Caution! Psychic Attack! - Alternative View

Caution! Psychic Attack! - Alternative View
Caution! Psychic Attack! - Alternative View

Video: Caution! Psychic Attack! - Alternative View

Video: Caution! Psychic Attack! - Alternative View
Video: Nala - Psychic Attack [DIRTYBIRD] 2024, September

The term "mental attack", which is used many times in the press, raises many questions. What it is?

As an answer, we give one of the concepts that consider in sufficient detail the theory of mental attack. However, we want to warn you that this view of the problem is not the only one and has a number of controversial points.

Psychic attacks are various negative psychophysiological conditions that are considered by the victim as induced from the outside, as coming from another person with whom the victim was in direct contact at the time of the attack.

A mental attack is possible only if the potential victim shares one or another pathogenic (disease-causing) belief system, that is, a belief system that assumes the possibility of a mental attack that can affect human health.

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“Currently, one can point to three main pathogenic belief systems: folk (such pathogenic concepts as, for example, the evil eye and targeting damage) circulate in it, occult (astral cords, larvae, involutation) and biofield (telepathic influence, rays, energy beams, charges of negative information, etc., etc.)"

The absolute defense against the pathogenic factors of any belief system is fundamental disbelief and, in particular, ridicule. It should be noted, however, that passively used defenses of disbelief are not always effective and can cause breakouts.

“There is a number of traditional pathogenic beliefs, which is not difficult to laugh at (that is, to apply absolute psychic protection) - in extreme cases, it is enough to spit over the left shoulder three times or turn the cap on the head with a visor back. With the modern biofield belief system, however, things are more complicated and you can't get out with a cap. In connection with the release of this system of beliefs into the vastness of the popular press, absolute protection from it is extremely difficult, it is becoming more and more difficult not to believe at all."

Promotional video:

“This happens because, as a private belief system, the biofield concept fits organically into the picture of the world built by modern science, which is currently accepted by the overwhelming majority of people. Fulfilling in relation to biological objects virtually the same function that a hypothetical gravitational field performs in relation to physical objects, the biological field seems to be something no less real."

"However, along with the concept of a biofield, the right to real existence inevitably receives a logical consequence of this concept - the fundamental possibility of remote interaction between biological objects and, therefore, the possibility of operating with human biofields."

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“How does a psychic attack happen? The fact is that in the inner world of a person there are at least three qualitatively different types of perception: intellectual, emotional and the so-called energetic - a special type of sensation associated with the general psychophysiological tone. All three types correspond to the three subtle bodies of the same name."

When the aggressor sends a negative charge to a potential victim, this process takes place at the outermost of the inner levels - the energy one. A negative charge is introduced into this shell and causes a sharp violation of its energy balance. The victim experiences this event as a feeling of general weakness, loss of strength.

However, it should be emphasized that in most cases, a sharp decrease in tone occurs as a result of a natural discrepancy between the individual field characteristics of people, and not as a result of a malicious mental attack. With such a discrepancy, the stronger field of one person rebuilds the weaker field of the other for some time.

If the attack is really committed, then in people who are unable to distinguish between their shells, that is, to unintentionally observe their physical, emotional and intellectual states (and even more so, to control them), the negative charge freely penetrates through the energy shell into the emotional shell. This is manifested in the fact that a person's mood deteriorates, he becomes irritable or depressed. In the end, the victim begins to worry: he is worried about his condition and is trying to find out what it is connected with. This indicates that the negative charge has penetrated from the emotional shell into the intellectual shell. If the person was also frightened at the same time, then we can assume that the attack was successful - the target was hit.

It should be noted that a negative charge (rapport) by itself does not yet bring illness, etc., although it can be qualitatively oriented towards the fulfillment of one or another specific negative task.

“The task of rapport is to bring down our own power on us, to turn on the avalanche-like process of our own imagination. It is the inflamed imagination that makes us see a vampire in the bug, and it is in our imagination that the core of the negative focus is located."

“A rapport is a truly foreign formation in the victim's subtle body, an extraneous structure in his energy frame. This is really a kind of parasite, receiving nourishment from a person, living with his juices, but in a large-scale relation to a person, he is like a bug. And how many of our juices can the bug drink? The rapport creates conditions for the formation and expansion of a negative focus, but it does not feed it, it feeds on it. As soon as a person stops being afraid and worried about an alien formation (rapport) in his biofield, the source that feeds this formation immediately dries up, which means that the “negative focus” and rapport (a little later) will be eliminated. In other words, any external influence must find a suitable "soil" in a person,that is, a negative alien formation should parasitize on negative emotions, and if there are none, the parasite dies 'from hunger'."

Mental defense is essentially a defense against pathogenic belief systems and consists in developing skills to control one's own psychophysiological state. Similar skills can be obtained by practicing in the framework of applied programs of various health systems.