Forum In Davos: Euthanasia For Centenarians And Aliens - Alternative View

Forum In Davos: Euthanasia For Centenarians And Aliens - Alternative View
Forum In Davos: Euthanasia For Centenarians And Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Forum In Davos: Euthanasia For Centenarians And Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Forum In Davos: Euthanasia For Centenarians And Aliens - Alternative View
Video: Rethinking Cities for a Post-COVID Future II | DAVOS AGENDA 2021 2024, June

In addition to economic issues, the agenda of the World Economic Forum in Davos includes such topics as the uncontrolled use of geoengineering technologies, medical intervention in the human brain, the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and the extension of human life.

The discussion panel, which is called "X-factor", was prepared with the support of the general scientific journal "Nature". In addition to traditional topics - artificial climate change, electronic management of forest fires and the development of geoengineering - the list of topics of the "X factor" added the risks of artificial extension of human life, artificial increase in human cognitive capabilities, as well as threats posed by extraterrestrial civilizations.

According to scientists, in the near future, mankind will have medications that can provoke superpowers in people. Since scientists around the world are now working on the creation of drugs against diseases such as Alzheimer's and schizophrenia, it is likely that in the near future there will be new drugs to stimulate the brain activity in ordinary people. Now there are psychostimulants "Ritalin" and modafinil, which activate the cognitive activity of the human brain. But, despite the fact that all these drugs are created exclusively for people with mental illnesses, it cannot be ruled out that they will be used by healthy people in order to better remember information and show high results at work or in school.

In addition, scientists agree that the development of human super-abilities is possible with the help of high-tech electronic devices. Experiments have shown that it is possible to improve brain function and memory with the help of electronic sensors implanted into the human body. But this method is technologically complex and is unlikely to be available to an ordinary person, unlike medical preparations.

Nevertheless, scientists believe that in ten years neurobiology will reach a new level, then intracerebral electronic sensors and sensors will be ubiquitous. But here scientists are wondering whether it would be ethically correct to divide society into those who can afford to improve the functioning of the brain or not, whether such drugs should go on the free market and whether a legislative framework is needed for this.

In addition, there is a great risk that such developments will fall into the wrong hands and be used for selfish purposes. By acting on the neurotransmitter system of the brain, they not only increase human memory and activate the brain, but also affect the psychological state of a person, making him manageable and vulnerable to programming for certain tasks.

In addition, this technology allows you to erase memory, which can cause irreparable damage to human brain activity. Scientists fear that drugs and technologies to increase the cognitive function of the brain may fall into the possession of criminal groups or terrorist organizations that will use them against humanity.

Another topic is the increased problems due to the increase in life expectancy. The latest medical developments have made it possible to extend human life by 35%. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, a large number of problems arise, for example, the financial costs of social benefits and overpopulation of the planet.

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Experts believe that the only solution to these problems is the forced euthanasia of centenarians. Proponents of this method believe that thanks to the development of medical technology, even the weakest and most sickly people can live up to 90 or 100 years. And this can lead to a sharp increase in the population of the planet, moreover, it contradicts the law of nature, where the strongest survive. Therefore, to reduce the population of centenarians, it is worth using euthanasia, experts say.

And finally, the most controversial topic of discussion is the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. Many world leaders have repeatedly made statements about the existence of aliens. So, in December 2012, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in an interview with reporters joked about the existence of aliens. "How many of them [aliens] among us, I will not tell, because it can cause panic," Medvedev jokingly remarked. But the interest in the topic of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations did not end there, as evidenced by the corresponding discussion on the agenda at the forum in Davos.

Forum experts agree that as a result of space exploration, humanity will eventually discover the existence of an extraterrestrial civilization and discover new planets. “Probably in ten years we will learn that the Earth is not the only planet in the Universe on which there is life,” the forum participants believe.

As a result, experts urge the world community to prepare for a meeting with an extraterrestrial civilization and assess the likely threats of such a meeting. There will also be a need to create special services to detect extraterrestrial and extraterrestrial civilizations, which will help prevent the threat emanating from space.

Nevertheless, experts agree that even if an extraterrestrial civilization is discovered, it will not change human life much. Despite the fact that this discovery will be the sensation of the year, it is unlikely that it will immediately affect life on Earth. But in the long term, such a discovery will change the psychological and philosophical consciousness of a person. “Even the discovery of a possible rudiment of life on another planet will spark talk about the possible existence of life in the Universe, which in turn will undermine the foundations of philosophy and religion,” the forum experts say.
