Mysterious Steel Towers Full Of Fiber Optics Are Being Erected In New York - - Alternative View

Mysterious Steel Towers Full Of Fiber Optics Are Being Erected In New York - - Alternative View
Mysterious Steel Towers Full Of Fiber Optics Are Being Erected In New York - - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Steel Towers Full Of Fiber Optics Are Being Erected In New York - - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Steel Towers Full Of Fiber Optics Are Being Erected In New York - - Alternative View
Video: Mysterious Metal Towers 2024, June

Mysterious metal towers resembling repeaters are being erected in New York City subway stations, in tunnels and on city bridges. But what is surprising: the high-ranking officials on the MTA (Metropolitan Transportation Authority) council, who are assembling these towers, do not know what this system is and what it is for!

Polly Trottenberg, New York Transportation Commissioner (!) Honestly says in an interview that neither she nor other officials know anything about the towers:

“In our jurisdiction are only the money allocated for the installation of these towers ($ 100 million!) And we have already spent half of them. But many members of the board of directors, including me, noticed that we did not have complete and sufficient information regarding these towers."

Cedric Fulton, another MTA official in charge of bridges and tunnels, refused to talk to reporters at all, and his colleague, Jose Lugo admitted:

"We really don't know why this is being built and what the ultimate goal of the project is."

Since the towers are being assembled in front of people, people are asking questions. Some see them as just a new piece of jewelry, but only $ 100 million has been allocated for the installation of this piece.

Based on this, CBS2 reporters demanded a response from MTA chairman, Joe Lhota.

Carlin, CBS2: "Some of your own board members say they don't know the specifics?"

Promotional video:

Lhota: "This equipment is anti-terrorist technology and part of the National Security system."

Journalists began asking clarifying questions, but the official replied as follows:

"I can't discuss this."

Thus, these towers were and remain completely shrouded in mystery. And this secret is hidden inside them.