When Animals Begin To Take Revenge - Alternative View

When Animals Begin To Take Revenge - Alternative View
When Animals Begin To Take Revenge - Alternative View

Video: When Animals Begin To Take Revenge - Alternative View

Video: When Animals Begin To Take Revenge - Alternative View
Video: 12 Times Animals Took Revenge On Humans 2024, September

Animals, like humans, have a wide variety of feelings. Of course, most often they show affection, gratitude, the most devoted love to their owners. Unfortunately, people can be cruel, and then dumb creatures can even harbor resentment and revenge … Of all animals, the most vengeful creatures are camels. Especially dromedaries, which have a phenomenal memory.

Once at the zoo, where we came with the children, our attention was attracted by the strange behavior of one of the visitors. He categorically did not allow his five-year-old son to approach the paddock with a camel. He explained this by the fact that when he was still little, he teased this camel more than once out of mischief.

- Seizing the moment, he still got me: he spat in my face, then I washed myself for a whole week. Until now, the camel is angry, although I have not teased him for a long time, he grew up, and even became a father himself. Now I'm afraid to let my son get close to the camel …

But what is this episode compared to what happened somehow in the Karakum village? There are people among us who are particularly cruel, sometimes they themselves cannot explain their behavior.

Perhaps, by beating an animal, they drown out their grievances inflicted on them by others, or maybe this is a kind of self-affirmation of a flawed biped, in order to at least rise above dumb creatures? So, a certain shepherd mocked a camel: he constantly chased him, beat him with rods, even burned a brand on his back.

When the dromedary grew up, the owner sold it to other people. Their new meeting took place many, many years later. On one hot summer day, the camel found its former owner sleeping by the yurt: it was unbearably stuffy inside it, and he decided to take a nap in the fresh air. The camel busily sniffed the sleeping man, crept up half as fast and leaned on him with all its incredible weight. He lay there until the person expired.

And what happened recently in the south of India cannot be called anything other than cruel, but fair vengeance of animals. A new freeway was built across the jungle trail, which haunted the elephants day and night. The animals endured for the time being, then rebelled, blocked the road and turned over several cars. There were many victims who fled in fear from the enraged elephants: indeed, those were terrible in anger and thirst for revenge.

Here is another case that happened recently in the Bryansk region. The owner entered the stable in the middle of the night, and the horse, in general, always distinguished by a peaceful character, knocked him down and bit him to death. Terrible revenge, in other words you will not say. It turned out that the owner constantly mocked the horse, beat not only with a whip, but also with iron rods. Horses are usually patient and do not respond to vile attacks from people, no matter how evil they are. But, apparently, in this case, the animal's patience turned out to be overflowing, and his revenge was merciless

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I must say that not only pets are vengeful. Someone Kerim A. was famous in a small Uzbek town for killing poisonous snakes in his district.

- If the snake is not killed, then it can bite someone tomorrow, - Kerim said. How many snakes he killed is hard to say; he was asked not to do this, because poisonous creatures have become a rarity even in Kyzylkum and they must be protected. It is not for nothing that they are listed in the Red Book. But Kerim did not listen to anyone and continued his occupation.

Until he felt that the snakes intend to take revenge on him. Every time Kerim found himself alone, especially in the shepherd's camp, a snake appeared in front of him: it took a threatening pose.


There are many legends and beliefs in Central Asian villages that snakes, especially gyurza or cobra, have hypnotic properties. But for them to chase a person for a long time? No, nobody could believe it. Although, the old people said, if the animal decides to take revenge on someone, then it will do it without fail.

Kerim, a thirty-five-year-old big man, died writhing in pain on a cotton field: a gyurza bit through a tarpaulin boot and left two bloody marks on his leg. And even doctors could not save Kerim: it was too late when he got to the district hospital.