The Obsessed And Incorruptible Katya Zhmykh - Alternative View

The Obsessed And Incorruptible Katya Zhmykh - Alternative View
The Obsessed And Incorruptible Katya Zhmykh - Alternative View

Video: The Obsessed And Incorruptible Katya Zhmykh - Alternative View

Video: The Obsessed And Incorruptible Katya Zhmykh - Alternative View
Video: Babysitting Mr Bully?! || Original Gacha Life Mini Movie|| Laylaシ 2024, September

The range of interests of the Italian forensic psychiatrist Cesare Lombroso (1835-1909) had no boundaries. Contemporaries said about him that he even knows that God does not trust mortals. Agreeing with this flattering opinion, the author of the theory of the existence of a special type of person, predisposed to committing crimes, joked:

“The old raven, taught by life experience, does not croak for nothing. As for omniscience, it is, of course, a miracle. However, a miracle is often the product of not the uniqueness of the brain, but the viciousness and deceit of its owner."


So, Lombroso devoted several fascinatingly interesting publicistic studies to the insidiousness and malice of the criminal's brain, or rather, to the incredible consequences provoked by him.

One of them, called rather frivolously - "That's why she is a cat to catch mice" - tells about a complete mysticism and horror alteration, which got into the Kiev detective Pyotr Dudko, who was trying to get the sixteen-year-old girl of easy virtue Katya Zhmykh out of the devil's clutches. theft on the territory of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

The psychiatrist begins his story with the biblical admonition "Take off your shoes, for the place where you are standing is holy." Explains: “They also fornicate in temples, unable to restrain the criminal inclinations that microbes penetrated into the blood at birth. But although it is believed that shame will save humanity, I do not believe it - there is a lot of ringing in an empty barrel. Bad tendencies are burned out only with a hot iron, with those stigmas that the executioners of Ancient Rome imprinted on robbers.

And if people do not want to stigmatize, then the supernatural forces dare, as the Kiev thieving harlot bothered to do so. Having learned about the devilry of her fate, which ended in enlightenment, I was at a loss - should I believe? I received a written guarantee from Kiev that convinced me irrevocably: a lie is sometimes salvific, but the truth is more salvific than a lie. I propose to share this completely otherworldly story with me."

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, 1900

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Let's make the necessary digression regarding the place where the paranormal events took place. So, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra was founded in 1051 and became famous not only for the masterpieces of architecture, literature and icon painting, but also for the dungeons - the Near and Distant caves - the tombs of Orthodox saints, up to the present day celebrated by miracles.

Lombroso, a sincere Christian, is outraged:

- The libertine, somehow taking advantage of the simplicity of the monks, began to steal. She carried away the precious utensils. When the losses were discovered, detective Pyotr Dudko appeared, quickly found out what the salt was, and returned the stolen. The cake fled from captivity, hiding in a monastery under the guise of a young novice. One of the monks recognized her and was stabbed in the heart by a loathsome bread-slicer. Dudko was summoned again. Coming into contact with her foci, he turned gray overnight.

Lombroso describes the events, accompanying them with lengthy psychological and psychiatric comments. Deprived of lengths, these events look like this:

- Having committed the most serious sin, Oilcake buried herself in the Near Caves, elusive, shocking with sudden nude raids.

In refectories, appearing all of a sudden, she easily stole bread. Under the ground, she was not embarrassed by the fact that she tore off clothes in the vicinity of the departed saints. The monks who tried to catch her once fell into hysterics and began to speak in many ancient and common languages, which reminded of the Roman events of 1534, when 80 pure girls from an orphanage at once convulsed and spoke in languages that they did not know when they were born.

Dudko nevertheless overtook the cake in the labyrinths of caves. She began to slash herself with a knife, opening up blood flows and making not at all chaste gestures. Then she ascended under the vault of the dungeon, swaying there and belching threats. A closed coffin with the body of her victim, displayed immediately, revealed the deceased, who for a moment had risen.


For the detective, this was too much, and the fact that he was in her blood. How in such a state she could maintain the thread of her own life, ready to break, is completely incomprehensible. Until the prayer was read, incense was not burned, the girl was under the vault. She was dragged into the light. And, as Dudko showed, something elastic prevented him from walking, as if a wall was growing. On the surface of the monks' robes and his clothes crumbled into ash, and blisters from burns persisted for a long time.

The detective was shocked that the body of the libertine became sonorous, like broken glass, touching caused characteristic sounds. Deep cuts, seemingly excluding the chance of survival, disappeared without a trace. They were replaced by stigmata - gaping wounds like those of the Savior, who corrected death on Calvary. The miraculous priests and policemen did not touch the cake.

She became numb for 30 years, gaining inhuman strength, performing the most difficult and dirty work in the monastery. On Saturdays, “Christ's” wounds opened on her body. Then, becoming light as a feather, she ascended, when two, when three meters, not reacting to what was happening around.

Sinner Katya died in 1901. Some ascribed to her the holiness of a repentant biblical robber, while others did not admit the thought of holiness. Dudko, who participated in the exhumation of her remains in 1906, testified that he saw not a corpse, but a young, blooming woman who had just fallen asleep.

On April 23, 1925, a militant atheist, secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) E. M. Yaroslavsky, speaking to the soldiers of the Kiev garrison, sarcastically:

“In the monastery they dug up a dead woman, either a thief or a walking one. Priests rush about with her like the devil with a written sack, knocking out healthy sprouts of atheism from the working people by the fact that worms do not take her. If you look at it, everything is elementary. The tailor's doll was dressed up, ruffled, reddened. Not a miracle - a deception …"

Most likely, Yaroslavsky had in mind the sensational story associated with rumors about the third exhumation of the incorruptible flesh of Katya Zhmykh. The Bolshevik, of course, was cunning, because he knew that there was no make-up doll. The fact of incorruptibility was recorded, as they say, with the naked eye. And the very incredible surfaced. Former detective Dudko, who departed to the best of worlds in 1910, was buried next to a repentant sinner. And he also showed a model of incorruptibility.

Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, twice Hero of Socialist Labor A. I. Nesmeyanov once said:

“To know is to win. Ignorance squeezes into a vicious circle of uncertainty Instead of perspectives, the scientist begins to see retrospectives."

If we follow this logic, can the phenomenon of Katya Zhmikh get a digestible explanation in the future? Or have you already received it? Prominent Russian scientist V. P. Kaznacheev believes that living matter (we are not an exception) is material flows of natural, cosmoplanetary content, it is the materialization of natural meaning, the very ideal materiality controlled by the Supreme, for which the impossible does not exist. In addition, according to the views of Tsiolkovsky and Fedorov, man is primarily a cosmic phenomenon, and only after that is an earthly one.

Alexander Volodev
