UFO Crash In The Lunar Crater Damoiseau - Alternative View

UFO Crash In The Lunar Crater Damoiseau - Alternative View
UFO Crash In The Lunar Crater Damoiseau - Alternative View

Video: UFO Crash In The Lunar Crater Damoiseau - Alternative View

Video: UFO Crash In The Lunar Crater Damoiseau - Alternative View
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In the scientific world, space explorers announced a new grandiose discovery. According to preliminary information, the discoverers of such a phenomenon were scientists searching for representatives of alien civilizations. According to them, by means of a space probe reporting to the American agency NASA, they managed to catch alien ships in the camera lens.

As noted by experts, the above gigantic objects moved at a speed of 3600 km / h. At the moment, the place of their dislocation is the Damoiseau crater. It is in the above part of the globe that many representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations are located. The above assumption is supported by the presence of mysterious impulses emanating from the crater.

Ufologists focused on the fact that the aliens could survive the crash of their own UFO, and through flashing lights they send a distress signal. At the moment, researchers who are studying the existence of aliens will have to provide more time-consuming and weighty evidence of the existence of aliens on an earthly satellite.