"Contact" In The Tent - Alternative View

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"Contact" In The Tent - Alternative View
"Contact" In The Tent - Alternative View

Video: "Contact" In The Tent - Alternative View

Video: Dark Web Mystery Box NIGHTMARE and Why I Stopped (Scary Truth) 2nd Tape 2024, October

It’s a paradox: in the early 1990s, the leading republican media would have fought for this story, but now it would not interest even a third-rate regional newspaper. And, it seemed, all of them had already been published, all the "contactees" hurried to tell about their revelations in the "blessed nineties" and they happily forgot about it. However, each rule has its own exceptions.

To begin with, the protagonist of this story never wanted to make it public and it was known only to a narrow circle of people within the same family. We learned about it from the son of the main eyewitness, who quite by accident this year happened to be with us on the same expedition to Lake Ilginya. Son - Vasily Bartlov - a famous videographer in the country. We learned from him the telephone number of his father, Leonid Bartlov, who shared with us the circumstances of that event. It happened with several completely adequate people, and its indirect witnesses were no fewer students and the wife of an eyewitness - now the head of a department at one of the institutes in Minsk.

It is not for nothing that we dwelt in such detail on the personalities of eyewitnesses, because further on we will have to intrude into a topic that most researchers did not recognize at all and considered "contactee nonsense." Or, in fact, they did not pay any attention to these stories, considering them everything, anything, but not the subject of analysis. This is understandable: such stories, for the most part, have flooded the tabloid media, the trust in which for most sane people is near zero. In this case, the author wants to immediately emphasize that he believes in the veracity of the events cited, although he cannot find an exhaustive explanation for them.

Grid and symbols

It all happened in the summer of 1993. We managed to find out this reliably, since it was in this year that Sergey Murokh, an old friend of Leonid Bartlov, flew to Minsk by plane from the USA. They went to Leonid's wife, who worked as a teacher at the art faculty and took students to practice in the Ushachsky district of the Minsk region. There was a very ordinary tourist center and, I want to emphasize this especially, there was no talk of any "anomalous zone". Everything unusual that was here - the mounds, which looked picturesque against the background of the lake. But what else do students need for inspiration, no matter how these species are?

Leonid and Sergei arrived in the evening and learned that the students were still in classes and they were offered to relax before dinner. The friends got a big tent under the apple tree, in which the cooks lived before them, but they had already "moved out". The new inhabitants of the tent very soon nodded and fell asleep. Suddenly, through his eyelids, Leonid saw a light, opened his eyes and did not believe them. The light was right on the front wall of the tent, and it grew more and more in size and turned into a kind of "screen". At first it seemed to Leonid that someone was walking with a flashlight and shining directly on their tent, but suddenly he realized that he had become "dubbed", and his hands and feet stopped obeying him. I wanted to push Sergei and ask: "Sergei, what is there, who is shining there?" And it turned out something like: "Eu-eu-eu". Sergei also mumbled something in response.

Suddenly, a kind of "grid" with a cell of about 2 by 2 cm appeared on the covering of the tent. It looked like it was woven from a tungsten thread, but whether it was luminous or not is no longer preserved in memory. The "grid" separated from the tent wall and began to move towards the paralyzed eyewitness, and then, against the background of the "screen", some symbols began to appear. Moreover, the grid, after its appearance, passed through the body of the stunned Leonid, who called it a kind of "scanning". When the mesh passed through the body, he noticed some slight tingling, like acupuncture. The rows of symbols alternated with the new appearance of the "grid":

Promotional video:

Leonid Bartlov: I explain what I felt: the symbol, the grid passed; symbol - the grid has passed. [Symbol, one?] Their group. [The symbol appeared, went the grid?] Then there were whole chains, rulers, do you understand? One, and then their group goes, two. This is how we look at this one when we test our eyesight. One, and then once - a group …

Reconstruction of the incident. Drawing by Vladimir Kukolnikov
Reconstruction of the incident. Drawing by Vladimir Kukolnikov

Reconstruction of the incident. Drawing by Vladimir Kukolnikov.

These symbols were "like the Japanese alphabet", against the background of a white screen, against the backdrop, they seemed black. The eyewitness roughly remembered some of these icons and even drew some of them, but after so many years, of course, it is impossible to demand any complete correspondence. At that moment, some of the symbols were understandable, but after that I could not remember anything. Consciousness was clear, but for some time there was complete immobility. Then suddenly everything disappeared - the "screen", the symbols and the grid. However, the consequences of the "contact" made themselves felt almost instantly. Leonid found speech and began to push Sergei aside.

Leonid Bartlov: I say: " Seryoga, Seryoga !" And then I feel like I'm starting to feel bad. I'm starting to feel nauseous. I think: what is the reason? Well, there are purely human reasons. And the toilet was there … behind the body. I run there: I vomited. Seriously so. I come and say: "Seryoga, how are you feeling?" He says: “Oh, it's kind of dreary. I do not know. Burn. Give…". Just lay down, me again. This is how I once … Many times, well, ten, fifteen times, I went, I felt bad. I was shaking, I became wet. I came to them, I said: “Valya, what happened? How could I have been poisoned? We didn't eat or drink anything. " And I began to tell her. And then I still remembered some of these hieroglyphs. I began to explain, I say, look … They look at me so incomprehensibly. And me then half a day, as if I was irradiated. You see - well, there was nausea, I walked and ran at night!

Sergey felt bad too, but not like Leonid - he vomited only a few times right next to the apple tree. The nausea was very strong, literally in a few minutes another attack came up. Already in the morning it became clear: the cooks who slept in this tent last night also complained that they became ill and left the camp. Of course, no one else moved into this tent - they were afraid.

Symbols that Leonidas managed to remember
Symbols that Leonidas managed to remember

Symbols that Leonidas managed to remember.

In addition to Sergei, we talked in detail with his wife - Valentina Petrovna - who also told us about that trip. The incident itself, as well as its consequences, occurred at night, she did not see them, as she spent the night in a dormitory. However, she perfectly remembers the state of her husband in the morning. At the same time, no one else in the camp experienced such a state.

Leonid's wife also spoke about a curious incident that happened the next day. Among those who came to practice was one very talented student - Ekaterina Bykova, who loved to retire and paint beautiful landscapes. She left in the morning and no one knew where she was. In the afternoon, the student opened her album and, according to Valentina Petrovna, there were some symbols. When Leonidas saw the painted hieroglyphs, he confirmed that many of them coincided with those that he saw in the tent. When they began to ask the girl what she had drawn, she said that she had sketched what she had seen in a dream that night. Unfortunately, now the traces of the girl are lost, since in her fourth year she was invited to a dance group abroad. We could not find it to somehow confirm or deny this story.

UFO over a military unit

As often happens with people faced with anomalous phenomena, this event was not the only one. Moreover, the first incident that happened in Leonid's life can be called somewhat significant, because it happened while he served in military unit No. 92926 (not far from the village of Starye Bateki, Smolensk region, RF). In 1968, Leonid served in the radar troops and one day the entire unit was alerted, as the pilots reported that they were visually observing a certain flying object not far from the unit. However, there was nothing on the radar screens at that moment …

The second story took place in 1975. Together with his wife, Valentina Petrovna, at that moment they were in Dokshitsy (Vitebsk region) in a house on Mayakovsky Street, 19. At about 11 pm, the wife's brother called them to the window. There was a point in the sky, which became more and more in size, then several points began to emanate from this point, then rays began to descend. The rays went in all directions, and the point itself seemed to pulsate. This went on for a long time, and then the object "curled up" and disappeared.

We are waiting for you in the evening at the screens

Have there been similar incidents in the world ufological practice? We were able to find only a few, some of which are of dubious reliability. Most often they were tied to the "anomalous zones" popular in the 80s - early 90s - Perm and Gissar, and nowadays - to Riga. As already emphasized, for a number of reasons, these publications were considered gross exaggeration or outright falsification by journalists. So, P. Mukhortov in the article “M's Triangle or Strangers Don't Go Here …”, published in the newspaper “Soviet Youth” in 1989, spoke about his trip to the “Perm Triangle”. In an allegorical form, he mentions that some of the expedition members were shown some kind of "films" in the tent, and some details coincided with what Leonid described to us. Pavel Mukhortov writes that communication was "telepathic",but after it “the body aches, the head hurts (although after that there is nothing left but pleasant fatigue),” no other negative symptoms are mentioned. Then he continues: “For example, you are a layman in physics, but you can ask a solution to any problem, no matter how difficult. And you will write it down on paper in symbols, the existence of which you did not even suspect - and the decision will turn out to be correct! " According to the journalist, sometimes “they” (the creatures of the zone) walked, flew in the form of squares and triangles, shook hands (while he felt warmth in his palm), passed through a person (there was a flash in his eyes). And even further “Their ship flew up. I thought I saw him alone. And the next morning, the artists drew exactly the same from the words of another member of the expedition. " This strongly resembles the story with the drawings by Katya Bykova, but, in general, it looks rather dubious.

Photo of one of the members of the "Molebka-1989" expedition
Photo of one of the members of the "Molebka-1989" expedition

Photo of one of the members of the "Molebka-1989" expedition.

Another mention of the "movie show in the tent" appeared in 2002 in the UFO newspaper, authored by Yuri Zolotov. It describes the story of one Petersburger - Igor Sh., Who, together with two friends, went to the Perm anomalous zone in the fall of 1995, already having information about such "film shows". Then we read, “and then one evening, when we went to bed, I noticed with peripheral vision that one of the walls of the tent began to glow with a faint light. At first I thought: maybe a car drove up outside and it was her headlights? But, firstly, the place of our parking was surrounded by a dense forest, hardly anyone managed to get there by car, and besides, we did not hear the engine noise. Dead silence reigned behind the walls of the tent, even the wind died down. Fearing to frighten off luck, Sergei silently nudged Oleg lying next to him with his elbow. He looked displeased at his comrade,wanted to say something, but he froze with his mouth open: on the illuminated wall of the tent, various geometric shapes, triangles, circles, trapezoids began to flash and fade … They were all black and white and replaced each other quite quickly. Soon, all three friends were watching the incredible "movie" in fascination. The flickering of the figures grew faster and slower. The impression was that someone was offering people who stopped in the zone a test, with which they, apparently, did not cope. In any case, the invisible "projectionist" interrupted the "session" a few minutes later, and the fabric of the tent darkened again. It seemed that someone, dissatisfied with the way the experiment was proceeding, decided to stop it.trapezoids … They were all black and white and quickly replaced each other. Soon, all three friends were watching the incredible "movie" in fascination. The flickering of the figures grew faster and slower. The impression was that someone was offering people who stopped in the zone a test with which they, apparently, did not cope. In any case, the invisible "projectionist" interrupted the "session" a few minutes later, and the fabric of the tent darkened again. It seemed that someone, dissatisfied with the way the experiment was proceeding, decided to stop it.trapeziums … They were all black and white and replaced each other quite quickly. Soon, all three friends were watching the incredible "movie" in fascination. The flickering of the figures grew faster and slower. The impression was that someone was offering people who stopped in the zone a test with which they, apparently, did not cope. In any case, the invisible "projectionist" interrupted the "session" a few minutes later, and the fabric of the tent darkened again. It seemed that someone, dissatisfied with the way the experiment was proceeding, decided to stop it. In any case, the invisible "projectionist" interrupted the "session" a few minutes later, and the fabric of the tent darkened again. It seemed that someone, dissatisfied with the way the experiment was proceeding, decided to stop it. In any case, the invisible "projectionist" interrupted the "session" a few minutes later, and the fabric of the tent darkened again. It seemed that someone, dissatisfied with the way the experiment was proceeding, decided to stop it.

In the latter case, the beginning of the story almost completely duplicates the one that happened to Leonidas, but there are no such details as "paralysis" and subsequent poor health. And it should be borne in mind that its first publication was in a source with a dubious reputation.

Similar messages are associated with the Gissar anomalous zone (Pamir-Altai region). We got our hands on a previously unpublished transcript of a conversation with Oleg Konstantinovich Rumyantsev, head of the narcological department of the Psychoneurological Hospital in Kohtla-Järve, ECCP, dated September 6, 1982 (document from the personal archive of Murad Alievich Mamedov). The conversation was conducted by: V. B. Vilinbakhov, M. A. Mamedov. Present: V. N. Vilinbakhova, T. Rumyantseva.

“In 1981 I was offered to take part in an expedition to the Pamirs. The leader of the expedition was former mountaineer Igor Frantsevich Tatzl … The leader of the expedition himself says … At night he suddenly woke up with a feeling of such peace, and he did not want to sleep at all, as if he had had enough sleep. His neighbor the climber was sleeping. On the opposite wall of the tent, it lit up and he saw a picture. He began to wake up the neighbor, but he did not wake up, only muttered something in his sleep. The wall of the tent lit up with such an orange light. Then a picture appeared on it. She depicted the azure sky, the sea, a huge rock, a road, smooth - as if asphalted. The road led to a tall, rounded building. There is a round dome on top of the building. Like an oriental building. It's hard to say what it was … A wide staircase ran from this building, which immediately descended into the sea. Then they showed the interior. There are frozen figures of men in dark tight-fitting suits and women in dresses like sundresses, fair-haired. Then these figures moved and, allegedly, he began to take part … Someone approached him … handed him some kind of musical instrument, oriental type … He had to do something with it. Then everything disappeared … He felt himself - he was not sleeping ….

The most recent case we have discovered happened in the so-called Riga anomalous zone about 10 years ago. This time, the well-known Latvian researcher Vlad Gushcha and his colleague Raivis faced the incomprehensible. They spent the night near the lake, next to which various strange incidents took place - either a ball flew out of the water, which they managed to shoot on film, then a strange rumble came from the depths, and in winter mysterious tubes of ice appeared on its surface … Here is what V. Gushcha said: “Already in the evening I felt rather ill. While I was tossing and turning, I noticed that light was falling on the tent from somewhere. There was no moon that day, the place was dark … While I was looking at the spot, trying to figure out where it was shining from, the "cartoons" started. I saw patches of light, like clumps, that periodically had corners and streaks. At the same time, they resembled some kind of complex polyhedra,which rotated towards the source of light, giving the play of shadows in the form of some symbols. " With Raivis, as it turned out, something similar happened, only "his" images resembled a children's applique made of unevenly cut strips of paper. In the morning, both had severe weakness, drowsiness, nausea, breathing problems were observed …

The same tent against the backdrop of a mysterious lake. Photo by Vlad Gushcha
The same tent against the backdrop of a mysterious lake. Photo by Vlad Gushcha

The same tent against the backdrop of a mysterious lake. Photo by Vlad Gushcha.

Semantic hallucinations

What do we end up with? It is difficult for us to suspect Leonid of some kind of deliberate deception, because we met with him quite by accident, and the story has been known in this family for a long time (Leonid's son, Vasily, heard it in childhood). Maybe a clue in the very place where the tent was set up, for example, there could be an increased dose of radiation, a former warehouse of any plant protection products, poisonous plants, spilled mercury or something that caused hallucinations and deterioration of health everyone who was inside. There is even a special type of hallucinations, the so-called symbolic - visions of letters, words, numbers, less often - other symbols. Known visual verbal hallucinations Segl - visions of graphemes (letters, syllables, words, phrases). Those who are subject to visual hallucinations see deceptions, such as dots, stars, spots, flies, balls, stripes, which are not formed into certain object images and do not have any meaning for patients in the field of vision or at a short distance (up to 2-3 m), rings, circles, straight, curved or wavy lines, spirals, flashes of light or some color, smoke, fog …

What all the above messages have in common is that they happened when people were sleeping, and there is always someone else in the tent nearby, and if he is woken up, he can also see these "pictures". Symbols or pictures are shown for a short time and then disappear without a trace.

In the case of Vlad Gushcha, it was possible to establish that the marsh rosemary was growing not far from the resting place - a poisonous plant, when inhaling the aroma of which a person can experience painful symptoms, including a temporary suppression of the motor functions of the body. The researchers decided that this plant was to blame. The assumption is reasonable, although all of the above symptoms, and even more so the same "collective hallucinations" do not yet fit into the Procrustean bed of only one version. A strong deterioration in well-being here occurred only in a few cases and is not always mentioned.

At the same time, Leonid, like any layman, and even more so a person who has encountered UFOs several times, could be interested in this problem and read Mukhortov's article, which came out several years before that memorable trip to the sports camp. However, the place in which they were located was in no way connected with anomalous phenomena, and, therefore, it was unlikely that it was conducive to some kind of deliberate fantasy.

However, with a fair amount of admission, it can be assumed that some "anomalies" were here nevertheless, they were simply well "conspiratorial" and in the 1990s were not identified and replicated in the newspapers here. After all, it is quite obvious that part of the hype to Molebka is precisely the numerous publications, which in our case did not exist at all. To test our assumptions, in mid-October 2017, we visited the vicinity of the village where these events took place and interviewed local residents, as well as the current owner of the agriturismo, standing on the very spot where the student camp and Leonid's tent were located in 1993. Alas, no one told us about any oddities or anomalies, but there are almost no old residents left in these places. Ledum does not grow in this place now, although it is found in the local forests, mainlyin flooded or swampy areas.

The beginning of the 1990s in Belarus was rich in various anomalous events related to UFO sightings, about which we have already collected enough facts, but the appearance of a "screen" in a tent here really, even against the background of numerous flights of luminous balls, looks somewhat isolated. If it was not a hallucination due to poisoning, maybe this is just a phenomenon that the researchers missed, and took place in other places? How massive was it and will it ever be repeated? We leave these questions open for now.

Ilya Butov
