The Ebb And Flow Hypothesis - Alternative View

The Ebb And Flow Hypothesis - Alternative View
The Ebb And Flow Hypothesis - Alternative View

Video: The Ebb And Flow Hypothesis - Alternative View

Video: The Ebb And Flow Hypothesis - Alternative View
Video: Космос-просвет: Луна (пилотный выпуск) 2024, June

A regularity has been noticed, where there are eddies, in the oceans, seas and lakes, there are ebb and flow, and where there are no eddies, there are no ebb and flow … The vastness of the world ocean is completely covered with eddies, and eddies have the property of a gyroscope (whirligig) to maintain an upright position axes in space, irrespective of the Earth's rotation … If you look at the Earth from the direction of the Sun, the eddies, rushing with the Earth, overturn twice a day due to which the axis of the eddies precesses (1-2 degrees) and repels the soliton wave from itself. The result is ebb and flow, standing waves and vertical movement of ocean waters. The wave is a killer, the result of a collision of solitons, two neighboring whirlpools … The Mediterranean Sea is considered without tidal, but near Venice and on the Eurikos Strait in eastern Greece,ebb and flow can be up to one meter or more. And this is considered one of the mysteries of nature, but at the same time, Italian physicists have discovered in the east of the Mediterranean Sea, at a depth of more than three kilometers, a chain of underwater whirlpools, ten kilometers in diameter each. From this we can conclude that along the coast of Venice, at a depth of several kilometers, there is a chain of underwater eddies. … If there were eddies in the Black Sea as in the White Sea, then the ebb and flow would be more significant … The reason for the ebb and flow in The White Sea, I believe, is not a Lunar tidal wave moving from Siberia, but waves created by underwater or surface whirlpools rotated by winds and rivers flowing into the White Sea bays. In the White Sea, the ebb and flow in some places mysteriously disappear,for a whole week … If a tidal wave floods the bay and the wave swirls there, then the ebb and flow in this case are higher … The place of eddies, and atmospheric cyclones and anticyclones in science, at the junction of oceanology, meteorology, and celestial mechanics studying gyroscopes … Behavior of atmospheric cyclones and anticyclones, I believe, are analogous to the behavior of eddies in the oceans.

To test this idea, on the globe, where the whirlpool is located, I fixed a fan, instead of blades, I inserted metal balls on springs. He turned on the fan (whirlpool) while simultaneously rotating the globe both around the axis and around the Sun, and got an imitation of the ebb and flow … The attractiveness of this hypothesis is that it is quite convincingly verified by a fan-whirlpool attached to the globe. The sensitivity of the gyroscope-vortex is so high that the globe has to be rotated extremely slowly (one revolution in 5-6 minutes). And if the gyroscope-vortex is installed on the globe, at the mouth of the Amazon River, then no doubt it will show the exact mechanics and the calendar of the ebb and flow the Amazon River … When only the globe rotates around its axis, the gyroscope swirl tilts in one direction, and stands motionless, and if the globe is moved in orbit,the whirlpool-horoscope begins to fluctuate (precess) and gives two ebb and flow per day … Doubts about the presence of precession in the whirlpools, due to the slow rotation, are removed by the high speed of overturning the whirlpools, in 12 hours. The edge of the Amazonian four hundred kilometer whirlpool is located about 50 km from the river mouth, and it does not consume its water to create a tidal wave, and rotating like cheese in butter, pushes the surrounding water, creating a tidal wave … The experiment with a globe is more convincing than the theoretical description of the hypothesis … The drift of the whirlpools is also associated with the effect of the gyroscope - the whirlpool, and depending on which hemisphere the whirlpool is located, and in which direction the whirlpool rotates, around its axis, the direction of the whirlpool drift depends …the direction of the whirlpool drift depends …the direction of the whirlpool drift depends …due to the slow rotation, they are removed by the high speed of overturning the whirlpools, in 12 hours. The edge of the Amazonian four hundred kilometer whirlpool is located about 50 km from the river mouth, and it does not consume its water to create a tidal wave, and rotating like cheese in butter, pushes the surrounding water, creating a tidal wave … The experiment with a globe is more convincing than the theoretical description of the hypothesis … The drift of the whirlpools is also associated with the effect of the gyroscope - the whirlpool, and depending on which hemisphere the whirlpool is located, and in which direction the whirlpool rotates, around its axis, the direction of the whirlpool drift depends …due to the slow rotation, they are removed by the high speed of overturning the whirlpools, in 12 hours. The edge of the Amazonian four hundred kilometer whirlpool is located about 50 km from the river mouth, and it does not consume its water to create a tidal wave, and rotating like cheese in butter, pushes the surrounding water, creating a tidal wave … The experiment with the globe is more convincing than the theoretical description of the hypothesis … The drift of the whirlpools is also associated with the effect of the gyroscope - the whirlpool, and depending on which hemisphere the whirlpool is located, and in which direction the whirlpool rotates, around its axis, the direction of the whirlpool drift depends …and to create a tidal wave, he does not consume his water, and rotating like cheese in butter, pushes the surrounding water, creating a tidal wave … The experiment with the globe is more convincing than the theoretical description of the hypothesis … depending on which hemisphere the whirlpool is located, and in which direction the whirlpool rotates, around its axis, the direction of the whirlpool drift depends …and to create a tidal wave, he does not consume his water, and rotating like cheese in butter, pushes the surrounding water, creating a tidal wave … The experiment with the globe is more convincing than the theoretical description of the hypothesis … depending on which hemisphere the whirlpool is located, and in which direction the whirlpool rotates, around its axis, the direction of the whirlpool drift depends …

Video "Tilting gyroscope"

Video "Experience with the gyroscope" (whirlpool drift)

Quite often, airplanes move towards the Moon when the Sun is above, and the pilots would notice the tidal wave by fuel consumption and flight speed … Polar explorers at the poles, move on skis, skates and sledges and when moving towards the moon and against the moon, they would felt the difference … When studying the ebb and flow, the reader has the opinion that the tidal wave in the open ocean is regularly studied by all the leading states of the world, but in fact, just once in 1910, they made several measurements with one ship, and indeed, with with difficulty they discovered a tidal wave moving at a speed of about 30 km. per hour, although there should not be an ebb and flow in the open ocean, but in fact, they found a tidal wave created by the precession of eddies (solitons) … If the tidal wave moves from east to west,then it should only flood the eastern shores of the continents and rivers. Especially at the equator, and it is not unclear why, ebb and flow flood the western shores of continents and rivers … And only whirlpools can explain the presence of a tidal hump, on the opposite side of the Earth … And it is not clear why, the pressure of water and air does not change under the tidal hump … If the tidal hump existed, then in the Atlantic Ocean it would rise and fall by 0.5 meters, every 6 hours, with an accuracy of a second, and these are ideal conditions for the occurrence of a resonant catastrophe … There is no fuss in nature and if eddies exist, then they have a purpose in nature, and this purpose, I believe, is the vertical and horizontal mixing of ocean waters, to equalize the temperature and oxygen content in the oceans. And if the lunar tides even existed,it would not mix the oceanic waters … Whirlpools to some extent prevent the oceans from silting up. If a couple of billion years ago, the Earth really rushed faster, then the eddies were more active … The Mariana Trench and the Mariana Islands, I think the result of the activity of the whirlpool, and as a rule, on the edge of all the troughs in the ocean, an arc of islands is located, and around the islands, a rather powerful the whirlpool … The ebb and flow calendar existed long before the tidal wave was discovered. As there was, and the usual calendar, before Ptolemy, and after Ptolemy, and before Copernicus, and after Copernicus. I suppose the result of the activity of the whirlpool, and as a rule, on the edge of all the depressions in the ocean, there is an arc of islands, and around the islands, a rather powerful whirlpool revolves … The calendar of ebbs and flows existed long before the opening of the tidal wave. As there was, and the usual calendar, before Ptolemy, and after Ptolemy, and before Copernicus, and after Copernicus. I suppose the result of the activity of the whirlpool, and as a rule, on the edge of all the depressions in the ocean, there is an arc of islands, and around the islands, a rather powerful whirlpool revolves … The calendar of ebbs and flows existed long before the opening of the tidal wave. As there was, and the usual calendar, before Ptolemy, and after Ptolemy, and before Copernicus, and after Copernicus.

500 years ago, when the idea of ebb and flow was forming, thinkers did not have enough technical means to test this idea, and nothing was known about whirlpools and gyroscopes even today, this hypothesis, with its simplicity and plausibility, is so ingrained in the minds of the public and thinkers. that it would not be easy to abandon it … Galileo called the theory of ebb and flow frivolous, a sad return to the realm of mystical ravings and preferred to explain the ebb and flow by the rotation of the Earth … Why, every year and every decade, on the same calendar day (for example, the first May) at the estuaries of rivers and bays, is there no identical tidal wave? I suppose the eddies that are at the mouths of rivers and bays drift and change their size … And if the cause of the tidal wave was the gravity of the moon,the height of the ebb and flow would not change for millennia.

It is believed that a tidal wave moving from east to west creates the attraction of the moon, and the wave floods the bays and estuaries. But why, the mouth of the Amazon floods well, and the coast of Porto Alegre, which is located south of the Amazon, does not flood very well, although the coast of Porto Alegre in all respects should flood more of the Amazon. I suppose the Amazon tidal wave creates one whirlpool, and for Porto Alegre it creates a tidal wave, another whirlpool, less powerful (diameter, height, revolutions) … The tidal wave crashes into the Amazon at a speed of about 20 kilometers per hour, the wave height is about five meters, wave width, ten kilometers. These parameters are more suitable for the tidal wave created by the whirlpool precessions. And if it was a Lunar tidal wave, then it would crash at a speed of several hundred kilometers per hour,and the width of the wave would be about a thousand kilometers … It is believed that if the depth of the ocean was 20 kilometers, then the Lunar wave would move as it should be 1600 km. hour, they say that friction on the shallow ocean interferes, and what prevents the air tidal wave from moving at a speed of 1600 km. hour … And now it crashes into the Amazon at a speed of 20 km. hour, and into the Fuchunjiang River, at a speed of 40 km. hour. Doubtful mathematics, I guess. And if the Lunar wave moves so slowly, then why in the pictures and animations the tidal hump is always directed towards the Moon. The surface of the Earth rotates relative to the Moon at a speed of about 1500 km. per hour … And if we assume that the tidal hump is always directed towards the Moon, then the wave is 0.5 meters high and 25 km wide. moving at supersonic speed would align all continents. And the movement of the tidal hump at a lower speed,it is not possible to admit it, then the hump will rotate in the direction of the Earth's rotation, regardless of the gravity of the Moon … Today there are also incomprehensible questions of the peculiarities of the tides. For example, in some places (South China Sea, Persian Gulf, Gulfs of Mexico and Siam), there is only one tide per day. In a number of regions of the Earth (for example, in the Indian Ocean) there is one or two tides a day. On the Chinese island of Xiamen, sometimes the tide begins in the early morning, sometimes in the late evening. Sometimes within several weeks the water leaves the coast towards sunset, and after a while everything changes exactly the opposite, I rely on these tricks, only a whirlpool that drifts and changes its parameters is capable of … The dominant force of the rotating whirlpool is the planetary western and eastern transport atmospheres, trade winds and monsoons. And depending on the seasonal changes in the direction of the wind, the parameters of both eddies and ebb and flow change … Sharp bends of rivers and bends of planetary ocean currents also have the properties of a gyroscope … In 1970, Soviet oceanologists reported an epochal discovery, having established that the currents represent are slowly moving vortices with a diameter of tens and hundreds of kilometers. The speed of movement of the entire vortex reaches several centimeters per second, but inside the vortex the speed of movement of water is 10 times higher. Vortices-cyclones (counterclockwise rotation) and vortices-anticyclones (clockwise rotation) were detected. The reasons for the formation of eddies in the oceans have not yet been established … The Gulf Stream often breaks up into separate jets, some jets move aside, form huge eddies,which are then completely separated from the main current … There are zones in the ocean where there are no ebb and flow (amphidromic points), although for a tidal wave, they are in a convenient zone, I believe in these zones the eddies rotate extremely slowly … But for a tsunami wave, after the earthquake in Chile, which crossed the entire Pacific Ocean at a speed of 500 km per hour, with a wave height of 0.5 meters, no amphidromic points existed.

It is believed that the maximum ebb and flow occurs in a new moon, for the reason that the Moon and the Sun exert gravity on the Earth in the same direction. But on the other hand, in a new moon the orbital speed of the Earth is maximum, and in a full moon, minimum, which prevents the formation of a hump … The distance from the Earth to the Moon is 30 Earth diameters, the approach and removal of the Moon from the Earth is 10 percent, this can be compared by taking on outstretched hands a cobblestone and a pebble, and to bring them closer and further away by 10 percent, it was possible that the gravitational field was not uniform, with such mathematics … It is believed that the tidal forces stopped the rotation of the Moon, and now it rotates synchronously. But there are more than three hundred known satellites, and why they all stopped at the same time, and where did the power go,rotating satellites … The gravitational force between the Sun and the Earth does not depend on the orbital speed of the Earth, and the centrifugal force depends on the orbital speed of the Earth, and this fact cannot be the cause of the Lunar ebb and flow … Call the ebb and flow, the phenomenon of vertical and horizontal movement of oceanic waters, not quite true, for the reason that most of the eddies do not contact the ocean coastline.

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