What Will Happen After The Death Of A Person - Alternative View

What Will Happen After The Death Of A Person - Alternative View
What Will Happen After The Death Of A Person - Alternative View

Video: What Will Happen After The Death Of A Person - Alternative View

Video: What Will Happen After The Death Of A Person - Alternative View
Video: what will happen to sinful person after death( hell) 2024, October

The unique messages transmitted by the Supreme Intelligence in different countries to us, the inhabitants of the Earth, over the past few decades, constantly contain the following information (summary).

The mind at the time of death comes to a critical state. Some people leave in consciousness and clearly recognize their loved ones who have come to meet the newcomer; some are unconscious and are moved to a quiet place to rest.

People who have strong addictions on Earth - to drugs, alcohol, gambling or are overly addicted to sex - on the astral plane may be trapped, trying in vain to satisfy their passions.

Some people at the time of death easily leave their deceased physical body, while others need active helpers in the transition to another state. Some highly convinced materialists have an extremely heavy etheric body, and it is much more difficult for them to separate from their deceased physical body.

Attention! Hallucinogenic drugs are capable of lifting the etheric body upward from the physical body. Inhabitants of the other world see them like this: addicts “look pathetic, as if they have no soul … they have an absent gaze. When in this state the entities of the lower level try to enter the body of the drug user, then obsession sets in - they take possession of him."

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There is no “heaven above” or “hell below”: the location of the other world does not differ from the earthly: these spheres interpenetrate each other - from the highest vibrations to the lowest.

People with dogmatic, unshakable ideas about what awaits them immediately after death are likely to experience serious problems.

When you step into life after death, you experience a feeling of all-pervading light.

All physical disabilities that a person could have in the physical world disappear as soon as his consciousness adapts to a new state, and then there will be no injuries, no diseases, no blindness, or other misfortunes from which a person suffered during his life on Earth.

The mind has tremendous power in life after death. He can create matter and can make the body move at the speed of thought, that is, as soon as you imagine yourself anywhere in the world, you will immediately find yourself there.

A person who persisted in evil, or remains alone, or he is met by those who have similar, very low vibrations, or entities of a very low spiritual level. They will try to take him to the darker lower spheres.

Some people make the transition to another world much easier than others - the more extensive our knowledge of life after death, the easier the transition process is.

Some people "stay between two worlds." This is due to the fact that they continue to feel themselves in the flesh and do not accept the fact that they have died. Many, however, fall into mental confusion and may be lost for decades or even longer.

Energy - positive or negative - is a kind of boomerang. If you send positive energy to someone, that energy will return to you sooner or later. If you send negative energy - by unfair, dishonest acts against someone, cheating, deceiving, causing harm, resentment or anxiety to someone - the same negative energy will inevitably return to you.

After the harshest retaliation that awaits those who deliberately humiliated and deliberately violated the rights of others, perpetrators will have to seek, seek forgiveness from their victims before they are allowed to make any progress.

Man invented hell in the afterlife and eternal torment in order to influence the minds and hearts of the irresponsible - neither one nor the other exists. While there are still lower spheres in the other world, extremely dark, disgusting and even terrifying - sometimes they are called "hell" - but getting here does not mean at all that this is forever. The universal law of evolution ensures that in the future, entities with lower vibrations will eventually acquire higher vibrations and move to higher realms, even if this may take hundreds and thousands of years.

Nobody condemns or condemns a person to stay in the lower realms. Man condemns himself to these terrifying lower spheres ("hell") because of the low - spiritually - vibrations that he acquired during his earthly life.

Deathbed Transformation? We have and constantly continue to receive information from the Highest sources that at the moment of death our vibrations do not change - even when a person repented before death. We take with us the accumulated vibrations (spirituality) that we received or lost throughout our earthly life. Baptism and repentance are completely meaningless if in this way you hope to earn “better treatment” immediately after death.

It is not safe to communicate with entities from the other world. They are able to read our minds and bring thoughts and ideas into our minds. Lower, aggressive entities are capable of initiating negative thoughts and ideas; positive, more enlightened entities contribute to the birth of positive ideas and thoughts in us. Free will plays a very important role.

We can call on powerful defenders from the underworld to help us with our daily challenges. But they cannot make a concrete decision for us.

Materialists and others like them spend too much time worrying and worrying about their last ten or twenty years on Earth. But they do not devote even a little bit of time to imagine what might happen to them in 10, 20, 50 thousand years … and in the very distant future.

What happens to the person who committed suicide will depend on a number of factors. Motivation is always extremely important. For example, it is one thing when a person committed suicide in anticipation of imminent death, and quite another when he committed it to avoid responsibility. Those who take their own lives to avoid problems and responsibilities are more likely to exacerbate their problems and responsibilities in the afterlife.

There are different levels of spheres in life after death - from the lowest vibrations to the highest. At the onset of physical death, we go to the sphere that can accept the vibrations that we have accumulated throughout our earthly life. In simple terms, most ordinary people are likely to move into the third sphere - it is often called the Land of Summer. The higher the vibrations, the better the conditions, thanks to which we get to the higher spheres. We know that the high spheres are so beautiful that it is impossible to imagine. For those with very low vibrations, there are indeed serious problems.

Victor Zammit