sent to Earth to undergo training, the maturation of souls in the school of life, and those who have passed the “training” with dignity will get a chance for eternal life? You can give answers to these questions only to yourself …

The path of the soul after death

Let's try to imagine, because we have an imagination, that posthumous world, where, according to believers, the soul falls after earthly life. It is not a question of searching for evidence of the reality of the afterlife - during life this cannot be done in principle, as they say: "Until you die, you will not check whether there is heaven or hell." All considerations regarding the "afterlife" are perceived by non-religious people as pure abstraction. But, any thought, no matter how fantastic it may seem, may turn out to be an objective reality. Moreover, it is possible that our reality is in reality only a pitiful, distorted copy of the present Ideal Being. What could be the afterlife, which after physical death becomes the eternal home of the soul?

Let's start with the main thing. Everything has a root cause. Without it, nothing can arise by itself. Whatever operations you perform with zeros, without one the result will always be zero. That is, in the absolute primordial Non-being could not by itself appear out of nowhere "number", there had to be a primary cause acting as a unit, some force that made the particles move. Proceeding from this, let us assume the existence of the Author, Supermind or Creator of all things, He has many names, but there is one generalizing capacious concept - God. Let's take Him for granted. For what purpose was the World created by Him?

Probably with the same one with which a creative person creates his creation, through which he expresses his inner creative energy, love or some other experience flowing from the soul. Maybe the Creator wished to create a semblance of that ideal, infinite happiness, which He Himself is, and a small copy of this Original is not a material body at all, but some other substances that are inside us and that make up our essence - spirit, soul, mind. After all, if a person-creator wants to create his own likeness, it will mean, first of all, a rational basis that is closest to the original (artificial intelligence) and enclosed in the framework of human logic. The wrapper into which the created entity will be placed is secondary.

We will not delve into the comprehension of God's Plan, which a person probably cannot understand. This theme is an attempt to present the Path and essence of the soul.

Almost all religious sources say that life is eternal in the Next World. Why not. A person in earthly life also strives for immortality, and one of the hypothetical concepts in this direction lies in the transfer of consciousness from a dying body, into something new, ideally into the eternal. And what is not capable of destroying time? Only the intangible is not afraid of time.

If the afterlife is immaterial, then another logic reigns there, which does not obey the physical laws of our being. Perhaps there is no usual flow of time for us, everything eternal excludes the need for this category.

Earthly life should be perceived as a kind of school where the personality is tested. And only a person who has passed this path with dignity gets into the kingdom of God called paradise. The more the soul at the "exit-entry" retains in itself from God, the higher and closer to the Lord it will ascend. And on the contrary, an individual who has accumulated a critical mass of sins (evil) during his life, the one in whom the distortion of the absolute standard (God) is very large, will go to hell. In other words, we all go through a filter, the purpose of which is to prevent evil from entering heaven. The structure of this model of being from a rational standpoint is quite understandable and understandable.

Summing up the above, we can simply say that a person is endowed with freedom of choice and everyone is free to decide what a soul is, and whether he has it or not. So the choice is yours …

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