Water That Gives Immortality - Alternative View

Water That Gives Immortality - Alternative View
Water That Gives Immortality - Alternative View

Video: Water That Gives Immortality - Alternative View

Video: Water That Gives Immortality - Alternative View
Video: Water comes from Space! - alternative view by Russian scientist 2024, June

Water can be characterized in different ways according to the scientific discipline within which this unusual natural element is characterized. From the school curriculum in inorganic chemistry, of course, anyone knows that water is hydrogen oxide, and its molecule is formed by two hydrogen atoms and a single oxygen atom connected to each other by a covalent bond. It is known from the course of chemistry that it is, depending on the content of calcium and magnesium cations, soft, hard, light (normal), heavy (deuterium) and superheavy (tritium).

From the standpoint of biology, water appears as the basis for the existence of all living things on the earth's planet. In nature, without a continuous cycle of water, everything around it would dry up and die (it is enough to imagine the Sahara desert). Various substances, dissolved precisely and only in water, interact with living cells and in the intercellular space. Geographic atlases show that water is the most common element in nature, and all rivers, lakes, seas and oceans form a hydrosphere, which occupies 79% of not only the entire surface of our planet, but also covers the thickness of the earth's crust. The science of physics reveals such properties of water as the ability to be a highly polar solvent, heat carrier and take on various states of aggregation: ice, liquid, steam.

In many legends and tales of the peoples of the world, there is often a mention of dead and living water, capable of resurrecting the dead and healing a person from mortal wounds. Even during the Second World War, the leaders of the Nazi SS organization were seriously concerned with the problem of finding such an elixir of life and longevity. With his help, they wanted to bring out the super race of humanity, which would create the immortal rulers of the world.

The occult department of the Ahnenerbe of fascist Germany was very interested in why the majority of centenarians are found mainly in the Caucasus, in the land where the energy of earth and sky converges, where mighty mountains are immersed in crystal clear air. It is not for nothing that the Caucasus is called a health resort and a blacksmith of health. It is in this miraculous land that living water and dead water are found. Dead water destroys harmful cells, and living water heals almost everything that can be cured.

In the 30s, research on the search for ways of longevity and even immortality in Nazi Germany acquired an unprecedented scale and received state support. Such scientific research took place under the strict control of the SS. One of the methods relied on the use of living water and dead water. Research by German scientists from the occult department, which is part of the fascist SS organization, led to the creation of a project for working with blood called "Lebensborn", which means in Russian translation the source of life.

In wartime, when part of the Caucasus, in particular Abkhazia, was under fascist oppression, the Germans built a long tunnel in the mountains and laid rails in it like a lightweight metro. On such a narrow-gauge railway, the Nazis supplied healing water from miraculous mountain springs to the shores of the Black Sea. Further, living water was delivered by submarines to the Romanian city of Constanta, and then transported by air to Germany. The secret laboratory "Lebensborn" was located in the Alpine castle of Gothenburg. The new science of eugenics developed in its bowels was intended to create and select a new race of healthy, immortal and happy people. One of the leaders of the SS Himmler dreamed of creating his own fascist Vatican inside Germany after Hitler's death, a kind of state within the state for a special caste of the elite. It was a kind of racism, looking into the future, giving the right to life only to strong, strong, healthy, beautiful individuals with their own religion and a certain Nazi worldview, eliminating any deviation from the canons set by the SS, down to the millimeter.

With the addition of living water brought from the springs of the Caucasus to the blood of selected victims, SS genetic experiments were carried out. Such water, in terms of its mineral composition, was quite suitable after special treatment for transfusion to experimental young people.

It must be said that the connection between human blood and human longevity had long before been stated by Russian scientists. One of the founders of hematology was Alexander Bogdanov, who in 1908, in his novel "The Red Star", first published the idea of the connection between human blood and his longevity. It was Alexander Bogdanov who in 1926 organized and created the world's first institute for blood transfusion. His disciple and follower Alexander Bogomolets created a unique serum based on the blood of horses with increased immunity. This miracle serum quickly mobilized the body, healed wounds, accelerated the healing process of fractures and suppressed the formation of tumors. New methods of human tissue regeneration have appeared. During the Great Patriotic War, the opening of Bogomolets saved thousands of lives in almost all military hospitals.

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Scientists have long observed such a phenomenon of water as the ability to change its structure under external influence by energy, fields, radiation, sound vibrations and other influences. And thanks to what this becomes possible, which allows water to accumulate information and have healing properties. Scientists found out that water has its own memory only as a result of an expedition to Tibet in 1998. So, the cherished source of living water is located at an altitude of 5600 meters in the mountain peaks of Tibet next to a bowl-shaped mountain plateau, in the center of which is a lake of dead water called "Mirror of Time". A small waterfall flows into this lake, the source of which is living water.

As a result of scientific experiments carried out subsequently on the living water brought from Tibet, it was possible to find out that this water contains a huge amount of information accumulated over the centuries in the mountains and gorges of this region, like a biological computer. This information can be studied using an electronic digital computer. It became known that, in contrast to the usual structure of water, living water contains manganese and arsenic, which in low concentrations can serve for medicinal needs, these same impurities allow you to write information into the structure of unusual water, endowing it with memory.

However, despite the heights achieved in the study of water itself, so far no one has been able to reveal the secret of living water.