UFOs Are Exploring Us "by Squares" - Alternative View

UFOs Are Exploring Us "by Squares" - Alternative View
UFOs Are Exploring Us "by Squares" - Alternative View

Video: UFOs Are Exploring Us "by Squares" - Alternative View

Video: UFOs Are Exploring Us
Video: CVPR18: Session 3-1A: Object Recognition & Scene Understanding IV 2024, September

In 1958, the book "Mysterious Celestial Objects" was published by the Frenchman Aimé Michel, a ufologist who set out to build cartographic projections of alien visits to Earth.

The researcher was extremely surprised by his discovery: collecting daily reports of UFO sightings, he found that from a geographical point of view, the appearance of unidentified flying objects is subject to one clear pattern. It consists in the fact that from a given region we receive news about observations of objects only from those populated (or uninhabited) localities that are on the same straight line.

This straight line is parallel to the meridian (or along the meridian itself). The same can happen with respect to the lines of earth parallels. It is, of course, not about the flight of the same object, but about the appearance of different configurations, sizes, etc. UFO. Moreover, if UFO flights occurred with deviations from this straight line, then all "deviations" were added to another straight line. And she was exactly 33 nautical miles away from the first.

Lines in France


Michel's discovery was decided to double-check by Raymond Lavier and Charles Garreau. By the way, it would be worth finding out the origin of Raymond Lavier: perhaps his ancestor was the same Lavier who was visited by aliens three hundred years ago?..

One evening on May 29, 1671, a peasant from Toulouse, Raymond Lavier, observed an unusual "carriage" in his vineyard. Jumping out of the house with an ax, he decided to deal with the intruders, but suddenly he saw the whole object! It did not look like a carriage at all. Even in the dark, the incomprehensible two-tiered round tent glowed!.. However, this did not diminish Raymon's indignation: the owner resolutely moved to the "big top" in the garden.

He did not have time to do anything: the object rose into the air and at first slowly moved towards Toulouse, and then suddenly, flashing like goodbye, instantly disappeared. The peasant went to the grape bushes, which were, of course, broken. The ground where the object had just been located remained warm …

Promotional video:

As it turned out, Raymond was indignant in vain: that year, which was not a particularly glorious harvest of grapes, Lavier gathered, according to sources, ten times the usual harvest. And even then this successful year for him continued: Lavier's vineyards, about which legends soon began to circulate, in a short time stretched along the entire coast, and before the revolution his descendants owned several large restaurants in Paris and even sat in parliament …

Ufologist Aimé Michel


But this story is three hundred years old. And today, Raymond Lavier and Charles Garreau have checked the data of Aimé Michel. It turned out that all of France can be divided into a square grid with sides of 33 miles. UFO sightings were observed along these lines - both vertically located on the map and horizontally. They compared their constructions to other regions of the Earth. And it turned out that a randomly selected area of the Southern Hemisphere was surveyed by UFO objects with the same amazing pattern. What's the matter?

The impression was that unidentified flying objects were flying around the planet in squares, examining it in about the same way as we did an apartment when we lost a necessary thing (for example, keys) and could not find it in any way. It looks like not only intelligent action, but also scientific research. And it is also very reminiscent of a quiet way of conquering living space: studied - wrote down - appropriated. Something like the first gold diggers did in Alaska. Or in Siberia.

It certainly sounds more like the second option. And it is quite consistent with the theory of space expansion, adopted by many researchers.

Lines in the UK


The famous author and director of many popular documentaries, Solomon Shulman, in his book "Aliens over Russia" in the 1980s, conveying this theory to the reader, himself adheres to a different version: on the contrary, the more developed a civilization, the less it requires living space for of its existence (per capita, of course!). Nevertheless, let us use his quote, which S. Shulman cites from the very lecture, which was once forbidden. Its author is the Soviet ufologist V. Azhazha:

“… In some places on Earth there are abandoned mines. Moreover, the idea is that these mines were developed in some unearthly way. With us earthlings, this does not happen. In one of the regions of South America at such a mine, an expedition is now working, led by the American astronaut Armstrong. Von Daniken is also taking part in it. This expedition is working on a similar problem, looking for traces of "aliens "From space. Data on the work of this expedition is not yet available. The fact is that many such works are carried out under the" hood "of the military ministries of different countries and are classified."

It seems that information for those wishing that aliens once visited our mother Earth, the most positive, the most rosy. Although, of course, it is a pity for our resources - regardless of what we did extract …

But this is where you have to add a fly in the ointment to the honey barrel. Firstly, once South America was the sphere of interests of the highly developed civilization of Atlantis (it can be called in Platonic, and in the language of the Incas or aborigines of Oceania - the essence does not change). All suspicious mines and mines may well turn out to be the product of the activities of this powerful civilization. And the fact that the extracted raw materials were utilized with such a degree of quality that we cannot judge the product of extraction by the "tails", only proves that we still have to learn and learn from the Atlanteans.

In addition, if the mission of aliens in those distant times for us was not civilizing, and their visits were the purest water of expansion, the obvious inclination of aliens to civilization is swept aside, because it contradicts a pronounced example of robbery (using fossils for our own purposes). Although, of course, if you follow the logic of our mercantile time, you can suspect anything you want behind the enlonauts …

Most likely, we do not know our own history well, and the answer must be sought among earthly peoples, albeit long extinct. Now about the "quadrature flights" of UFOs. It can be assumed that the aircraft of the enlonauts needs 33 nautical miles to provide a complete view of this square. And, in order not to be "mistaken", two or three neighbors - from west to east or from south to north (and vice versa, as you like). But a contradiction of a different order arises.

This conclusion about the division of the Earth into "squares" and tedious adherence to such a principle for decades (at least, for example, only in the XX century) suggests, firstly, the idea that the civilization of UFO pilots froze long ago, stagnated, and they do not turn their brains to facilitate their own task of "exploring" the planet, even if only to guess to expand the "view" of one single UFO.

This also contradicts the data of observation statistics: it gives us an incredible variety of shapes and sizes of UFOs, and hence their tasks and capabilities. It would be difficult to imagine that the shape of the ship really meant nothing to them: for for some reason pilots have the ability to change the shape of the same ship. Or do they work for tens of thousands of years on a once established principle?

Even different sizes of ships would have to dictate the different types of equipment installed on them. Although, of course, there are two noteworthy observations that I would like to digress into.

In one of the novels by Alexander Belyaev, the hero falls into suspended animation, and then he is “unfrozen” only at the end of the 20th century. And what does he see? Huge houses, gigantic airships of unimaginable size, flying across the sky … and so on. The novel was written in 1929.

Another example. In the 1960s, a film of the joint production of the GDR and Yugoslavia "Chingachguk - Big Snake" was successfully shown on our screens. There, the Indian reports to his leader about what he saw among the “whites”: “Two beasts, and each beast has two tails” … The leader has no reason not to believe his agent. He thinks about (and we are talking about the figures of elephants). And he says: "These pale-faced people can have even more outlandish animals: which have not two, but four tails!"

Both examples contain the same approach to the extraordinary, the principle of fantasy. The fantasy of the world of the future for a writer subordinated to a totalitarian ideology, or a "strange beast" for a leader - a very intelligent person! - consists in a simple increase in the size or number of tails. Unfortunately, in the UFO issue, we use the same method of analysis.

And the answer may even be contained, for example, in other interests of the enlonauts, which cannot come to our earthly heads, because our civilization is not yet ready for this. Or alien to them (and theirs - to us) way of thinking. Everyone judges from their own bell tower.

It does not occur to Belyaev that by the end of the 20th century airships as a means of transportation will completely die out. And to the leader of the Kamanchians, a simple arithmetic doubling of the number of tails seems to be the height of imagination … We, of course, understand that a beast, for example, with eleven (!) Tails, will seem to the leader as the greatest wonder, and therefore we openly laugh at him. And yourself?..


It seems to us that UFOs are exploring the Earth. And why examine it, if a long time ago they also developed mines? This means that the Earth was surveyed by them tens of thousands of years ago. Or not by them, but by someone else? Or maybe it's their patrols hovering over us? Security guards, for example, keeping order? Why, then, do they not patrol the Earth every day?

The same scanty level is our idea that, for example, on Lake Onega, a UFO took a wagon of earth from the shore as a sample … And how many scientists were involved, how many people were cut off from everyday (maybe more useful) affairs!..

Will it not turn out that it is simply easier to move UFOs along the Earth's magnetic lines than obliquely or at random? Or exactly across the magnetic lines (the case of parallels). After all, flocks of birds and individual individuals during flights calmly use this invisible grid of coordinates of the earth's surface. And don't go astray. And at the speeds that we know of unidentified flying objects, it is most reasonable to fly along the lines (or across) to the destination. And only then, in the very square, fly as you please …

There is a geoenergetic theory, which is adhered to, and gladly, opponents of the fact that UFOs exist at all. It is very clear. The tectonic activity of underground sources leads to the release of geoenergy in separate (as a rule, called in our language abnormal, but in fact quite natural) points or areas of the Earth, which, transforming in a special way, and maybe in a "pure" form, affects the psyche a person, causing a stable series of hallucinations that are identical in all observers. That is: there is energy, there are visions, but no UFOs exist!

It is hard to argue with this. Many atheists, before rejecting God, first deeply believed in him. They say the most ardent revolutionaries leave seminarians. To reject only because it is necessary (and why else? Does the presence or absence of UFOs affect the personal interests of UFO opponents? Then this proves absolutely the opposite of what they wanted: it means that it still exists) is not a very correct position.

However, we know many people not opponents, but, say, skeptics who became ardent supporters of UFOs, and later even ufologists …

Varakin A., Zdanovich L. from the book "UFO SECRETS"
