Sentient Beings In The Universe - Alternative View

Sentient Beings In The Universe - Alternative View
Sentient Beings In The Universe - Alternative View

Video: Sentient Beings In The Universe - Alternative View

Video: Sentient Beings In The Universe - Alternative View
Video: What exactly are sentient beings? 2024, October

Who else doubts the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, aliens, or generally rejects in every possible way any information of this kind, considering it "nonsense" and fiction?

More and more people are realizing that people in the universe are not the only living beings who know how to think consciously. An understanding comes, yeah, because we are not alone, there is still a colossal number of humanoid races (humanoid) in the universe, and in fact it is wonderful in its own way that there are a huge number of other divine essences. At the same time, interest in alternative topics is growing - where did we come from, who am I, what am I, and in general, why am I? In other words, people are becoming more and more interested in spiritual topics and self-development.

However, despite such depressurization and the ongoing processes, still a fairly large number of people do not want to admit such facts, of which there are already countless numbers that have accumulated in the public domain, and are being added every day. Many have seen UFOs, some of which belong to people, others to brothers in mind, have seen phenomena that are abnormal from the point of view of the materialistic world. And, in spite of all this, the question “believe, or not believe?” Still stands when everything is already obvious. Need to know!

Over the past decades, more and more information about UFOs, aliens, extraterrestrial intelligences has gradually begun to appear. But, everything has its time. In the last century, initially, the world government, through states, managed to maintain control by gagging, because references had just begun to seep, there were not many people, the method was producing results. But the evidence became more and more, then they began to use a different method - to give both the truth and question it, thereby instilling skepticism about such topics. They began to divert in the direction of hallucinations, explanations of what he saw from a materialistic position, which, as a rule, had nothing to do with reality, led the consciousness of people in the direction of fantasy and invention, they say, they are all lying. Now humanity is entering a new level,when only official recognition can help - yes, we are not alone, and under our control, release real and sometimes distorted facts to the masses in order to maintain control.

Therefore, those who did not believe or doubted, subconsciously awaiting official confirmation, can now at least accept for themselves the already obvious fact - we are not alone! To recognize, albeit not directly at first, but, nevertheless, officially, different countries begin. In Britain, the Department of Defense has created a special website with declassified documents about UFO sightings and evidence. The gov prefix is (Goverment) official government organizations, that is, the address speaks for itself. And Britain is not one country, for sure, if you look, then similar resources have already been created in some other countries, or will be opened in the near future.

In addition, in December 2010, WikiLeaks announced to declassify documents about UFOs. So, soon they will give an order, yes, they will order it, and the documents will be released in the right volume, in the right form, at the right time. WikiLeaks is their controlled service.

Let's pay attention to the cinema. How many films about UFOs, aliens, extraterrestrial intelligences, and in particular about the invasion of aliens, have been filmed over the past decade? Very, very much. The most interesting thing is that many of the films have impressive budgets, but they do not pay even a small fraction of the costs. But film after film they come out and come out, come out and come out. What can this talk about? For example, it may well be that someone really needs to actively support the topic among the masses, in order to prepare people's minds for some event with already established patterns of behavior. And this is just one of the options.

Yes, they recognize the existence of UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, aliens that are close by, by the way, close here, so the invasion is one of the possible performances that they can organize for their own purposes in the future. But there are also alternative variations. It is recommended to watch a 10-minute video from the series "Alaye - Epistle from the Pleiades 9th part", which just tells about another scenario.

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By the way, this series "Alaye - Message from the Pleiades" is one of the few sources among different messages, where mostly only worthwhile information is concentrated, and not different husks and nonsense, so you can familiarize yourself with the entire series of 10 videos for 10 minutes. or an analogue in a text version. Of course, you should not forget about sanity when studying.

Here are some possible options for the development of events from the dark side, related to the topic of aliens. But the future on our planet is not predetermined, it constantly changes, both on an individual and on a general level, depending on each person. All our thoughts, actions, feelings have an impact on what is happening and will happen, therefore, since this information about some of their plans has leaked out into the light, we need to make sure that as many people as possible learn about it, draw conclusions and act in accordance with them, and this is only why their plans may not be realized. Maybe some alternative ones are involved, for which you also need to be ready. Therefore, it is necessary to distribute such information, share it with other entities.

As small conclusions we can say. There will be no salvation on dark plates from global cataclysms or other destructive phenomena created by them (see the message from Alaye) - either into slavery, or for experiments, or for food. And in general, why do you need to save yourself on foreign ships? And why do you need to fly somewhere from your planet? We must look for other ways out, and act on our own, and not rely on the help of others.

Most of the townsfolk will soon cease to doubt the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations (both good and bad), aliens that are on our planet, UFOs, since part of the truth is recognized at the official level.

But since the release of factual information is for the most part controlled, and there may well be intentional distortions and suppression of the most interesting, it must be said that the very recognition of the fact of their existence is enough to begin with. And it is better to start cognition not so much from other civilizations and unidentified means of transportation, but from oneself, to start precisely from cognition of oneself, one's inner world, to embark on the path of self-improvement. And the necessary basis of knowledge on the topic of extraterrestrial civilizations and UFOs is itself formed in the process of your spiritual development in the required volume. That is, it is better to develop multifaceted, from all sides, and improve from the esoteric side, and then explore the outside world in areas of interest.