Electromagnetic Radiation And UFOs - Alternative View

Electromagnetic Radiation And UFOs - Alternative View
Electromagnetic Radiation And UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Electromagnetic Radiation And UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Electromagnetic Radiation And UFOs - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, October

Genrikh Mikhailovich was sitting on suitcases. A bus was about to come up, and the eighteenth voluntary expedition Sila-nova would leave for the bank of the Khoper River - not far, two hundred kilometers east of Voronezh.

I am surprised today not by his "fantastic" pictures, but by the amazing reluctance of fundamental science to try to give answers to the questions he posed. In search of contacts with UFOs, Silanov discovered what he called a field of memory. That is, by photographing the glades in the Khopra zone in infrared rays, he receives pictures of the past centuries. A warrior with bows, men with nets, a birch tree with a former peak - this is what was not today!

A natural question for our fundamental science: let's explain to people, say, that this is a variant of charlatanism, a variant of optical-mechanical influence on photographic paper! They are silent. Academicians from the space center sent him an official paper, in which they say that at least a Nobel Prize will shine for him for the phenomena he discovered. The prize is still shining. For almost twenty years, Silanov has been “going crazy” in such a strange way! In Russia, colonels are announced with a "mind that comes" in a matter of weeks!

But, okay, this is not about Russia, but about the world as a whole. It is so big - even in Japan people think about it. The other day, the Japanese have sent a telegroup to capture all that absurd. Ours also did not miss, of course. At the end of last year, the film was shot, they were surprised how exactly the electromagnetic disturbances of the earth's crust coincide with the calls of the regional ambulance to the cores …

Second event: Silanov made a presentation in St. Petersburg, where a seminar for researchers of unusual phenomena was held. Vasily Palamarchuk, head of the laboratory of the Research Institute of Oceanology, took an interest. In May, he arrived at the Khoper site with instruments and officially confirmed that powerful sources of energy emerge from the inside of the Earth at the Silan site.

Silanov "sits" at these exits every year and waits for them to say something else to him. Last summer, I twice visited his expedition, and I was very lucky - I saw a UFO. I was sitting in the full moon with a fishing rod on the left bank and suddenly on the opposite I saw a "plate" with blinking lights. Sixty-seventy meters from me, no more. He didn’t scream in surprise, but threw himself into the water and swam to the "plate". I probably wanted to touch it. I got ashore, frightening my fellow fisherman from a neighboring village - the current in Khopr was strong, and it carried me a hundred meters away. When I ran to the place where the "saucer" landed, there was nothing there. In the morning I reported to Silanov about the incident - he condemned me. He said that it is better not to run to such "objects" alone, especially not to swim at night. The phenomenon has not been studied, it is not known what could have happened. However, he himself visited that place with the instruments, confirmed that a piece of the coast had become somehow anomalous.

About a kilometer upstream from the expedition camp there is a luminous meadow. One of the expedition staff showed it to me at midnight. By the way, the "expedition" gathers every year for the personal savings of the participants. Some people like Sochi, and some like to hunt UFOs. The glade is striking: almost round, about a hundred meters in diameter. I walked along it, and a dark round spot with me in the center moved, "extinguishing" the glowing grass. The whole clearing shone without casting shadows, but it was impossible to step on the "light" - it retreated with every step. The meadow was also measured for radioactivity - no deviations from the norm. Glows from some kind of energy that has not been studied, not understood by us.

Silanov believes that these are electromagnetic radiation, which is filled with the world around us. Flying saucers arrive here, on the Khopersky fault in the earth's crust, like at a gas station - they are refueled with this "fuel". When we can do the same, we will have no energy problems.

Promotional video:

Last summer, information slipped on Central TV that our scientists were able to "catch" electromagnetic energy and made a device that can heat … an apartment. Without Chubais and without Gazprom. TV information was "played" for only one day. The famous academician commented on the scientific achievement. In the morning, neither the academician nor the discovery was recalled. Perhaps the information was promptly elevated to the rank of state secret. Quite possible. Trillions of dollars have been invested in oil, gas, thermal and hydroelectric power plants. Energy resources are the levers of government for the country and the world. What if suddenly they become available and natural, like breathing ?! It is beneficial for us, consumers. Meanwhile, gasoline is getting more expensive.

And Silanov and his friends went for the eighteenth time not to Sochi. To look for an answer to the communal, in fact, question: why do UFOs arrive in Khopersky uyezd and refuel our Earth for free ?!

"Novye Izvestia", 31.07.2002, Moscow
