An Aluminum Part Of 250 Thousand Years Old Is Exhibited In One Of The Museums In Romania - Alternative View

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An Aluminum Part Of 250 Thousand Years Old Is Exhibited In One Of The Museums In Romania - Alternative View
An Aluminum Part Of 250 Thousand Years Old Is Exhibited In One Of The Museums In Romania - Alternative View

Video: An Aluminum Part Of 250 Thousand Years Old Is Exhibited In One Of The Museums In Romania - Alternative View

Video: An Aluminum Part Of 250 Thousand Years Old Is Exhibited In One Of The Museums In Romania - Alternative View
Video: Museums under the spotlight - the National Museum of Art of Romania 2024, September

The artifact found during the excavation was classified for 43 years

Two British newspapers The Mirror and The Daily wrote about the amazing exhibit, which is now exhibited in the Historical Museum of the city of Cluj-Napoca (Romania). They published a photo, told the background.

The photo shows a clearly man-made detail. Its dimensions are 20 centimeters high, 12.5 centimeters wide and 7 centimeters thick. This could very well be part of some - very large - mechanism.

Some experts believe the part looks like an ax.


The strange thing, to put it mildly, in the discovered part is that it is made of aluminum. It was found together with the bones of a prehistoric animal in a layer of soil that is 250 thousand years old.

From the stories it follows: both the bones and the detail were found by workers who, in 1973, dug a pit on the banks of the Maros River in the vicinity of the city of Ayud. We got it from a depth of 10 meters.

The finds were sent to Cluj - that was the name of the city of Cluj-Napoca. Experts from the local history museum have determined that the bones belong to some kind of prehistoric animal. And the detail, in their opinion, resembled an ax.

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The Romanian authorities hid the artifact for a long time


Subsequent analysis showed: "ax" - aluminum. Which, of course, should not be - there is no native aluminum in nature, and they began to smelt it about 200 years ago.

British newspapers report that a chemical analysis of the part was recently carried out by Swiss specialists from a laboratory in Lausanne. And they determined: aluminum in it is 90 percent, the rest is additives of 12 metals.

"Ax" is not great


In 1973, the Romanian authorities ordered to hide the find from sin. After all, it did not fit into the scientific framework and provoked scandalous conclusions. Aliens, they say, brought aluminum, a detail - from their "flying saucer" or from some other alien mechanism. Which indicates that representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence visited our planet at least in ancient times. For example, Gheorghe Cohal, Deputy Director of the RUA - Romanian UFO Association, is convinced of this.

It is possible, some believe that aluminum could have been smelted by people - representatives of the developed civilization that existed for us. Or for some time in parallel with our ancient ancestors.

Local historian Mihai Wittenberger's version is much simpler. He believes the part fell off a German WWII aircraft. Specifically, the Messerschnmitt ME 262 chassis. It could simply fall into the ground - to a depth of 10 meters. Or fall into the pit from the side.

Where the item was kept for 43 years, the press does not report. Perhaps in the storerooms of a historical museum



Romanian Aluminum is not the only one

A well-known expert on anomalous phenomena, the head of the Far Eastern Bureau of the Russian association "Cosmopoisk", biologist Valery Dvuzhilny once also found aluminum. I dug in a summer cottage near the Rudnaya River. Its "detail" had the shape of a plate, was in the deposits, which were more than 2 thousand years old. Not 250 thousand years, of course. But even at the beginning of our era, aluminum was not yet melted.

The plate was studied in St. Petersburg, at the Institute of Nuclear Physics. Its composition: 97 percent aluminum, the rest is impurities: calcium, iron, copper, samarium, lead and tungsten. Analysis of the alloys data bank showed: no analogues.

The aluminum artifact excavated by Valery Dvuzhilny


Another detail was given to Dvuzhilny by a resident of Vladivostok, who plucked it out of a piece of a corner. The detail resembled either a rod or a bar with teeth. The length is just over 7 centimeters.

The entire part was covered in black charcoal. Beneath it was a silvery metal - soft, light, non-magnetic. In short, aluminum. As shown by subsequent analysis, very pure aluminum.

The coal, in which the artifact was interspersed, was brought to Primorye from Khakassia - from the Chernogorsk deposit, which is about 300 million years old. Therefore, the part got into the coal around that time. Or even earlier, when coal was still a tree or horsetail. It could have been driven in by an explosion. The toothed part, by the way, looks twisted.

A lath that has been embedded in a piece of coal


It seems that it is too early to completely abandon hypotheses about aliens, about civilizations that existed before us, even about time travel.

An aluminum piece, 250 thousand years old, is exhibited in one of the museums in Romania. Scientists have named the age of the unusual find, made back in 1973.