Catalog Of Venusian Life - Alternative View

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Catalog Of Venusian Life - Alternative View
Catalog Of Venusian Life - Alternative View

Video: Catalog Of Venusian Life - Alternative View

Video: Catalog Of Venusian Life - Alternative View
Video: Is there life on Venus Planet I Phosphine on Venus I Shocking Discovery 2024, September

In January 2013, a sensation spread around the world. A Soviet probe in the 70s and 80s captured something on Venus that could be called signs of living organisms. Chief Researcher at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Leonid Ksanfomality believes that there is life on Venus.

It would seem that what is new can be seen in 2013 on the planet, the direct exploration of the surface of which stopped back in the 1980s, when the last spacecraft Venera, Vega and Pioneer-Venus visited it. there have been no more missions since then.

The results obtained with the help of television cameras have long been studied and entered into textbooks, and photographs have traveled all over the world. But out of 40 panoramas (or their fragments), only the first were studied. And have you really studied it so thoroughly? Leonid Ksanfomality gives an unequivocal answer to this question: “no”. The pictures taken by the Venusian spacecraft harbor many previously unnoticed strange objects that may indicate that there is life on Venus.

This proposal itself, at first glance, sounds absurd. The conditions on the "morning star" are not just unsuitable for terrestrial life forms, they are incompatible with terrestrial life. The atmosphere of Venus is made up almost entirely of carbon dioxide, and the clouds are made up of small droplets of sulfuric acid.

The surface temperature is 460 ° C, and the pressure is 92 times higher than on our planet. Numerous electrical discharges have been detected in the unusual atmosphere of Venus. In many places, the surface contains traces of solidified lava. The yellowish sky and the disk of the Sun, difficult to distinguish through the constantly hanging high clouds, complete the picture of this hell. A typical Venusian landscape is a hot stone or loose surface, sometimes mountains and rarely volcanoes.

Why are the conditions on the planet closest to us and similar in characteristics to our planet so different from those on Earth? There was a time, as scientists suggest, when Venus and Earth were very similar. Venus belongs to the terrestrial planets. She is often called the "sister of the Earth". It is assumed that billions of years ago, Venus could have oceans like ours. But later, the evolutionary paths of the planets diverged sharply, and almost all the water (on Earth necessary for life) was lost.

Nevertheless, many scientists, including Leonid Ksanfomality, ask the question: "Is life on all the planets of the vast Universe based on the same principles?" Relatively recently, it was discovered that the lithosphere of the Earth to a depth of tens of kilometers is inhabited by microorganisms, for the metabolism of many of which oxygen is a poison.

And if life on Earth is based on carbon compounds and water, then why can't it be based on other biochemical processes on other planets? This does not contradict the principles of physics. Liquid water cannot exist on Venus; there it instantly evaporates. But scientists know chemical compounds and even liquids that can exist at Venusian temperatures. And although water serves as the basis for life on earth, why in other conditions it cannot be some other medium?

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Leonid Ksanfomality does not make any categorical statements. While it is impossible to prove that the objects he saw on Venus are really alive, it is impossible to touch them. But the opposite is also impossible to assert, because no one finds mistakes in the numerous scientific articles published by him, and the arguments of the critics so far boil down to the dictum: "This cannot be, because it can never be."

One part of the scientific community is skeptical about the studies, findings and hypotheses of Xanfomality, while the other is quite serious, even if it contradicts the established scientific paradigm.

One thing is certain: further research on Venus is urgently needed. Only sending a new specialized apparatus to Venus will help answer the question of whether there really is life on it. Meanwhile, the Center for the creation of spacecraft NPO them. Lavochkin, a new spacecraft, Venera-D, is currently being designed, the launch of which is supposedly scheduled for 2018.

A logical question arises: why, over the past 30-38 years, specialists and scientists, both in Russia and abroad, who have studied photographs from Venus, have not seen the very signs of life that Leonid Ksanfomality considered? Leonid Vasilyevich himself explains this by two factors: firstly, they studied only the first few pictures, which were not noisy.

This was enough to report the victory of Soviet science. The rest, sometimes due to their inferior quality, no one even tried to investigate. Second, over thirty years, vast experience has been gained in understanding space data, and the means of image processing have improved significantly. The noise on unsuccessful Venus images can now be reduced.

Leonid Ksanfomality was not too lazy to conduct new research and revise the previous ones, because he saw the first supposed inhabitant of Venus back in the 1970s. But then it was not taken seriously, since there were very few good pictures and clearly not enough to draw any conclusions. But the scientist did not back down from his idea.

For more than thirty years, he occasionally returned to processing space television images and, as he gained experience, discovered new signs of possible life forms on this planet. Now the entire world scientific community is puzzled by this question.

Now let's move on to the main thing. Let's try, following Leonid Ksanfomality, to see the very signs of life on the Venusian photographs. Draw your own conclusions.


This is how this strange object was conventionally named by Leonid Ksanfomality. The pictures were taken at intervals of 13 minutes each. Until 93 minutes, the scorpion was not in the pictures, at 93 minutes it appeared, and after 117 minutes it also mysteriously disappeared. After it, a distinguishable groove remained in the ground.

In the image you can see that the object is somewhat reminiscent of our insects with legs and antennae. Its length is -17 cm. The scientist suggests that the object was covered with a small layer of soil as a result of the impact of the apparatus on the planet's surface, from under which he had to get out for an hour and a half!



Hence, Leonid Ksanfomality draws an important conclusion: if there are living beings on Venus, then they are very weak and live in a very slow world. This is likely due to the physical conditions of Venus and the metabolism of hypothetical beings. The hypothesis that the object was blown into the field of the lens by the wind was tested and rejected. The wind strength was clearly insufficient for this.

In any case, the object really resembles a large insect, whether it crawled into the field of a television camera by itself or was brought in by the wind.




Leonid Ksanfomality finds no explanation for this phenomenon. In the photo on the left, at the end of the lattice girder, a black object of an obscure shape is clearly visible. It is visible only in the first photo and envelops the hammer to measure the strength of the soil. There is no black "flap" in the subsequent photographs … What could it be? Unknown gas released from destroyed soil, which condensed on a hammer?




Here we see an object of an outlandish form, which clearly stands out for its outlines against the surrounding background. The strange symmetrically located growths covering its surface are clearly visible, and an elongated process that looks like a real tail. A clear shadow is visible under the process. On the opposite side there is a ledge that looks like a head. The total length of the "strange stone" is half a meter. The object resembles a seated bird.


These potential living inhabitants of Venus have been spotted in several images taken by different vehicles at a distance of more than 4000 km. They stand out against the background of the rest of the stone landscape and are similar in shape and in their features to each other.

Look closely and you will see an oblong object 20-25 cm long, raised above the surface by 1-2 cm. A strip runs across the object, and if desired, you can see a tail at one end, and something that looks like a antennae at the other. No signs of movement of objects were recorded.




These objects seem to resemble some kind of soft furry creatures that are unlike the surrounding stones with sharp edges. The object rests on some limbs, its height is 25 cm. In the picture we see it from above. On the left, there are traces of the "bear cub". The speed of movement of the object was no more than a millimeter per second. Approximately the same value was obtained for other objects whose movement was noticed.




They resemble an earthly fish, on the "head" you can see something like a corolla. The length was about 12 cm, no movements were observed. These objects got their name from the stone tablets on which the ancient inhabitants of the Babylonian kingdom carved the moments of the appearance of Venus in the sky.




The diameter of the object is 8 cm, and it is raised above the surface by 3 cm. Processing of nine successive panoramas, in which this object is present, gives an image of a kind of tent with radial stripes and with a permanent dark spot in the center. Leonid Ksanfomality concludes: the object is very similar to an earthly mushroom.

"Snake" and "dove"

Newest finds, information about which has not yet been published. The snake has a dark patchy cellular surface with regularly spaced spots, like in terrestrial reptiles. Leonid Ksanfomality believes that this inhabitant of Venus looks like a coiled snake, the length of which is about 40 cm.

The subject does not creep, but changes its position in a series of sequential shots at a speed of about 2 mm per second. Not far from the "snake" there is another object 5-6 cm in size, which resembles a small dove sitting.

Since the information on the object is quite fresh, his photo is currently in the process of being published in a scientific journal, so while Leonid Ksanfomality is not showing it to anyone.

Article author: Rita Richter