The Coincidence Of Civilizations - Alternative View

The Coincidence Of Civilizations - Alternative View
The Coincidence Of Civilizations - Alternative View

Overlaps in the myths and cultures of different peoples are common. The version of the existence of a civilization that influenced the cultures of Egypt and Mesopotamia was also expressed by the classics of Egyptology Walter Emery and Wallis-Budge.

Modern researcher Graham Hancock in his book "Footprints of the Gods" speaks of a civilization that influenced not only the culture of Egypt and Mesopotamia, but also the civilization of Central America.

“What is this 'common but very ancient source', this 'hypothetical but not yet open zone', this highly developed 'third party' that Budge and Emery have in mind? And if she left a legacy of high culture in Egypt and Mesopotamia, why not do the same in Central America?"

Graham Hancock, bestselling author on civilization. One of his most famous books is Traces of the Gods
Graham Hancock, bestselling author on civilization. One of his most famous books is Traces of the Gods

Graham Hancock, bestselling author on civilization. One of his most famous books is Traces of the Gods.

Walter Emery, professor of Egyptology at the University of London, wrote of the sudden progress of Ancient Egypt:

“About 3400 BC. Egypt underwent radical changes, and the country quickly moved from a complex Neolithic culture to a well-organized monarchy … At the same time, writing, monumental sculpture, arts and crafts are reaching amazing levels, all testifying to the existence of a luxurious civilization. All this was achieved in a relatively short period of time, and neither in writing, nor in architecture there was or almost did not exist a basis for such a leap."

Professor Emery came to the conclusion about a civilization, the legacy of which influenced the development of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.

“One gets the impression of an indirect connection, possibly of the existence of a third party, whose influence extended both to the Euphrates and the Nile … Modern scholars neglect the possibility of immigration to both regions from some hypothetical, but not yet open zone. [However] it is the third party, whose cultural achievements independently extended to Egypt and Mesopotamia, would best explain the similarities and fundamental differences between the two civilizations."

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The Egyptologist Wallis-Budge argued about the civilization, comparing the mythology of the Egyptians and the Sumerians (Thoth among the Egyptians, Shin among the Sumerians): “the identity of these two gods is too complete to be accidental … It would be wrong to assert that the Egyptians borrowed the deity from the Sumerians or the Sumerians; most likely, theologians of both peoples borrowed their theological systems from a common, but very ancient source."

The most obvious coincidence of the cultures and religions of Ancient Egypt and Ancient America is the pyramids, which cause a lot of controversy and reasoning.

One of the 'coincidences' pyramids (Mexico, Egypt, Indonesia)
One of the 'coincidences' pyramids (Mexico, Egypt, Indonesia)

One of the 'coincidences' pyramids (Mexico, Egypt, Indonesia)

Graham Hancock described the similarities between these structures:

“Just like in Giza, there are three main pyramids in Teotihuacan (Mexico): the pyramid and temple of Quetzalcoatl, the pyramid of the Sun and the pyramid of the Moon. Exactly as in Giza, the building layout is not symmetrical as one would expect, with two structures facing each other and the third deliberately shifted to the side. And, finally, in Giza, the peaks of the Great Pyramid and the Pyramid of Khafre are at the same level, although the own height of the first is greater than the second. Similarly, in Teotihuacan, the tops of the pyramids of the Sun and the Moon are at the same level, although the former is higher. The different heights of the pyramids in both cases compensate for the difference in base levels.

Could it all be a coincidence? Isn't it more logical to assume that there was a connection between Mexico and Egypt in antiquity?"

Another coincidence - the texts of the "Book of the Dead", which describes the various dangers of the afterlife and instructions on how to overcome them. The underworld consists of several "levels" that must be passed in order to reach the fields of Iaru (Paradise of the ancient Egyptians).

The peoples of Central America had a similar idea of a journey through the afterlife. According to legend, the afterlife consisted of nine levels, which the soul goes through for four years. The levels have their own names: "the place where the mountains are crushing against each other", "the place where the arrows are lit", "the mountain of knives."

In Egyptian mythology, Anubis appears - a guide who helps the deceased to travel along the river beyond the grave. A similar "carrier" is found in the myths of ancient Central America.

Egyptian depictions of Anubis and the river beyond the grave are widely known.

Died with the guide Anubis, Egyptian papyrus
Died with the guide Anubis, Egyptian papyrus

Died with the guide Anubis, Egyptian papyrus

Reconstruction of the afterlife boat of the Egyptians, Anubis on deck
Reconstruction of the afterlife boat of the Egyptians, Anubis on deck

Reconstruction of the afterlife boat of the Egyptians, Anubis on deck

Images of the afterlife crossing of the peoples of America were found in the tomb of the King of the Double Crest, the ruler of the city of Tikal of the Mayan peoples.

"Is it a mere coincidence that on the last voyage of the Pharaoh (in the barge) and the Double Crest (in the canoe), a dog or a dog-headed god, a bird or a bird-headed god and a monkey or a monkey-headed god, respectively, are accompanied?" Hancock says.

In the mythology of the Egyptians, Thoth was portrayed in the form of a bird or a monkey - the personification of wisdom, who often accompanied the pharaoh's boat.

Mayan king's afterlife boat
Mayan king's afterlife boat

Mayan king's afterlife boat

There is an episode in Egyptian legends when a person's heart is weighed on Libra at the "Judgment of Truth". On one bowl is placed the heart, on the other - the feather of Truth. If a person did good, his heart is lighter than a feather, and his soul goes to the Fields of Irara. And if a person has done evil, then the heart outweighs. As punishment, the heart of the sinner is devoured by the monster, and the same fate awaits the unclean soul.

Weighing the Heart at the Judgment of Truth, Egyptian Papyrus
Weighing the Heart at the Judgment of Truth, Egyptian Papyrus

Weighing the Heart at the Judgment of Truth, Egyptian Papyrus

Here's another coincidence. In the legends of the peoples of ancient America, the seventh level of the underworld is called "The place where hearts are devoured."

The traveler Thor Heyerdahl also wrote about the similarities between the cultures of Egypt and America.

“The similarities between the early civilizations of Egypt and Mexico are not limited to the pyramids … Both Mexico and Egypt had a highly developed system of hieroglyphic writing … Scientists note the similarity of fresco painting in temples and tombs, similar designs of temples and elaborate megalithic colonnades. It is pointed out that during the construction of slab vaults, architects on both sides of the Atlantic did not know the art of building a real arch. Attention is drawn to the existence of stone human figures, cyclopean in size, to amazing astronomical knowledge and a highly developed calendar system in Mexico and Egypt.


Scientists compare the amazingly perfect practice of trepanning a human skull, characteristic of the culture of the ancient Mediterranean, Mexico and Peru, and also point to a similar Egyptian-Peruvian custom of mummification. These and numerous other evidence of cultural similarity, taken together, could support the theory that once or several times, ships from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea crossed the Atlantic Ocean and brought the foundations of civilization to the aborigines of Mexico.

“ Ra-2 ”, the famous boat of Tut Heyerdahl
“ Ra-2 ”, the famous boat of Tut Heyerdahl

“ Ra-2 ”, the famous boat of Tut Heyerdahl

“Nowhere - not in Mexico or in any other part of America, - noted Heyerdahl, - have archaeologists found no definite signs of the evolutionary development of culture. Everywhere, as the excavations showed, civilization flourished immediately, as if brought from outside. Everywhere we find traces of emigrants who came from somewhere and brought with them a mature and sophisticated civilization to the regions where rather primitive peoples lived. Nowhere do we find the center from which the evolution of early American civilizations would begin. And, even more striking, the early American civilization was confined to a highly inconvenient region of the tropical and subtropical jungles of Central America. But it is here that a large ocean current, coming from Gibraltar and the Canary Islands, flows into the Gulf of Mexico …"

There are too many matches to be considered an accident.