Does NASA Have Time To Study UFOs? - Alternative View

Does NASA Have Time To Study UFOs? - Alternative View
Does NASA Have Time To Study UFOs? - Alternative View

Video: Does NASA Have Time To Study UFOs? - Alternative View

Video: Does NASA Have Time To Study UFOs? - Alternative View
Video: NASA now investigating Navy's UFO videos: 'There is something there' 2024, September

Recently, NASA astronaut Drew Vostel told reporters why the American aerospace agency prefers not to respond to messages from amateurs who find various strange objects in photographs of the Martian surface.

According to him, people who are engaged in the "virtual archeology" of Mars forget about such a phenomenon / as pareidolia. This is a visual illusion that occurs when a person sees something unfamiliar and involuntarily tries to reduce everything to familiar images. It is for this reason that an animal, a human face, and ruins can be seen on a blurry photograph of a bizarre Martian rock. Although in reality this is just a play of nature.

As for the "Martian UFOs", which can also be seen in some of the images, then, according to Fostel, NASA simply does not have time to do such things.

“It's still impossible to stop people creating stories out of the blue,” the astronaut adds. "People who really want to believe in the conspiracy of space agencies, in all likelihood, will not work."

It is worth noting that the American's rantings caused an extremely negative reaction in the community of virtual archaeologists. Here is what one of them said: “Just look who NASA put up as a speaker! A simple astronaut who, apart from instructions, did not read anything and who should not think, but only do what he is told.

You should be aware that among ufologists and virtual search engines there are many people with advanced degrees in various fields of science and technology. And if they see something, it is not because they suffer from pareidolia, but because it really is!

Unfortunately, such a rotten and corrupt structure as NASA can only fulfill the instructions of the World Government to suppress information about the real state of affairs in the solar system. So that ordinary people, God forbid, would not guess about the presence of aliens in it, as well as about the real history of mankind …"

Based on materials from news agencies

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