Humanity And Its Role - Alternative View

Humanity And Its Role - Alternative View
Humanity And Its Role - Alternative View

Video: Humanity And Its Role - Alternative View

Video: Humanity And Its Role - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, September

In all religions of the population of our planet, in the cultures of all peoples inhabiting it, one of the main questions is "Why are we here?" Indeed, it is very easy to live according to the principles of "be fruitful and multiply" or "do what you must and be what will be." However, a person, as a being endowed with thinking, always thinks about some goal.

And it does not matter whether these arguments contain the idea of a higher plan of God or whether they have lower, so to speak, material interests. A person will always think about what is his role and what is his purpose.

These questions have become especially interesting literally in the last couple of hundred years, when the scientific picture of the world has encountered many inconsistencies, and sometimes outright paradoxes in issues related to our origin.

Modern science, using the theory of evolution, derives the pedigree of modern man from some hypothetical ancestors, who, thanks to intelligence, separated from the animal world and became a qualitatively new living organism. However, the huge assumptions made in this case are of little concern to pundits. As well as the absence of many "intermediate links" connecting us with our smaller brothers. In a word, the emergence of Cro-Magnons, in fact who we are, is virtually inexplicable.

At the same time, there is a lot of cultural evidence indicating that humanity, and possibly most of the living creatures existing on our planet, did not appear here, but were brought here by someone. In the epics of both ancient peoples and those living at the present time, there are many direct indications that we were brought here from somewhere outside.

Most of the legendary heroes of antiquity were either gods who came from heaven or their children. Moreover, it is the fact of coming from heaven that is important, and not coming out, for example, from the depths of the sea. And what to say: in most polytheistic religions, everything began with two gods: the god-father, associated with the sky and the goddess-mother, which is an analogue of the earth. Poking a finger into any pantheon, we will find there the supreme god, one way or another connected with what is above: this is Zeus, and Ra, and Anum. In Hinduism, everything is even more interesting, despite the fact that Vishnu is asleep and we all took pictures for him, all his avatars also come to us from the sky!

Numerous archaeological finds related to this issue only add fuel to the fire: a huge number of images have been found in which earthlings communicate with creatures that emerged from flying objects and dressed in some kind of space suits. Naturally, many researchers interpret such findings as cases of paleocontact and only a few see something more in them.

But, let's leave for a moment the affairs of bygone days and turn to times not so distant - to the second half of the 20th century, so rich in discoveries, which literally turned the most modern theories about the structure of the world upside down.

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When the joyful noise raised by the first flights into space subsided a little, and scientists analyzed flights over several long distances, it suddenly became clear that mankind should forget about interstellar flights for the next several thousand years (and perhaps forever). And the problem here lies in the elementary calculation of the energy required for such travel. The interstellar distances are so great that even if you use the full conversion of matter into energy, it will still not be enough for flights even to the nearest stars. And the idea of accelerating the ship to a speed almost equal to the speed of light (so that it can then fly by inertia without wasting fuel) is also not suitable - radiation from collisions of a ship in interstellar space with single elementary particles at such a speed will simply kill the crew already in the first third of the flight …

However, our knowledge is already enough to understand one important, but very disappointing thing for us: there is only one option for flights to the stars, only one way of traveling between different planetary systems. It consists in the construction of gigantic (up to several kilometers) space stations using ion engines, the working fluid in which will be the very single elementary particles scattered in space. And everything would be fine, except for one "but": but the flight time will be thousands of years.

The pace of development of our civilization is such that according to the most pessimistic forecasts of futurologists (well, unless, of course, we consider the option of our complete self-destruction in the event of a global nuclear or some other war), in 500 years we will colonize Mars, and after another thousand - the entire solar system where there are hard surfaces. And then everything. Further - only the colonization of space, since two hundred years ago it was proved that even with the most stringent measures taken to control the birth rate, population growth will still exceed the growth in the amount of food.

Now let's turn to humanity again, but consider it from a slightly different point of view. Our species does not at all fit into the evolutionary tree of our planet. The only thing that made us survive is our intellect. It is believed to be a by-product of evolution. However, obviously, before (while we were not so smart) we survived at the expense of something else. But why? No scientist will give the answer. Our distant ancestors did not have strong claws or teeth, we did not run faster than predators, even the hairline of all our “predecessors” in evolution was, to put it mildly, insufficient to feel comfortable in our environment.

And what interesting features of physiology we have that do not fit in with the word "survival" … For example, our brain. On the one hand, he gave advantages to our ancestors over the more "stupid" representatives of the animal world, but at the same time women could not give birth to a child with such a large head on their own, they always needed help. And if suddenly, it would turn out that no one could provide this assistance? In less than one generation, all of our ancestors would have died out. Or one more circumstance: symbiote bacteria living in our intestines. There are no such people anywhere else. Not a single species! Just as these bacteria cannot live outside of us, so we cannot live without them.

Humanity has more than a dozen such factors. This is omnivorousness, and a short menstrual cycle, which is not found in any large animal, and much more. On the one hand, there are plenty of opportunities to improve survival, on the other, there is no explanation for their origin. Even from the point of view of the theory of evolution. It perfectly explains the appearance of such organs as the eyes of living creatures or such interesting things as flagella in bacteria, but there is no way to explain the phenomenon of man "as a whole". Too many coincidences. Even according to the theory of probability, this is impossible.

The only explanation that would satisfy all the facts would be that we were specially designed. But, at the same time, you should not slip into the theory of creationism. It is too primitive and exists to link the idea of "Lord God" with some scientific theses, so as not to discredit church dogmas.

Thus, following the inexorable laws of logic, if we take the idea of our artificial origin as a basis, reinforce it with the thought that someone brought us to Earth and just consider the possible options for our development, then there is only one conclusion, why all this was done …

All of us, our entire civilization, are the product of a gigantic space experiment, the purpose of which is not at all "knowing the essence of God" or fulfilling the principle "you need to live in high", but the expansion of our species across the Universe. There is no other option, we will be forced to settle in our Galaxy in order to survive elementarily.

Who set up this experiment will forever remain a mystery to us. And this, in fact, is not important. Perhaps someday, when the goal of the experiment is achieved, we will find out.

The most interesting thing is that many scientists have already come to such conclusions, mainly, oddly enough, astrophysicists. In the writings of Karl Sagan and Joseph Shklovsky, hints of such ideas were encountered more than once.

Sooner or later, our civilization will start building the first ships to colonize the nearest stars. Sooner or later, they will go on a journey and reach their destination. More than a dozen generations will change during the flight on ships. Perhaps the descendants of the colonists who flew away from Earth will forget or will not understand who they are and why they ended up in a new and such inhospitable world. However, most likely, from a technical point of view, there will be some opportunity to ensure their survival in this world. Who knows, maybe they will even be given the opportunity to terraform other worlds. There they will build a new civilization, the goal of which will be to create more and more ships of the colonists. And so on … With each new conquered planet, humanity will continue its Path.
