Village Poltergeist - Alternative View

Village Poltergeist - Alternative View
Village Poltergeist - Alternative View

Video: Village Poltergeist - Alternative View

Video: Village Poltergeist - Alternative View
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Several stories from the collection of the researcher of anomalous phenomena Alexei Priima.

“I will describe to you a case that my mother, an eyewitness, told me about,” writes pensioner A. Guseva from the city of Cherepovets, Vologda Oblast. - Mom was born in 1882. And the case was in the village of Dmitrovka, Yegoryevsky district, Moscow region. Mom was ten or twelve years old at that time …

The neighbor had two sons, both were married. And so the neighbor decided to separate the elder, to evict him from the house. It seemed to him offensive, and as he left he said to his father: "I'll do it for you!" And did.

This is how it all happened: soon such noise began in the hallway, in the upper room, in the courtyard, as if a herd of horses was racing. Whatever they bring from the city for the holiday, everything, you see, is scattered, mixed … And scraps of paper are falling from the ceiling - yes, such as has never been found in a house.

And the owner of the house - everyone called him in a simple way, Grandfather Jew - went around hungry all the time. In our village we ate from a common large bowl. Everybody eats, but grandfather Jew cannot. He scoops a little with a spoon from a common bowl, brings a spoon to his mouth - and from it everything immediately flies in different directions into the air!

They invited the priest to serve a prayer service, brought icons, put them on benches. We didn't have time to look back, but the icons - jump! - and hid themselves under the bench. The priest began a prayer service. And almost immediately a log flew at him. The deacon began sprinkling the room with holy water. So some invisible men threw a fur coat over him. Then "they" began tossing young children in the house into the air. And those, taking off with screams to the ceiling, then loudly flopped to the floor. The adults asked them: "Well, did you hurt yourself badly?" And they answered: “No. Didn't hurt at all. It doesn't hurt us."

My mother recalled: they and her friends would pick up berries in the forest and want to treat them to the unwillingly starving grandfather of Judea. And he denies: "I can't." The girls say: “From us you can. We are good, we are small”. And they give him berries. And they fly from his hands into the air like buckshot!.. Once from Moscow came three learned people. One of them says: “You, grandfather, have to go to the doctor. We ought to undergo medical treatment. " Before he could say, a log flew at him.

Then another log flew - at another visitor from Moscow. And then the third piece of wood - into the third visitor. The firewood, which is interesting, flew exactly end-to-end at them - like thick arrows fired from a bow. All three Muscovites rushed out of the house in a crowd. They never showed up in the village again. All this happened in front of my mother. And when the grandfather Jew died of hunger, everything stopped immediately.

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And then here's another local priest told. In the evening he heard a voice:

- Master, we will stay with you.

“Why, I have many children,” the priest answered in confusion. - It's noisy from them in the house …

- It's okay, - came the answer. - We will live a little on the stove.

And bagels, sweets, cookies fell right from the ceiling onto the table!

The Invisibles lived in the priest's house for two weeks. They snuffled noisily, sighed, turned over from side to side on the beds on the Russian stove. The owners of the house repeatedly looked at the polati, and there was no one there. Meanwhile, bagels and sweets continued to fall on the table from the ceiling every day.

Two weeks later, a familiar voice was heard again:

- Well, master, goodbye. We go far away.

- Yes, live a little longer, - the priest said cordially. - I do not mind. There is no trouble with you.

- No, master. We cannot live longer with you. Our deadline has expired. But eat our presents at your pleasure. It is you who are constantly being hung up in the local shop, and the stolen, hung up from you, still does not go to the use of the owners of that shop. So we take away the hanging from them and return it to you on a debt of justice.

The priest asked:

- Who are you?

"We are damned people," the invisible ones answered him.

The author of another interesting letter, Vera Maksimovna A. from the village of Solyanoe, Dnepropetrovsk region in Ukraine, writes:

“I was six years old at the time. The girls and I were walking near the house, when suddenly a woman in a white coat approached us - probably a doctor. She was telling us something, and I looked with admiration at her white coat and thought that when I grow up I will also become a doctor. And at that moment I suddenly began to grow, grow and became so huge that this woman was far below, turning almost into a point. My head, as it were, rested against the sky - it even hurt the back of my head. In the place where I rested my head against the sky, I still have a large mark … Then I suddenly decreased in growth again and realized that I was standing next to a woman in a white coat.

And then the oddities began. Sometimes I woke up at night with the feeling that someone was examining me, someone was fumbling in my brain. How much it cost me tears and sleepless nights, while someone unknown was poking around in my head - I can't even say! At times I am aware of someone else's presence in my own mind. There are several present. They are probably my friends and at the same time my tormentors … I think so: they choose those whom they want to settle in, in childhood and then lead them through the years through life as informants.

And I also think: they hold in their hands our entire fragile human world. We humans need to learn to work with them, but we ridicule those who have contacts with these mysterious creatures. For example, they don't believe me either - they consider me abnormal. But am I really crazy if I go to work, raise children, do well with all household chores?.."

A. Evstratova reports from Rostov-on-Don:

“It was in 1935, shortly after the death of my mother. It was already dusk, but everything was still clearly visible … And suddenly a ball about half a meter in diameter appeared in the courtyard near a small pile of coal, all covered with long wool, some kind of dirty, felted. And at this moment I am standing literally a couple of steps from a pile of coal. The ball slowly creeps to the top of the pile. Well, naturally, I am completely crazy with fear and shout: "Oh my God, what is this ?!" And the hairy ball disappears immediately. In this case, a click is heard, as with an electric discharge.

And ten years later there was another case when I also had to remember God - on that day my husband died.

The husband worked as a veterinarian. He had to insert a ring into the nose of a ferocious bull-buoy. He went to the steppe, where the shepherds were waiting for him next to the pugnacious bull … And he did not return.

I waited for my husband all night, cried and finally realized that he was no longer alive. The bull-bull killed him! Just before dawn, a dream began to make me sleep. Suddenly I hear - the door has opened, and the husband comes into the house - and his gait and his wand characteristically taps on the floor. I jumped up happily on the bed, but then some monstrous weight fell on my feet and slowly rose up my body to my throat. I wrapped a ring around my throat - and let's choke. I just said: "Oh, Lord, what is this ?!" And to my surprise, the weight instantly evaporated from my body somewhere, and the "husband", invisibly entered the room with his characteristic gait, disappeared with her. It was not the husband who returned home, but his ghost came - the messenger of his death …"

Finally, one more letter - from A. Tsvetkova from the city of Kokand:

“Many years ago, when I was 32, a strange story happened to me.

Once I put the children to bed, and I myself went to bed much later - around midnight. Before I could doze off, I heard a strong knock on the window. I thought my husband had come home from work after hours. She jumped out of bed, opened the door - there was not a soul behind her. I was scared.

The next day I went to bed at about the same time. My little deer son slept on the same bed with me. Suddenly I feel that the child is jumping on the bed net, as if someone is pounding on it from below, beating with fists! She turned on the light, searched the whole room - again nobody …

On the third day I felt someone standing over my head and choking me noisily. It was again around midnight. No one knew who grabbed the headboard of the bed on which I lay. And the bed was on castors. And so she began, pushed by invisible hands, to ride back and forth around the room on her creaky, unlubricated wheels. I jumped up again, turned on the light, immediately the silence in the house, the "tricks" stop.

The next day I locked myself in fear with the children for the night in a closet. There was a wide bed - we all fit on it. I stuck a mop into the closet door handle so that it was impossible to open the door from its back. After a while, such a strong knocking on the ceiling began suddenly that plaster fell on us. I turned on the light - everything was quiet at once. I didn't turn off the light until morning.

On the sixth night - the same thing … I went to my mother, who lived on one of the neighboring streets, and told her everything. And she says, - they say, this is a brownie and you need to ask him: "For better or for better?" He will answer and leave, he will no longer bother.

So I did the next time. Overcame fear and, as my mother taught, asked.

In response, a low male voice replied in a boomy voice: "For worse!"

I was horrified. She turned on the light in the room, hugged the children and cried bitterly until morning. I thought that something bad would happen to the children.

But something else happened: after a couple of days my husband left us … Together with him, the brownie disappeared, proclaiming "For the worse!"