What Do We Know About Our Universe? - Alternative View

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What Do We Know About Our Universe? - Alternative View
What Do We Know About Our Universe? - Alternative View

Video: What Do We Know About Our Universe? - Alternative View

Video: What Do We Know About Our Universe? - Alternative View
Video: Scientists Believe a Parallel Universe Exists 2024, June

How wonderful the world we live in

The universe is huge. So huge that even if you know its approximate size, the figure will be unimaginable. If you try to imagine its size, you will drown in an ocean of zeros. The universe never ceases to amaze us with its beauty and hidden secrets. Even modern equipment, telescopes, space transport and years of research do not give us a complete picture of the universe. This is depressing and at the same time means that many interesting discoveries are still ahead. We present to your attention the TOP-7 known facts about our Universe, which you might not know about:

We are made up of stars

We ourselves and everything we see is made of stars. Or rather, from the dead particles of stars. In the early days of the universe, there were only simple elements such as hydrogen and helium. Then they formed the first stars, which created iron and gold. After a while, the first stars died, creating new elements.

Our body includes almost all elements of the universe. And even gold.


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Looking up to the sky we see the past

The stars that we see in the sky are nothing more than the light of the stars that has come down to us after years, tens, hundreds and thousands of years.


There are 10 billion trillion stars in the universe

So far, scientists cannot agree on the exact number of stars, but the given number is still considered the most accurate.


We can be aliens

We have a huge interest in finding aliens, but we ourselves may be aliens. Some scientists believe that simple microorganisms and bacteria were brought to the ground by meteorites.


There can be several universes

Yes, our universe can only be one of many countless other universes that are different from ours.


Black holes die too

Black holes, due to their strong gravity, attract objects and even light. Scientist Stephen Hawking believes that if a black hole is left without "food" for too long, then it can disappear.


The universe is growing

Until 1920, scientists thought the universe was static, but astronomer Edwin Hubble found that the universe was expanding. In addition, in 1998, the Hubble Space Telescope recorded this expansion.