NASA Announced The Existence Of "cute And Gray" Aliens - Alternative View

NASA Announced The Existence Of "cute And Gray" Aliens - Alternative View
NASA Announced The Existence Of "cute And Gray" Aliens - Alternative View

Video: NASA Announced The Existence Of "cute And Gray" Aliens - Alternative View

Video: NASA Announced The Existence Of
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NASA spokeswoman Trish Chamberson said aliens have been visiting Earth for thousands of years.

The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) made a sensational statement, which some regard as a joke, while others as a confession. NASA spokeswoman Trish Chamberson said at a press conference in Washington that the organization "thought everyone knew about aliens now," as there are many films, television programs and documentaries about them.

“The Grays have visited our planet for thousands of years. Who do you think built the ancient pyramids and all the other superstructures in the world? Come on, guys, it's pretty obvious,”Chamberson told a large group of surprised journalists.

After that, she apologized "for this confusion" and said that NASA was so busy with engineering technology, "that they just forgot" about the aliens.

“They even have bases on the far side of the moon, and aliens are currently mining minerals on several planets in our solar system. They have just begun to master Jupiter lately, evidence of this is the new rings around it. That's all well and good, although they are cute enough creatures. They don't talk much, but they always complain about our nuclear weapons, claiming explosions are affecting parallel universes, Chamberson said.

Then the spokeswoman added that the aliens are harmless, and the resources of the Earth are of interest to them.

This statement sparked widespread discussion among Western media and fans of alien life.

Recently, in a photo from Mars, which was published by NASA, ufologists found an object that looks like a huge mechanism. In their opinion, he was part of the alien ship.

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