Stop Time Or How To Live Forever - Alternative View

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Stop Time Or How To Live Forever - Alternative View
Stop Time Or How To Live Forever - Alternative View

Video: Stop Time Or How To Live Forever - Alternative View

Video: Stop Time Or How To Live Forever - Alternative View
Video: Queen - Who Wants To Live Forever (Official Video) 2024, June

Stopped time or who lives forever

As the legends say, Christ, having tried to rest on the way to Calvary near one of the houses, received a fierce rebuff from his master. They say that accompanied by guards and a hooting crowd, Jesus with a heavy cross on his shoulders went on, but before that he said to the offender only one phrase: "For this you will live forever!" That was a terrible punishment, because, according to the same legends, the "Eternal Jew" (as he was later called) has been wandering around the world for about two thousand years in search of forgiveness.

And in reality, European historians note a strange pattern: in any century, in any of the European countries, an absolutely unknown rich and highly educated gentleman must appear, no one ever knew his real parents, the place where he was born and relatives. The names of these gentlemen are always dissimilar, but the appearance was the same. They all spoke evasively to the suspicious questions of their contemporaries (including about the curse of Christ). Having not changed at all over several decades (the best example of immutability was shown by Count Saint-Germain), these people disappeared as a rule "in English", without saying goodbye, that is, no funeral …

Take a look at the faces of our contemporaries living in our time, maybe that damned two thousand-year-old (almost said "old man") man is among us? As always, there are enough applicants for this role. Although, with his mind and experience, hiding from prying eyes will not be difficult …

But let's think, is it possible for a person to be completely unaffected by time? Is it no joke - to stop eternity even in a small amount! Now the process of a complete stop of time can only be imagined theoretically, it may well occur in a black hole or in a time machine. With practice, the situation is still much worse, we have no documented evidence that spoke about "zero time". However, it is possible to find cases when time, if not completely stopped, then at least tends to zero. Whether to consider them facts or just information for thought is up to you to judge.

In many ancient sources, we are told about incredible finds, indicating that some animals are able to live in comparison with us for an eternity. No, we will not dwell here on the cases when fishermen caught pikes, ringed back under Peter I, or remember that individual individuals of turtles live up to five hundred years. Biologists in alliance with statistics are quite capable of explaining such “miracles”.

Doctors try to stretch their lives in different ways. In addition to "simple" longevity, scientists are struggling with the problem of suspended animation. What a person cannot yet do (except in cases of lethargic sleep and yoga exercises), is quite successfully used by many animals hibernating during the winter or dry season (the North American dwarf siren salamander sleeps for more than a year in a drought). During suspended animation (or hibernation) for the body, time actually stops (more precisely, it becomes close to zero), so that all vital functions slow down thousands of times, or stop altogether!

Of course, the leader among the contenders for the title of "eternal animal" are … toads! The choice in this case is not accidental, because it is they who most often find themselves inside lumps of mud, which, when solidified, turns into real stones after thousands (millions) of years. The lifetime of a stone with a "captive" can be easily checked by the radiocarbon method. There is no other way to check the age of the "eternal" yet, since in ancient times animals were not ringed. Toads, according to eyewitness accounts, remained alive inside the stones throughout this time.

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In the 16th century, Ambroise Paré, the court surgeon of Henry III, wrote about the attempts to break large and hard stones in the estate near Meudon (France): “… In the middle of one stone we found a huge live toad. There were no cracks in the stone through which she could get inside … The worker told me that it was not the first time he had found toads and creatures like them in large blocks of rock. ("Yearbook" of the French Academy of Sciences, 1761).

1776, May 25 - in England, according to the chronicles of Gilbert White, a toad was also found immured in a stone. The mummified frog was spotted inside a lump of coal recovered from the McLean coal seam (Pennsylvania) at a depth of 541 feet (180 meters). James Stevenson, an employee of the US Department of Geology, said that "the body has not yet had time to petrify, it is light and soft." (J. Michell, R. Ricard. "The Phenomena of the Book of Miracles", 1990).

Since 1862, the flow of this kind of message has increased significantly after a lump of coal with a clear frog print and the frog itself, found in the Newport coal mine, Monmouthshire, were on display at the Great London Exhibition. Skeptics, of course, unanimously began to assert that this was a fake, and the frog could not live at a depth of 300 feet (100 m) for millions of years, while the coal seam was forming. But, at the same time, in Spitlegat (Stamford), during the construction of a new basement at a depth of 7 feet (2.3 m), several frogs were found in the rock formation at once (alive or not - it was not reported). Bricklayer Samuel Goodwin sawed with assistants a one and a half meter monolithic stone in the Cattlebrook quarry (Birmingham) and discovered in its middle a cavity two fists in size, the toad extracted from there lived in the fresh air for about half an hour. In the coal depots of Lilechal (Paddington), according to J. Scott, a live medium-sized frog was spotted after breaking a piece of coal. At Chillingham Castle, a similar find was made in a marble mantelpiece. On another estate, after the fall of a stone ball that had adorned the top of the gate for hundreds of years, a living toad was found inside! ("Stamford Murcury", 1862-31-10) …

Dr. Robert Plot argued that with equal success, toads can survive imprisonment in a stone or in a tree, of course, as long as the tree itself is alive. So, at the beginning of the 18th century, in the lower part of an elm tree, at a height of 1 m from the ground, "exactly in the center of its trunk, a medium-sized live toad was found, thin, which completely filled all the free space." As soon as the elm was split into two parts, the captive immediately galloped away (Notes of the French Academy of Sciences, 1719). A few years later, a similar find, according to Monsieur Saine from Nantes, was made inside a huge oak (Notes of the French Academy of Sciences, 1731).

Some scientists rushed to test these fantastic rumors experimentally. M. Seguin from France immured 20 toads in a block of plaster and 12 years later found four of them alive (Times, September 23, 1862). Dr. Frank in 1825 planted 12 toads in blocks of limestone and sandstone, tightly covered them with sheets of glass and slate with putty, and then buried them a meter into the ground … A year later, he discovered that the toads in the sandstone had died, and in the limestone they even gained weight … His repeated experiment ended unsuccessfully (Frank, "Curious in Nature"). Naturalist William Gowitt observed in Farnsfield (Nottinghamshire) while cleaning a ditch, as a whole layer (!) Of frogs was found in a stony layer of earth. “It was an unusual sight. Dozens of frogs quickly woke up and scattered to the sides in search of new shelter. If these frogs were able to live six months in an almost solidified layer of mud, then why shouldn't they live that way for six or any other number of years? " (W. Hovitt. "A Story of the Supernatural", 1863).

In addition to toads, under similar circumstances, other amphibians, snakes, crabs, crayfish were also found alive in different parts of the world … It is known that when stones were paving the embankment in Toulon, they often cracked, revealing "exceptionally tasty lobsters" inside; in the Ancona (Adriatic) quarry, "small lobsters, alive and very tasty" were also extracted directly from the hard blocks! In 1818, in a chalk quarry at a depth of 45 feet (15 m) in a layer of fossilized hedgehogs and newts, the famous geologist Dr. E. D. Clarke witnessed how three living creatures (as it turned out later, belonged to the extinct tens of millions of years ago mind) climbed out of a block of chalk, two of them died in speed, and one, placed in the water, "began to frolic and spin as if it had never been in a state of hibernation!"

1856 - during the construction of a railway in Nancy (France), workers split a huge boulder (classified as the "Lower Jurassic" by age) with explosives, and from the cavern in it "a monstrous animal appeared, flapped its wings feebly, uttered a terrible cry and gave up its ghost ". After examining the find, paleontologists from the city of Grey said that in front of them was a fossil pterodactyl! (Illustrated London News, 9.02.1856). But, given that the body subsequently disappeared (a cast remained), one cannot be sure that all this is not a well-prepared newspaper "duck" …

Two questions arise after reading these cases. First: how did the animals stay alive (and sometimes even plump) from several years to millions of centuries? No amount of nourishment through the skin with the solution that seeped through the stone will help prolong the life span. Other explanations of biologists (animals go into hibernation or suspended animation) also do not work, because according to general evidence, no muscle atrophy is observed in those who sleep for centuries, animals jump out and flee from a stone prison, as if they were disturbed in their own nest.

All animals were found in cells that looked like an accurate cast, or in oval smooth beds, indicating that the animal did not sit motionless in its confinement. It may be that the prisoner somehow managed to soften the stone (the American Indians had a similar secret!); although, perhaps, he hit the stone at a time when it was still a soft "semi-finished product"? But subsequently, any unfinished granite or marble will still have thousands of years of burning in the depths of the planet - how can a living being survive them? There is only one possible way out - to slow down Time in the immediate vicinity of the animal, which will entail: a sharp increase in the life of the individual; change in heat exchange in a direction favorable for the body; and in some cases, breaking the usual bonds between silicon atoms and … softening the stone! It remains to figure outwhat caused the slowdown of time? Did magnetized stone structures have a specific effect, or did the unusual field originate from the living organism itself, which found itself in extreme conditions?..

And the second question that the toads and frogs "posed" to us is whether it is possible for us, humans, to take any benefit from all this for ourselves? In other words, will the dream of a long (or eternal, but not damned) life come true one day ?!

And now, fortunately, not everyone is dying of vodka and ecology at the age of 40. At times, newspapers tell us about the oldest inhabitants of the Earth. True, the record life expectancy figures constantly do not coincide in different messages. The world record is called: 108, 115, 121, 134, 136, 165 and even 215 years! (Personally, my great-grandmother Pasha, her blessed memory, lived 102 years).

All these figures are impressive, but the 2000-year-old "Eternal Jew" would only laugh at them. But he is simply a baby compared to the antediluvian kings: Alulin, as the chronicles say, ruled for 28,000 years; Dumuz - 36,000 (!); Ibartur - 18,000 … However, after the flood the tsars could not withstand more than 1,000 years, and then more than 200 … According to the Moscow scientist Ivan Filimonenko, the reason for the sharp decline in life expectancy is radioactive potassium, which in the past was 179 times less in food. On the example of trees, this pattern can be seen quite clearly: a birch lives up to 250 years (its bark contains 13.8% of potassium oxide); pine - 600 (6.9%); spruce - 1200 (3.2%) … Knowing the average content of the necessary elements in the rocks, you can calculate the average life expectancy of a person in antediluvian times, it was equal to 12 250 years! ("Can not be",1 (15) - 1993, p. thirteen).

Other possible reasons for the decrease in life expectancy are called: the disappearance of ambrosia (the so-called "food of the gods") from our diet; the transition to eating fried and meat foods; an increase in stressful situations; a person's loss of spiritual ties with the Cosmos … At the moment, humanity is only going to "thanks to the achievements of medicine" reach the line of average life expectancy of 100 years (instead of today's 70), then 150 …

But maybe the day is not far off when we will be able to slow down or even stop the aging process with the directed influence of the time field ?! At the moment, all over the world, intensive work is underway to study the suspended state. It is assumed that putting a person into such a state is sometimes extremely necessary, for example, for interstellar travel and the conservation of hopelessly ill patients in the hope that new drugs will be invented in the future. As an alternative to suspended animation, lethargic sleep and deep freezing are also offered. But none of these three methods is able to maintain the body in a constantly "combat-ready" state for millions of years. …

Does this mean that even now hopelessly ill people can take the risk and "hibernate" inside the boulders ?! By the way, it was about eternal life that the pharaohs dreamed of, who throughout their lives erected huge stone "burial grounds" - pyramids for themselves …

N. Nepomniachtchi