The History Of The Sumerians - Alternative View

The History Of The Sumerians - Alternative View
The History Of The Sumerians - Alternative View

Video: The History Of The Sumerians - Alternative View

Video: The History Of The Sumerians - Alternative View
Video: The Complete and Concise History of the Sumerians and Early Bronze Age Mesopotamia (7000-2000 BC) 2024, September

Type clever scientists believe: - The most ancient civilization that ever existed on Earth - the Sumerian civilization, arose approximately in the IV-III millennium BC. This is evidenced by the data discovered by scientists. The Sumerians settled on land located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The Sumerian civilization is also known to us under the name of Mesopotamia.

The activities of the inhabitants of Mesopotamia were mainly agricultural. There were water pipelines that helped to irrigate the fields in a timely manner, and canals to drain them. The Sumerians knew how to build dams and dams in order to avoid flooding when the stormy rivers flood. They also invented the very first form of writing - cuneiform. This can be confirmed by the Sumerian writing monument - a tablet found in one of the cities of Mesopotamia.

Along with the development of writing, the development and polishing of the first rules and reforms in civilization began. Settlement colonies begin. The architecture of the Sumerians is being improved - stone masters create huge temples with a rather large adjacent area. Despite the development of almost all spheres of society, the social situation is only getting worse: historians note the growth of social stratification. Archaeological research says that the Sumerians knew how to mine and process copper, and also invented the wheel, which also testifies to the development of science.

Each city of the Sumerians is a separate state, which had its own leader and its own patron god. Almost 50 thousand people could live in such cities. But despite the equality of cities, the Sumerians still had a capital - the city (nom) of Nippur.

The Sumerian society was divided into four castes: the nobility, which consisted of priests and elders, artisans and merchants, farmers and warriors. There was also a separate stratum of the population - debtor slaves who had to carry out absolutely all the instructions of the creditor. There were also prisoners of war who did not have any privileges.

Nowadays, the history of the Sumerian state has already been rewritten several times, but it is known for sure that the Sumerians knew that the Sun was the center of the solar system, about the circle of the zodiac, they invented the sixties number system and kept chronicles. About 2400 BC, the state was conquered by the Babylonian kingdom, its citizens submitted to the conquerors and completely merged with them.

It is also believed that aliens from the planet Marduk have visited our planet for a hundred years, namely the Sumerians. In their annals there is information that, presumably, some aliens remained on Earth. In the Sumerian epic there is a legend about Gilgamesh - the ruler of the city of Uruk. This legend mentions the city of Baalbek, famous for the ruins of huge buildings. They consisted of hundreds of huge blocks weighing over a hundred tons. When and by whom these structures were erected, no one can say.

But for the Sumerians everything was simple - the gods lived in Baalbek, the Anunnaki, who ruled life in the city. It was the Anunnaki who taught the Sumerians to write and talked about their achievements in technology and science.

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But why did the Anunnaki come to Earth? The answer is simple: they were interested in gold, which can only be mined on our planet.

Archaeological research has confirmed that gold was actually mined in South Africa during the Stone Age. This became known in 1970, when mines were discovered, drilled into the depth of the earth almost 20 meters. It also turned out that mining in this area took place after 100,000 BC. It was not possible to determine the exact age of the settlements, but it can still be said that the extraction took place 80 - 115 thousand years ago.

The most surprising thing in this story is the following: in this place were found the remains of Homo Sapiens - Homo sapiens. Where is the industrially mined gold? Why was it needed in the Stone Age, when people just learned how to work stone? Modern scientists have no answer.

The Sumerians laid the foundation for many mathematical discoveries. They also invented the golden ratio and the Fibonacci numbers. They knew how to encode information - knowledge about coding helped in the development of cybernetics. They were the first to learn to work with unusual materials and combine them: they made colored glass and bronze, "mixed" gold and silver, bronze and bone. The world's first professional army is also a merit of the Sumerians. The first medical reference books also belong to the pen of the Sumerians. Even then, they performed various operations, for example, they removed cataracts, used alcohol for disinfection.

The Sumerian state existed in reality, but the legends of Atlantis are still being discussed. According to Plato, who first mentioned this mysterious country, it was located on the islands near the Gulf of Gibraltar almost nine thousand years ago.

The invisible country disappeared from the face of the Earth due to a natural disaster, presumably a powerful earthquake. Many modern scientists believe that this civilization is a common invention of an ancient Greek scientist, but some researchers still believe in its existence and hope to find evidence. The interest of a small group of scientists is fueled by one inexplicable fact.

In 2009, immediately after the creation of the Ocean application on the Google Earth service, a photograph was taken at the alleged location of Atlantis, resembling a photograph of the city from a great height. Many cartoons, films and works of fiction are devoted to Atlantis, but no one knows whether it really existed.