UFO. Pilot Certificate V. I. Akkuratov - Alternative View

UFO. Pilot Certificate V. I. Akkuratov - Alternative View
UFO. Pilot Certificate V. I. Akkuratov - Alternative View

Video: UFO. Pilot Certificate V. I. Akkuratov - Alternative View

Video: UFO. Pilot Certificate V. I. Akkuratov - Alternative View
Video: Former Air Force Pilot Breaks Down UFO Footage | WIRED 2024, October

When information is collected about the appearance of a UFO, the credibility of eyewitnesses is of primary importance.

Pilot Valentin Ivanovich Akkuratov was one of such authoritative witnesses. He delivered twelve expeditions to the drifting ice, including the famous Papanin one, made the first night flight to the North Pole, and there was never the slightest reason to question his testimony. Such an experienced pilot would never mistake a UFO for the Moon, Venus, or a balloon.

For the first time Akkuratov saw a flying saucer in 1950 in the sky near Nizhniy Kresty in Kolyma.

In those days, the Americans often launched all kinds of balloons, but in this case, the pilot clearly saw the silvery-pearl disk, visually smaller than the Moon. And this disc in no way resembled a balloon. In addition, balloons, no matter how cunning and spy they are, are carried away by the wind. Swam - and he is no more. And the disk appeared in the sky for three nights in a row. Therefore, Akkuratov received an order to approach the UFO on a Catalina plane.

The pilot climbed to an altitude of seven thousand meters, which was the limit for the Catalina, but the flying saucer was even higher and continued to calmly drift from east to west. Then she increased her speed and after a while disappeared from sight. It was not possible to catch up.

The second incident happened to Akkuratov six years later, in 1956, when he made ice reconnaissance off the coast of Greenland on a TU-4 plane.

The plane emerged from the clouds, and the pilot was amazed to find that a "silver-pearl lenticular object with wave-like pulsating edges" was flying in a parallel course. The pilot at first thought that the "lentils" were some kind of secret aircraft of the Americans, and decided not to approach, out of harm's way again went into the clouds. But after forty minutes the cloudiness ended, and it turned out that the "lentils" continued to fly to the left along the side.

I had to contact the base and report an unusual phenomenon. The base responded in the spirit that ice reconnaissance would wait, considering the new American aircraft is much more important, so go for a rapprochement. Akkuratov obeyed the order, changed course and flew to the "lentils". Details became visible. Rather, the absence of such. No wings, no propellers, no other aircraft-specific structural elements.

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Usually, in such situations, UFOs do not want to be viewed from close range. But that time the "lentils" posed for about fifteen minutes. Then she overtook the plane, picked up a speed that was absolutely impossible for the technology of those years and flew away.