UFO Tattoos - Alternative View

UFO Tattoos - Alternative View
UFO Tattoos - Alternative View

Video: UFO Tattoos - Alternative View

Video: UFO Tattoos - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, September

These strange drawings on the human body are nothing more than a "visiting card" of an unknown visitor from Space. A kind of tattoo appeared suddenly after meeting with a UFO.

It is difficult to find an explanation for the drawing - but most of all it resembles a portrait of a UFOman and a solar disk above his head.

Even more surprising is the clear image of the leaves.

Why leaves?

This article tells about the history of tattooing and about the extraordinary images that lightning sometimes puts on the body of a person struck by a discharge. In some cases, this is a strange image of plant leaves, so clear that veins and scars on each leaf are easily visible in the drawing. But there is another type of tattoo that appears on the body as if for no reason. A painstaking analysis of cases of this kind in our country and abroad gives grounds to assert that sometimes the "painting" of the human body has this or that connection with the cosmic effect. In support of this, we will give several examples from domestic practice of recent years.

On August 14, 1982, a resident of Tambov, a certain Antonina I., while resting by the river, suddenly felt a burning sensation on her left hand. Suddenly, there was a reddening in the form of a leaf of a plant. Looking at the sky, the woman saw at a high altitude a light pink disk with white rays emanating from it. It began to shrink and disappeared. But the tattoo was preserved for over 5 years without fading.

This case is far from being isolated. In June 1990, several similar reports came from Riga. Various people, mainly women and children, received bright scarlet imprints on the skin of different parts of the body in the form of leaves and even whole branches, clearly traced down to veins and scars. There are no trees or bushes in the area where the marked vacationers sunbathed. However, it was during this period that UFOs became active in Latvia.

About 30 suddenly painted patients turned to doctors then. The image accuracy was the same on the open body part and under the swimsuit. But people were not only on the beach. They were dressed. And yet - "tattooed."

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But the most striking thing is that the radiologist, doctor of medical sciences Inna Kogan claims that among the materials about the victims of the atomic explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki there is mention of similar thermal burns in the form of leaves and branches. What's the matter?

Putting together specific facts, we unwittingly come to the conclusion about an inexplicable similarity of images on the body, applied by three completely different reasons: lightning, atomic explosion and contact with UFOs. Moreover, drawings and marks are in many cases applied through clothing and twigs and shamrocks often appear. A riddle, a miracle?


However, this is not always the case. There are also images in the form of geometric shapes, hieroglyphs, rings. And the Tajik schoolgirl Dina Shakirova on May 28, 1990, after the appearance of a UFO in the area of the village of Shakrinau, near the house where the girl lives, a strange indelible pattern was imprinted on her thigh. Something like a nesting doll with round eyes and antenna arrows above your head. And on top is a solar disk with rays diverging in all directions. Is this an alien calling card? His mark as a keepsake?

So, the Universe is asking us another riddle. How to solve it? But it all started with an ordinary tattoo! And it came to the manifestations of the cosmic Reason …

We appeal to representatives of science - dermatologists, ufologists, physiologists with a request to carefully study the phenomenon of space "tattoos". We ask readers to write in the comments about all cases of the appearance of mysterious tattoos.