UFOs Spotted Defensively Over Memphis - Alternative View

UFOs Spotted Defensively Over Memphis - Alternative View
UFOs Spotted Defensively Over Memphis - Alternative View

Video: UFOs Spotted Defensively Over Memphis - Alternative View

Video: UFOs Spotted Defensively Over Memphis - Alternative View
Video: UFO spotted over Aurora! 2024, September

Recently, UFO reports have been very frequent from the United States. Considering the position of the state in the world, the interest of potential aliens is very easy to explain and quite understandable. This time they visited Memphis. The event was captured both in photo and video.

It happened on August 7. Notably, three of the many UFOs in the sky formed a triangle. This may well mean that they have taken a defensive stance to counter a possible attack.

The motives for this behavior are, of course, unknown. However, given the increasing reports of UFOs over US territory, it can be assumed that any of them was seen and shot down.

Or maybe nothing like this happened and the pilots of the ships simply decided not to be careless. In any case, the video is very interesting, as it demonstrates the most real maneuvers, and not just movement through the air. If you expand the video to full screen and take a closer look, you will notice additional UFOs in the lower right corner as well as in the upper left.

Whatever explains their flight, the spectacle is mesmerizing. But I would like to hope that it does not mean unhurried preparation for an attack.

Semenenko Kirill